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.22's are Fun!!

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Here are my Ruger 22's the kids and I shoot. We have a ball shooting cans, clay birds, really anything we can find.:D

Top - MKII Target with Tactical Solutions barrel and GemTec surpressor

Middle - MKIII Target

Bottom - 22/45 MKII


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  KahrMan said:
Here are my Ruger 22's the kids and I shoot. We have a ball shooting cans, clay birds, really anything we can find.:D

Top - MKII Target with Tactical Solutions barrel and GemTec surpressor

Middle - MKIII Target

Bottom - 22/45 MKII


Show-off. :D

But most 22s are fun. I love my Buckmark.

Guest EasilyObsessed

You keep posting things like that suppressed MKII up at the top...and my wallet is going to be in a world of trouble. AWESOME lookin' gun! Ive been looking at 22 suppressors the last couple weeks and Im thinking that might be a perfect way to spend that $600 "economic stimulus" money.


I've got the 22/45 with the 5-1/2" barrel. I love it! It's really accurate, and the ammo is waaay cheaper than anything else you can shoot. I bring it along anytime I go to the range. It makes my range time a lot longer. We usually take turns alternating between the bigger guns and this .22.

However, it is a beast to take apart. I heard horror stories about how difficult it was. I thought to myself, I'm a reasonably smart guy, I can read and follow the directions. Well either I'm not as smart as I thought (very likely) or the instructions are very difficult to follow. They go something like pull cation back, remove magazine, Pull lever, pull triger, insert magazine, pull trigger, remove magazine, turn screw, insert magazine, puull lever, remove magazine, pull action, remove doohickey, insert magazine, and on and on and on. I couldn't remember where I was in the instructions.

From now on, I'm going to clean as much as I can through the ejection port and end of barrel. I'll take it apart once a year or so for a thorough cleaning.


I hear ya Analog kidd about reassembling these guys. Pretty easy to get apart but can be a real pain sometimes to get them back together.

I usually lock the bolt back, remove the magazine and use a strong aerosal(sp) like Break Free or Gunscrubber and blast as much gunk out as I can. Then a couple drops of oil and I am done. I usually will not disassemble unless I am having malfunctions or accuracy drops off.

  EasilyObsessed said:
You keep posting things like that suppressed MKII up at the top...and my wallet is going to be in a world of trouble. AWESOME lookin' gun! Ive been looking at 22 suppressors the last couple weeks and Im thinking that might be a perfect way to spend that $600 "economic stimulus" money.

There are "field expedient" suppressed 22s also. Just a matter of your desire for propriety versus legality.

Guest gcrookston
Posted (edited)

I've always liked .22's and carry one with me to the range just about every time I shoot handguns as part of my training process. I currently have 4 handguns and 2 rifles in the calibre (if you count my HK93 .22 subcal unit, I guess I have 3).

They are:

Ruger MarkIII

Hammerli/Sig Trailside Target

S&W K22

S&W Mod.41

Ruger 10-22 Carbine

Ruger 10-22 Heavy barrel

HK .22 subcalibre unit

I've also owned a couple of Marlin 39a rifles over the years and consider them the best of the best. I've also owned a Sig Mosquito and a Walther P22, which I consider the worst of the worst

Edited by gcrookston

I thought a .22 was mandatory for all gun owners.

I have three of them between rifles and pistols and looking to add another pistol.

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest CJRogue
  Mike.357 said:
I thought a .22 was mandatory for all gun owners.

I have three of them between rifles and pistols and looking to add another pistol.

I was thinking that too and, since you confirmed for me that it's not just my own belief, I-MA run right out and rectify myself and my collection!:up:

Guest HogMan

Real nice set, I use to have A Mark II. Wish I still had it.


Hey Mike, I've got a Ruger (original recipe) I'll sell ya. And/or a Buckmark. The Browning was Sue's first pistol, but after I came home with a woodsman she doesn't want it anymore. Has maybe 1 box through it.


I think about that Buckmark from time to time Mark. I should have figured some way to make it happen while you were still in TN.

The Ruger I was trying to add was a POS a guy at work had, I offered him $75 for it and he got mad, lol. It has issues with action of the revolver and rust. It cocks easily is you hold it sideways when you pull the hammer, but holding it normally the hammer does not work without a hard fast manner of pulling the hammer back. Some idiot crudely carved an initial in each side of the grip and covered over the grip with lacquer of some such chemical. Gun is not in good shape. But like I said he got mad at my offer, so thats the end of that.

Guest mikedwood

Nice collection. The Ruger .22's are so nice.

I love my Mark III. $7.70 for 100 rounds of the CCI at Wal-thing. I really want to find a scope for it cause it shoots well farther than I can see the target.

It is a beast to take apart though. I have the hang of it now, but I have to look at a set of instructions I got off the Internet that made it possible for me. The Ruger instruction manual might as wel;l have been written in Chinese for all the help it was in figuring out how to put the gun back together.

You have to point it up, insert empty magazine and pull the trigger then point it down and finish putting the bolt in and clamp down. Do it wrong and start all over.

Here is the link for the instructions that worked for me.


Guest gunslinger707
Posted (edited)

Don't own a .22 why thass downright SACRELIGOUS!!!!!!{SP} 3 Rifle's 2 Pistol's 1 Revolver here ! lol

Edited by gunslinger707
to correct spelling

Mike, I may - again, may - be home for a couple of weeks in July or August. Will take payments or trades, I have really no use for another 22 pistol. Lets' see, the Medallist, the Woodsman, the Ruger, the Buckmark, another buckmark (silhouette), an ancient 4 barrel derringer in 22 short...... Now, one I would LIKE to have is the old Llama 22 (looked like a miniature 1911). The same gun was made in .32 acp and .380. I have the .32 version and it shoots straight.

That, a Colt WWI repro, and a C96 are about all that are left on my 'want' list. Well, and any 1911 needing a good home. Fortunately for my financial health, everything that pops up on the 'for sale' forum starts with "Customised". It took me 3 pistols and 10 years to figure out that JMB was a better gunsmith than I'll ever be. Original recipe is the way to go!


Mark when and if you get home this summer I hope it is possible for us all to get together.

Will the Ruger shoot regular 22LR's? Or is it one that needs ammo that is not high velocity? I like the Buckmark but I am a big fan of Ruger handguns.


The ruger is fine with hi-vel ammo. The only real issue is that the original mag holds only 9 rounds, but new ruger mags will work and hold 10.

All of them will function with hi-vel, but it does (to some extent) accelerate wear. Also, hey, Green Tag is more accurate.


i bought my two boys each there own .22s we go out and shoot them all the time it is the best fun i could have for $5.00

Guest titanwolf
  KahrMan said:
Can't beat fun and cheap. Kinda like me on a date:D:D

so you date once or twice a year :D

thanks for the info, more women for me


I don't date anymore. Shoot, I have been married so long I don't even look both ways when I cross the road. :D

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