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Opinions on the Sig p226?

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I think I've made up my mind what my next gun is gonna be. I've been researching the sig p226 and I like what I'm seeing so far. I haven't been able to fondle one in person yet but I do like the look of it. What is everybodys opinion on sigs. Any problems with them? Anything to look for?

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Guest stovepipe

Can't go wrong with a Sig 226, or any Sig, for that matter!

I carry, and prefer the 229 in .40. It's a little more concealable, without loss of accuracy. It's the same frame, just a tad shorter. - Collect the whole set!


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Guest sling

Its a 226! Thats enough reason. Purchase a sig and never go back... though once you buy your first one you'll soon be itchin for another. Its the only gun I'll carry. :D

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Guest CrazyLincoln

I have 2 sigs myself, and have shot the 226 many times. They are top quality guns, and hold their resale value very well (you probably won't want to sell it though). Very reliable, and extremely easy to maintain.

Good Choice!:D

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Guest someguy12341

My carry gun is a p220 compact, and I love it. I've got a 226 as well, but it's too big for me to conceal on my frame. It was my IDPA gun when I was competing, and now it's home gun with lasergrips. You can beat the snot out of it and it will take it.

I'll put it this way... Everything mechanical can and will break, but there's a reason that 226's in 9mm are Navy SEAL standard issue.

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Guest Rccola

I have the 9mm P226 DAK and I really like it. Like others have said if your going to carry it you might want to look at the P229 the barrel is shorter and the grip is just a tad shorter. If your close to Knox/Sevierville I don't mind meeting up and letting you shoot mine.

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Guest Star1021Scott

I have a DA/SA Sig P229, I absolutely am in love with it, its dead on accurate, somewhat concealable, and its a fantastic firearm to shoot, I got mine, like new, for around $550...

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Guest sling

You may even look at the CPO (Certified Pre-Owned) stock of handguns at your dealer. These Sigs are well...in honesty...pretty much brand new. They've been sent in as trade ins and have been reconditioned if needed. Except the barrel of course. They'll run you in the ballpark of 450 - 650 range depending on "grade." For info:


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I ended up getting a used p239 for $613 OTD. It doesn't show any wear at all. I think I got a good deal. The p226 was way to big for my hands. I haven't shot the p239 yet but I think I'm gonna like it.

Thanks for the help in making my decision.

Edited by 2000silverz28
wrong info
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Guest Rccola

Those 239's are so sweet. :D I've shot a .40 cal last time I was at he range and really liked, even in my big hands it felt very nice.

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Guest stovepipe

Yeah, you'll love the 239! Great guns. A buddy of mine has one in 9mm. I have been trying to talk him out of it for years. I'm glad you made consideration for the grip fit before making the purchase. - Congrats on the new member of the family!

What caliber did you get?


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