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single stack 9mms

Guest jcs71

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Hi there. I was curious what choices are there for a single stack 9mm? I know that there are Sig 225's floating around which I would really like to have, but what other choices are there?

I have been contemplating trading my G17 for a good one, but haven't decided for sure.

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If you want a good single-stack 9mm simply for concealment purposes, you'd do well to check out the Kahr lineup, as well as the Kel-Tec PF-9. The Springfield EMP 9mm is a compact 9mm 1911 type pistol which is well regarded. Also, the Walther PPS is another new compact 9mm which you might be able to find.

Sig P239s and P225s are excellent pistols, as are H&K P7s.

I'm sure I've missed a few.

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Guest ETS_Inc

I've got an Astra A-70 in 9mm that I like. They've been out of production for awhile, though. They are based on the 1911 design, more or less.

Smith & Wesson makes a few single stack 9's, but I've never been a fan of Smith bottom-feeders.

The Kel-Tec PF9 trigger leaves a lot to be desired, in my opinion. The Kahr PM9 and CW9 are much better guns.

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Dang, it didn't take long for a few replies.


There is just something I have always liked about them. Maybe it is the concealbility of them. It could also be that you just don't see that many around anymore and I would like to have something a little bit different. I don't know. If I can't find one to trade for and worse came to worse I would even go for a G26 even though that it is not a single stack.

I have nothing against double stacks, I love them, hence having a G17. Hell I even thought about trading it for a Beretta 92fs just to have a new toy. I can't afford to go out and buy a new one which is why I was thinking about possibly trading for one.

Maybe what prompted this question is I am looking for something different and if it was FTF deal maybe putting my G17 up for it.

Thanks for the replies so far.

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The Kel-Tec PF9 trigger leaves a lot to be desired, in my opinion. The Kahr PM9 and CW9 are much better guns.

I have to agree about the PF-9. The trigger could be better. But the other guns have additional problems in terms of concealability and function. Given the choice, I'd go with the PF-9.

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Dang, it didn't take long for a few replies.


There is just something I have always liked about them. Maybe it is the concealbility of them. It could also be that you just don't see that many around anymore and I would like to have something a little bit different. I don't know. If I can't find one to trade for and worse came to worse I would even go for a G26 even though that it is not a single stack.

I have nothing against double stacks, I love them, hence having a G17. Hell I even thought about trading it for a Beretta 92fs just to have a new toy. I can't afford to go out and buy a new one which is why I was thinking about possibly trading for one.

Maybe what prompted this question is I am looking for something different and if it was FTF deal maybe putting my G17 up for it.

Thanks for the replies so far.

Fantastic handgun. I am proud to own one.

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I have a Smith alloy frame single stack and it is one nice gun, esp for the money.

Add Walther P5 to the list. Typical German police pistol: 9mm, single stack, bottom euro mag release, DA/SA trigger, head shot accuracy.

The singles will fit a lot of people better, and honestly anything more than about 6 rounds is pure affectation.

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Guest newsphotog
I guess the question is why choose a single stack 9mm?

There are so many good double stack ones.

Because they are so easy to carry!

And yes, I have an MTAC for my SIG that does carry nicely but more and more often I'm taking my Kahr P9. With my IWB High Noon holster I really forget I have it on. The Kahrs are sweet pistols.

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Before you trade your G17 for a Kel Tec PF9, shoot a PF9. That is not a gun that is easy to use one handed, weak hand or any single hand in a panic situation. Plenty of snap in that pistol. I "had" one. But they are small and sort of fun, about like the Titanium .357 J-magnum sized snubbie I "had." I sort of like the Kahr's, accurate and easy to shoot either hand in a panic accurately and with followup shots. I personally don't qualify the Kahr as Glock reliable, but that is my own experience with them. Glock 9mms, Ruger & S 'n W steel snubbies are reliable.

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Guest harbinger

I love my 239. It carries and conceals well, fits my hand perfectly, and is heavy enough to not kick awfully bad without being too heavy. The most important part; it's hella-reliable.

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I love my 239. It carries and conceals well, fits my hand perfectly, and is heavy enough to not kick awfully bad without being too heavy. The most important part; it's hella-reliable.

Second vote for the 239. I love my 9mm and carry it occasionally. If it only had a revolving cylinder it would be perfect.....

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