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Any Thoughts on the Flash Mob Crime Wave?

Guest midnitelamp

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Guest midnitelamp

maybe this should be a sticky.

street fair disrupted in cleveland,oh. all the people under arrest on video were black,as were most of the people in the picture. 50 police respond. most telling,a shell shocked merchant said all these kids showed up at the same time.

no pictures but a mob breaks a womans leg in philly.

the brawl at the wash. dc. carribean festival was black on black.

not to mention our own wave pool in nashville that drew around 50 officer or the water park riot in bessemer al.

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I think the race of the mob is the last thing that matters in this whole issue. The real thing that needs to be made aware is that this is becoming a trend in many places because of its overwhelming success and lowered risk of getting caught. This is why I carry a gun and backup ammo. You never know when this could happen. The very idea of a flash mob is to look incunspicuous until the moment of riot, and all hell breaks loose. It would be very hard to tell who are the aggressors and who are the inoccent. THis thread would be much more usefull discussing pratical things to do if caught in a flash mob. Ways to protect yourselves and family, ways to escape, etc

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Guest possumbarnes
Hispanics are conspicuously absent..............

Hispanics are lumped in with Caucasions now. I just filled out my application for my gun permit about 3 hours ago and it had in parenthesis by Caucasian in the list of races that if you are Hispanic to check Caucasian.

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Guest possumbarnes
I think the race of the mob is the last thing that matters in this whole issue. The real thing that needs to be made aware is that this is becoming a trend in many places because of its overwhelming success and lowered risk of getting caught. This is why I carry a gun and backup ammo. You never know when this could happen. The very idea of a flash mob is to look incunspicuous until the moment of riot, and all hell breaks loose. It would be very hard to tell who are the aggressors and who are the inoccent. THis thread would be much more usefull discussing pratical things to do if caught in a flash mob. Ways to protect yourselves and family, ways to escape, etc

If I were to get caught in a mob situation like this, all I can picture myself doing is trying to work my way thru the mob to get out of it. If it didn't look like that was possible, or if I was out with my family, I'd find a solid corner of at least 2 connecting wall, put my family behind me, pull my gun and stay at the ready, warning people away until the mob passed. If they did not heed my verbal warnings and I feared for my life or my family, bang-bang and deal with the consequences later. I know cornering yourself might not be the best option, but depending on the mob scene, I would think that would be the safest way to handle it. Any other thoughts?

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I am afraid that there is a move afoot to get someone to react to a perceived threat with gun fire, then we have DOJ with tools for suggesting the President sign another Executive Order which would attempt to limit the Right to keep and bear arms.

None of this bodes well.

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If I were to get caught in a mob situation like this, all I can picture myself doing is trying to work my way thru the mob to get out of it. If it didn't look like that was possible, or if I was out with my family, I'd find a solid corner of at least 2 connecting wall, put my family behind me, pull my gun and stay at the ready, warning people away until the mob passed. If they did not heed my verbal warnings and I feared for my life or my family, bang-bang and deal with the consequences later. I know cornering yourself might not be the best option, but depending on the mob scene, I would think that would be the safest way to handle it. Any other thoughts?

My thoughts were similar.

1) nearest escape route, evacuate as quick as possible

2) find a good defensable position where I can quickly discern threats coming at me from people just running in panic

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Ya know, I have never understood why some people become so defensive when it comes to race. If I make a statement that most of the flash mobs I have read about or have seen on the news have been perpetrated by black teenagers/young adults, that in no way signifies that I think that most black teenagers are hoodlums. The same thing can be said about the disproportionate racial demographics within our prison systems.

I don't know how you guys feel, but I get tired of all the pc crap from the media, politicians, and others that when you cite some statistics that put a minority in an unfavorable light, you get branded as a racist or there is an undertone of racism just by pointing it out.

I could be taking all of this wrong, and I apologize if I am, but I see and hear so much of this type of nonsense in the media that it has become incredibly frustrating that one's motives are questioned by stating a fact that has been backed up statistically.

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Mav I agree. it makes it difficult to rationally discuss issues that affect different groups independently of one another.

As for everyone else, that is the fear I have is someone being painted as over reacting to a mass of people trying to do them harm.

There have been a couple of places where officers faced similar situations and shot an assailant, and was charged in at least one instant. I think one happened on a campus in California, but I may be wrong.

In short, there is no right answer and it's a scary scenario for law enforcement, merchants, and citizens. Where are the parents at? My folks would have beat me senseless over participating in such nonsense.

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Guest midnitelamp
I wonder if these are the same types of mobs that were in Chicago in 1968...you know...the ones that were infiltrated by government agitators?

only if obama has a czar of thugs.

news says cops are calling these crimes Flash Robs to differ from Flash Mobs. Flash Mobs a type of entertainment I guess will disappear.

Flash Mobs are to Flash Robs as Will Smith is to gangsta rap.

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Guest GunTroll

I saw something on this last night on the O'Reilly show. What a lack of respect for fellow man, societies rules, and authority. Where are the parents? I guess if they are black at least one may be in jail right :shrug: ? I didn't see many Hispanic/White-Caucasian or whatever I am these days in any of the file video. Looks horrible. Those kids have no idea what they are doing to their lives.

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Guest midnitelamp

bajabuc,after further review you may be on to something.

on chicagos nbc site,witnesses who called 911 because of attacks and other discord,says the citys [read rahm] reason for closing the beach was to all the heat injuries.

posters say this is common in chicago,to mask the reality of the situation.

others say this is indeed a plot by rahm and the left.

i would think the last thing obama needs is widespread violent racial discord,and it seems unlikely that the populace would be in a mood to disarm when confronted with such a threat.

the thugs won't listen to rahm or obama any more than they listened to their mothers,teachers,or anyone else, I would'nt think.

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Guest midnitelamp

looks like drudge has reloaded on this subject,no surprise after a long week-end. the Milwaukee story has lots of comments.

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I thought of this flash mob.

I saw the coverage of this on the news a while back. Personally, I can't classify something as a 'flash mob' when you call the local news stations, have police block off (at least part of) the street, and people are being interviewed before the event. No one was surprised when this occurred - everyone there knew about it.

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