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Looking for good gunsmith in Memphis

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I have a couple of long guns that were in a house fire, (they were not buned). They were in a closet in a room the fire did not actually reach but were exposed heavily to smoke. I have been told that the chemicals and other stuff in smoke can create acids that can damage a gun.

I also have a hand gun that need some attention, (doesn't like to fully eject the spent round).

Would like to hear from anybody who can reccomend a reputable gunsmith in the Memphis area that can address the issues involved with exposure to smoke and look at the pistol.

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+1 for Mason. I have only had him do sights for a couple of pistols, but each time I am in the store someone comes in to see him and he always has a can do attitude and seems eager to help.

I have had work done on some internal parts at another store and the guy behaved like he could care less about me, my guns or my business. Classic Arms is fast becoming my favorite local store. Everyone there is very helpful.

Edited by LINKS2K
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+1 for Mason. I have only had him do sights for a couple of pistols, but each time I am in the store someone comes in to see him and he always has a can do attitude and seems eager to help.

I have had work done on some internal parts at another store and the guy behaved like he could care less about me, my guns or my business. Classic Arms is fast becoming my favorite local store. Everyone there is very helpful.

Definitely are especially if they can get you to drive 4.5 hours for a gun LOL

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