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Decision Finally Made...It's a Kahr PM9!

Guest TNDixieGirl

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Guest TNDixieGirl

I decided to up my budget somewhat and go for the Kahr PM9.

After handling the Kel-Tec PF9 for awhile this morning, it just wasn't working for me. I don't know if I'm just uncoordinated or what, but I had issues with the slide more than a few times. Great size, but not so great handling on my part. Ease of operation played a big role in this decision.

So, I came across a PM9 and asked the guy if I could try it out since some of you here had thrown that one out as a suggestion. Well, I loved it! It's a little bigger than I was looking for, but man it's a great gun. And not near as bulky and heavy as my Sigma (which I plan on turning over to the husband now).

I'm going back in the morning to pick it up. :D And I'm totally psyched about it. I'll give a range report tomorrow evening after I've had a chance to throw a few rounds through it.

Thanks all for the input and suggestions. You've helped me through a difficult process.

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Guest TNDixieGirl

Oh, I forgot the most important part. It's new for $429. I found that price to be awesome compared to the prices I've found online.

So is it good, or am I fooling myself?

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My guess is that is a refurb. For whatever reason, sometimes Kahr will send a customer a new pistol if they have sent one back with a problem. They take those pistols and replace whatever is wrong with them and resell them to dealers as "new" refurbs from the factory. I have bought one like that and had absolutely no problems with it. Check with your dealer and see if that is the case. Brand new Kahrs are selling on Gunbroker in the $600 dollar range give or take a few dollars.

Hope this helps.

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Guest TNDixieGirl

I'm trading in the P22 towards the PM9, so I'll be back down to one gun. I love the P22, but I want more BANG when I pull the trigger. Going to give the Sigma to the hubby now.

My son told me today that I have a gun fetish. If he only knew the arsenals some of you guys have! :D

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Yea, the louder bang is more fun, but also more expensive. For what 100 rds of 9mm costs now, you can shoot about 850 .22s!! I sold mine awhile back and sincerely regret it. Looked at another way, 18 boxes of 100 rds of WWB will BUY your P22! (18x$18.50= $333)

Just some food for thought. Enjoy your new gun! =)

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I'm trading in the P22 towards the PM9, so I'll be back down to one gun. I love the P22, but I want more BANG when I pull the trigger. Going to give the Sigma to the hubby now.

My son told me today that I have a gun fetish. If he only knew the arsenals some of you guys have! :drool:


My wife said I "have enough guns"..I said no I don't..I only want one of each kind.:woohoo:

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Guest rockytop

Great news Dixie. I think you made a wise choice. I have several Sigs, Glocks, Kel-tecs, and S&Ws; a High Standard; a Colt; a Walther; an Intrac (HS2000); and two Kahrs. The Kahr PM9 is the one in my pocket 99+ % of the time. You won't be sorry. Congratulations.

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Guest TNDixieGirl

I'm such a dumb butt sometimes.

It's a CW9. I handled both the PM9 and the CW9 yesterday, so I guess I got the wrong model stuck in my head. The one I just purchased is definitely the CW9.

And I really, really like it. Had to adjust myself to the snappy recoil, but I was expecting that. I didn't shoot too bad either. I ran 130 rounds through it and they all made the target. Ended up getting a Hogue slip-on for the grip cause it was wearing at the webbing between my thumb and finger.

All-around, I'm still very thrilled and pleased.


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Guest price g
Oh, I forgot the most important part. It's new for $429. I found that price to be awesome compared to the prices I've found online.

So is it good, or am I fooling myself?

Last time I checked, Fugates in Athens could beat that price.

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Guest jcramin

I LOVE my PM9. I carry it when im wearing shorts that will be drug down if I wear my usual 1911.

ARSENALS ..... Im wondering when im going to get a knock on my door from a man in a badge wondering why I need so many guns. I purchased 7 last year and 3 in the last 2 weeks, and I still dont have nearly what some of these people have.

BUT, for t he record, my wife has approved every purchase I have made by allowing me to buy her something she wants for herself or the house.

Its only costing me a new stainless fridge for my AR-15, well plus the cost of the gun, BUT I feel thats a fair price.


I'm trading in the P22 towards the PM9, so I'll be back down to one gun. I love the P22, but I want more BANG when I pull the trigger. Going to give the Sigma to the hubby now.

My son told me today that I have a gun fetish. If he only knew the arsenals some of you guys have! :D

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Guest TNDixieGirl

I am now pleased to say I can carry the Kahr IWB with no issues. Took me awhile to figure out where exactly it should sit to be most comfortable, but I've kept it on all day today and it eventually became unnoticeable to me. icon_smile.gif Now THAT was my goal in getting a smaller framed pistol.

I damn near threw my purse across the room today the first time I picked it up without the Sigma in it. icon_biggrin.gif I'm used to picking up what feels like a brick and when it wasn't in there that purse went to flyin'.

My husband was all grins as I handed the Sigma over to him. All are happy and MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

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