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My Birthday. June 12 Celebrating June 11

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Hanger Party Lebanon Airport (M54 for pilots), Burgers, Hot Dogs, Beer, Sodas . . . etc Festivities start around 5pm til everyone leaves. RSVP PM me if you're showing up.

If I wasn't also celebrating my daughter's 17th birthday I'd probably stop by. Have a great day Terry.

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Guest tedbo

I am liable to show up and wish you a Happy Birthday,neighbor! I would like to meet more of our TGO friends. Would you need some help setting up?

Everything is dependent on the weather as I may or may not have hay to put up.

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Guest tedbo

Well,y'all missed a great time with great people! I haven't met Terry personally until today. He is a great guy,and his wife is a great lady. He was very gracious to me and all his friends.I actually met some folks who I knew from a time before and that added to my fun.

He was gracious enough to take us up in his plane and we actually flew over my farm. I REALLY enjoyed that! Thank you so much again Terry for the great time. I hope to see Bob in about two weeks at the Cowboy action shoot in Lebanon.

I enjoyed meeting Drew and Rod. I like Rod and I had a great conversation with him. I hope to sit down with him at another time. I had a wonderful time and made some new friends. Thank you,Terry! If anyone needs to contact me let me know and we will swap phone numbers and/or e-mails.


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Guest tedbo

Terry, I had just parked in my driveway and gotten out of my truck and I see you flying overhead! I waved up at you but I didn't know if anyone thought to look down.

My farm looks better from the air!

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