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ACU changes make Velcro optional, patrol cap default headgear

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Guest Lester Weevils

Maybe the patrol cap could be optionally worn sideways or backwards to signify various levels of elite-ness? In civilian life, when one encounters a feller wearing his ball cap sideways, it is a sure sign of the guy's elite-ness! [just joking]

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Guest GunTroll

Ah, the Beret. French for gay hat!

When I was going through basic I wated to wear that damn thing. Once I started wearing it....I hated every minute of it.

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We had the Garrison Cap in Basic so anything was better but still the PC is the preferred method.

I think I am going to buy myself the new blue Army Service Uniform when I get back. I like the bus driver hat over the beret but it looks like I will need both. The problem I see is that they want us to wear Jump Boots with them and I think it looks terrible. The same with the short sleeve shirt. I like the Marines 3 ribbon rule on the B uniform. They want us to wear all of our stuff on the B shirts and it just looks way to busy.

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Guest GunTroll

They should just go trucker hat vented/mesh back for all uniforms :cool: . Didn't they rock something like that you Vietnam vets back in your day? I remember the old timers blaming Lewinsky/Clinton for the beret while I was in.

I say drop ACU's or just the color(s) all together and go multi-cam.

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They should just go trucker hat vented/mesh back for all uniforms :cool: . Didn't they rock something like that you Vietnam vets back in your day? I remember the old timers blaming Lewinsky/Clinton for the beret while I was in.

I say drop ACU's or just the color(s) all together and go multi-cam.

They are doing multicam for OEF obviously but they are evaluating 5 to 7 uniform patterns for three new types.

Woodland, Desert, and a transitional in between which I think MC should be a shoe in for. MARPAT in it's two flavors seems high also. The SGM of the USMC has said that we can't use MARPAT to which an Army GEN pretty much replied "watch us."

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Guest GunTroll

They still have the pointy hat thing to identify branch from afar. And the Army will still be gay and not allow rolled sleeves so that should still make the MC feel bad ars :cool: .

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I've never had a problem wearing the beret or the patrol cap - it seems to me that the uniform of the day headgear should be based on what makes sense for where you are an what you are doing; not on whether you are in an elite group or not.

Very glad to see the velcro being optional - it's great for some things but simply doesn't hold up on uniforms in the field/washing, etc.

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Guest db99wj
They still have the pointy hat thing to identify branch from afar. And the Army will still be gay and not allow rolled sleeves so that should still make the MC feel bad ars ;) .

Army doesn't do rolled sleeves anymore? We did from 1990-1996. TN Army National Guard with my Basic and AIT at Ft. Knox.

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Guest WyattEarp

hated the Patrol Cap, it's the dorkiest, dumbest looking hat. Loved my beret when I was in, but I can understand the frustration from the special forces point of view. they earned 'em.

the Beret isn't going away, still gonna be wearing them with the Class A's, and I think they look stylish and professional. better than that stupid cone shaped hat we had to wear in Basic for Graduation.

personally, I don't see the need for a hat when you're wearing BDU's or whatever they call them now. Should be an option. if you want to wear it, fine. If not, fine.

save the taxpayers some real money and get rid of the stupid hats all together unless you're in Class A's.

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hated the Patrol Cap, it's the dorkiest, dumbest looking hat. Loved my beret when I was in, but I can understand the frustration from the special forces point of view. they earned 'em.

the Beret isn't going away, still gonna be wearing them with the Class A's, and I think they look stylish and professional. better than that stupid cone shaped hat we had to wear in Basic for Graduation.

personally, I don't see the need for a hat when you're wearing BDU's or whatever they call them now. Should be an option. if you want to wear it, fine. If not, fine.

save the taxpayers some real money and get rid of the stupid hats all together unless you're in Class A's.

I didnt like the PC in basic. Once I got to my rifle company I loved it over the beret. Don't get me wrong, I do like the way the beret looks but it takes a lot of shaving and shaping plus just getting it worn in to look good. Keeping it looking nice and shaped requires care also. As soon as I would get one shaved and broken in I would start getting holes.

No ripples on top with just the right forward tilt to the flash/crest area and a good cant to the thing does look sharp but overall I didnt like wearing it.

A worn in PC is just nice. I do not Ranger roll but I do kind of push the front down and the sides. It slightly resembles a civil war cap I have been told.

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Guest GunTroll

Head gear has always been a big deal with the military and civilians to some degree.

I think of the revolutionary head gear and wonder what they thought of it. Especially the officers with the Napoleon style looking things.

I was Cav and wore the Stetson when told to. At least it kept the sun off my neck and face. I think the CAV is sort of unique with them being a select group that gets to wear such a different head piece.

Booooo the beret! But I'd gladly wear it over some of the goofy looking head gear the Navy wears!

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