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Attitude adjustment

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After the last couple of days I have realized that I have been very short tempered and heavy handed when dealing with some of the members over the last few months. I have been a little hypocritical when holding members to the CoC while not adhering to it 100% myself. I want to let the users know that I will be making a concentrated effort to maintain a better demeanor and disposition in the future. I want to apologize to several of you for my behavior and let you know that I hold no ill will.

Mike.357, Erik88, Capbyrd, GGP2JZ, KB4NS, Bajabuc, and as of last night, Garufa, specifically I have been spiteful towards. I am sure I have missed a few but again I apologize.

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So as long as everything is in the past, Garufa is back from his vacation and we are allowed to thread dig, then I'm good. I can't speak for any of the other guys but I'm personally done with this mess.

I can let things go pretty quickly.

And for the record, the other site, that you hate so much is definitely not competition for TGO. And I don't think we ever had thoughts of it being that way. Its just a much more laid back place for us to always be whatever. I know you are a member so make a post or two. I promise we won't ban you.

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Guest pfries

I am glad to see that the people choosen as moderators here are well deserving of the position.

Even though I was not involved I apreciate your standing up and addmitting a short coming. It instills a faith in the comunity/forum.

With respect


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Daniel, I appreciate your acceptance of being "ill-willed" twards certain members. I'm sure it was a humbling experiance. This is a great place to gain knowledge and socialize with fellow friends.

Your public apology is accepted and appreciated.

Thank you.

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Guest db99wj
Thanks Daniel.

Completely unrelated, but HE'S ALIVE!!! Jamie makes an appearance, and now KB...scary stuff.

Anywho, I wasn't part of the deal, but it takes a big man to do what you did Daniel, kudo's to you.

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Wow... very cool thing to do. And just so everyone knows, Daniel did this 100% on his own. I was floored to see this in the list of new threads. I've been so busy with transitioning to a new job lately that I have spent very, very little time here.

Awesome stuff. :)

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Guest bkelm18
I am glad to see that the people chosen as moderators here are well deserving of the position.


Well, that's extremely debatable at times with a couple, but luckily it seems one of them has turned a leaf. It is appreciated.

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  • Administrator
Well, that's extremely debatable at times with a couple, but luckily it seems one of them has turned a leaf. It is appreciated.

Let's try to focus on the positives and not dwell so much on the negatives. Comments like this hurt more than they help.

Being a moderator is a very thankless job and one that tends to burn people out, especially when they are met with a lot of animosity from certain people over and over again. I don't know that you would fare any better than Daniel has in that position. It's very easy to take comments like yours very personal sometimes.

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Guest bkelm18
Let's try to focus on the positives and not dwell so much on the negatives. Comments like this hurt more than they help.

Being a moderator is a very thankless job and one that tends to burn people out, especially when they are met with a lot of animosity from certain people over and over again. I don't know that you would fare any better than Daniel has in that position. It's very easy to take comments like yours very personal sometimes.

That's why I have no desire to be a moderator, I'm aware that I would not act in an unbiased and fair manner. I was dwelling on the positives, David. A moderator who crossed the line stood up and apologized. I said it was appreciated. Simple as that.

Edited by bkelm18
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That's why I'm not to be a moderator, I'm aware that I would not act in an unbiased and fair manner. I was dwelling on the positives, David. A moderator who crossed the line stood up and apologized. I said it was appreciated. Simple as that.

No, that's not what you did...

Well, that's extremely debatable at times with a couple, but luckily it seems one of them has turned a leaf.

I expect the moderators here to be as professional and courteous and unbiased as possible, which sometimes none of us do a very good job at, but I am not going to pretend that some people don't pull a bunch of passive aggressive crap like you did in the above quote to try and dance along the thin gray line between acceptable and unacceptable. Comments like that are clearly designed to elicit a response, whether that response manifests immediately or if it just festers below the surface and causes a person to snap down the road.

I'm asking you and everyone else responsible for comments like that to cut it out. What we need here is a positive change for the better, and it can't happen when the only praise you give is backhanded praise. If that's what you're going to post... don't post.

Sorry if this rubs you wrong or ruins the spirit of this thread, but I try to be fair, and in doing so I am going to acknowledge problems on BOTH sides of the fence.

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