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Do people still listen to scanners?

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I saw a post about someone hearing something on a scanner awhile back and it made me wonder. Isn’t most of the information sent digitally to a computer in the car anymore?

Aren’t Police voice frequencies blocked or scrambled?

Could I get a scanner that would allow me to listen to Murfreesboro PD and RCSO?

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At some point years ago, we had to buy digital radios from a civil authority so we could monitor that kind of stuff for news. It was stupid money. The scanner geeks were working to get past that, even back then. Good question.

EDIT: More... They're still using radio, even if the user interface has changed. I've been deeply involved in the design of some of the gear on the dispatch end in the last couple of years. If it's on the air, you can pick it up.

Edited by mikegideon
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Guest G-Pa Glynn

Still have a scanner and still listen to local emergency channles. Still alot of freqs that are used by LEO and other emergency agencies.

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Guest brandon_pitt
I saw a post about someone hearing something on a scanner awhile back and it made me wonder. Isn’t most of the information sent digitally to a computer in the car anymore?

Aren’t Police voice frequencies blocked or scrambled?

Could I get a scanner that would allow me to listen to Murfreesboro PD and RCSO?

You definitely can. I have an app on my phone that allows me to pick up precincts all over the us, including Murfreesboro. Pretty neat

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I listen to a scanner and hear some good stuff. However they do use in car computer for sensitive stuff. Example, I hear them call, give some details, and say I put the details on your screen. Car to Car is better. Or an event that is happing to fast for dispatchers to put it on screen and it just needs to be said.

However I understand they are switching to digital radios in some areas, and radio shack already sells digital scanners. I don't have one of those yet. I am waiting until my area goes digital before I buy one.

Also I do know some areas that that are analog can encrypt on the fly if they have the right device. I have some go secure and I can not understand what they are saying.

It is illegal to decrypt encrypted transmissions. However, those that are broadcast in the clear it is OK to pick up such as buying as scanner from radio shack or other vendor and using as intended.

If you really want to learn about this topic, radioreference.com is very good.

I know FEMA gave allot of cities grants to switch to LOW BAND digital so allot of departments are in the process of switching over.

I don't want to buy one of the digitals if they are totally scrambled after the switch. So I am waiting to find out until after they switch and I find out from other people. In short I won't be the first to buy in my area.

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Nashville has been digital for a good while, at least big chunks of it.

They have been for about 9-10 years...they switched right after I left in 2000.

I work in Rutherford Co now and we're also on digital (800 band I think...I'm not a radio guy, but I know where the transmit button is :) ).

Edited by TN-popo
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Guest TackleberryTom

There are quite a few PD's that still use old analog VHF and UHF freq's. Clarksville is one of the only ones that I know of that uses an M/A-Com system that is totally encrypted. All the other digital and analog trunked systems can be listened to.

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There are quite a few PD's that still use old analog VHF and UHF freq's. Clarksville is one of the only ones that I know of that uses an M/A-Com system that is totally encrypted. All the other digital and analog trunked systems can be listened to.

M/A-com was the client on that box I helped design. Interesting project.

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Guest UberDuper

Take a look at radioreference.com

They've got tons of pd and ems frequencies you can stream. I've been listening to Murfreesboro pd ever since we signed the lease on a house there.

Seems like nothing ever happens in Murfreesboro.

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one thing you have to remember about streaming sources, you are depending on someone with a home scanner board casting correctly. You are solely depending on how they are programmed and how their scanning it set.

Example. Oak Ridge. They guy that streams Oak Ridge is set pretty good, I have a few more things in my actually scanner that I want that he does not have in the board cast stream. Because I consider them important to me. Plus I have my banks setup so that I can turn off certain things if I don't want to hear them.

I can turn on a Bank to bring in EMS if I believe something is going on with EMS i want to hear, another bank if I want to hear County and Life Star. However I don't always want to hear them so I can turn them back off easy.

Setting up a scanner comes down to the way you want it for yourself. The way I want mine might drive another person crazy.

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Guest brandon_pitt
Take a look at radioreference.com

They've got tons of pd and ems frequencies you can stream. I've been listening to Murfreesboro pd ever since we signed the lease on a house there.

Seems like nothing ever happens in Murfreesboro.

Its progressively getting worse. The area around MTSU has crime on the rise; its to be expected with nearly 30,000 students. It is not as bad as other areas, a far cry from most, but it is worse than it was.

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