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Just wondering... why so much on zombies on gun boards?

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^ This

And the fact that it takes stakes to kill Vampires, sliver bullets to kill werewolves (so only reloaders have any chance of affording an appropriate defense), and aliens have force fields (cheaters)....but bullets and zombies go together like peanut butter and jelly.

Edited by gnmwilliams
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Zombies are an acceptable metaphor for anything you'd like to discuss open war against. You can discuss specifics and tactics, ideas and what not, using the zombie as a proverbial whipping boy and not fear being labeled a dissident or anarchist or militia nut. Listing the things that zombies take the place of negates their utility so use your own imagination.

With the exception of topics such as this, most people are oblivious to the actual meaning and will instead just chalk it up to infantile silliness. The sheeple do not perceive as dangerous, the ones that prepare for a zombie apocalypse like they would for those who prepare for........other things

It's just another form of camouflage. Much like going out in public wearing blue jeans and a simple t shirt conceals you better than any camo fatigues.

Smoke, mirrors and innuendo.

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Its buying into the PC crap, to be blunt. You can't say "lets mow down the ****ians or the ****s" or anything else without causing a stir. You cannot even say terrorists/extremists/etc, because that has "racial overtones" or implies killing of folks over their religion, etc. Zombies are safe: they are not real and can be used as a PC substitute for the real (or imagined) threats.

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Its buying into the PC crap, to be blunt. You can't say "lets mow down the ****ians or the ****s" or anything else without causing a stir. You cannot even say terrorists/extremists/etc, because that has "racial overtones" or implies killing of folks over their religion, etc. Zombies are safe: they are not real and can be used as a PC substitute for the real (or imagined) threats.

I was thinking political, but you're absolutely right, it can just as much be racial.

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Didn't you hear? The CDC says it's a real threat :D

That was actually a good ploy on their part. Once again with the spin doctoring, they were trying to impress upon the younger crowd the benefits of preparing for natural disaster or pandemics.

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Its buying into the PC crap, to be blunt. You can't say "lets mow down the ****ians or the ****s" or anything else without causing a stir. You cannot even say terrorists/extremists/etc, because that has "racial overtones" or implies killing of folks over their religion, etc. Zombies are safe: they are not real and can be used as a PC substitute for the real (or imagined) threats.

True as well. However, some of us just really really like zombies and sometimes catch ourselves really hoping for an outbreak just to be able to test ourselves. Infantile? Maybe...but didn't Jesus say you had to become like little children? :D Plus, how else can I justifiy my 900 rounds of 9mm to my wife???

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Yeah, I figure a zombie can only climb so high. There's gonna be a helluva pile to climb over by the time I run out :-)

Not to derail the subject but that brings up an interesting point. If it's truly zombies one prepares for [no metaphor] why such a waste of space, weight and revenue to stock centerfire cartridges? Some 12g sure in case you're over run, but ONE GUY could decimate a city full of zombies cheap and easy from the comfort and safety of a rooftop. Here's his equipment list.

*Reliable .22 w/ relatively quality optic.

*A few bricks of Wal-marts best bulk pack

*Coleman Cooler with sodas, beer, pack of cheese, pound of baloney, and loaf of Roman Meal

*Some sunscreen

*Charged iPod loaded with plenty of Zepplin, Kansas, Reo Speed Wagon and Blue OÂ¥ster Cult

Toss in an Otis Kit, a can of Remoil and a screwdriver set and you're ready for the best day of shooting entertainment in your life! Total price, Less than the cost of a decent AR.

Zombies are dumb and slow and only need a scrambled brain to be neutralized.

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I hope you guys take this zombie stuff seriously. If you are not prepared for the outbreak then it's your own fault. Don't come running to me for help. The 500 cans of Spam in my basement are for me and my family, not those who failed to sufficiently plan ahead.

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Not to derail the subject but that brings up an interesting point. If it's truly zombies one prepares for [no metaphor] why such a waste of space, weight and revenue to stock centerfire cartridges? Some 12g sure in case you're over run, but ONE GUY could decimate a city full of zombies cheap and easy from the comfort and safety of a rooftop. Here's his equipment list.

*Reliable .22 w/ relatively quality optic.

*A few bricks of Wal-marts best bulk pack

Zombies are dumb and slow and only need a scrambled brain to be neutralized.

I have seen the theory put forth, before, that headshots with a .22 would be sufficient. I'm not so sure. It kind of depends on if simply damaging the brain, even a little, will kill them or not. Me, I'd rather err on the side of caution and assume that the brain must be mostly destroyed or, at least, significantly damaged. Think about it - judging by the (supposed) actions of zombies, it is likely that their higher brain functions have ceased, already, and it is probably just the more archaic portions (maybe the medulla oblongata or some, similar part) that is actually still functioning. As such, a .22 bullet in the forebrain would probably not even be a minor annoyance as that part of the brain would probably already be 'dead', anyhow.

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I have seen the theory put forth, before, that headshots with a .22 would be sufficient. I'm not so sure. It kind of depends on if simply damaging the brain, even a little, will kill them or not. Me, I'd rather err on the side of caution and assume that the brain must be mostly destroyed or, at least, significantly damaged. Think about it - judging by the (supposed) actions of zombies, it is likely that their higher brain functions have ceased, already, and it is probably just the more archaic portions (maybe the medulla oblongata or some, similar part) that is actually still functioning. As such, a .22 bullet in the forebrain would probably not even be a minor annoyance as that part of the brain would probably already be 'dead', anyhow.

It'd be fun to try though. And good family fun to boot!:D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest dart67eb

I like your choice of Avatars!

Just wondering where this started. It's on the majority of gun forums I have seen. I assume it's all in fun, but where/why did this start? Why zombies of all things? ;)
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I hope you guys take this zombie stuff seriously. If you are not prepared for the outbreak then it's your own fault. Don't come running to me for help. The 500 cans of Spam in my basement are for me and my family, not those who failed to sufficiently plan ahead.

^^^ THIS.

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