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Global Warming

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Gee, guys and gals...the way I read that article it pretty much said that global warming (and cooling) has been going on for millions of years...it's a part of the cycle of things. Science can't fix it.

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There are those who say during ice ages the continental landmass expands. Because so much of the oceans' water is turned to ice, sea level is lowered, this uncovers more land, the climate becomes more seasonal, and probably most importantly, the global climate tends to cool off even more. This is largely because landmasses tend to reflect the Sun's energy back to space, while oceans tend to absorb the Sun's energy. Also, landmasses at the poles permit the growth of permanent ice sheets, which, because they are white, reflect even more energy back to space. The formation of ice on the continents lowers sea level, which exposes more land, which further cools the Earth, forming more ice, and so on, and so on. The lesson here is: once the Earth begins to cool positive feed-back mechanisms push the Earth's climate system to greater and greater cooling

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Jay Leno said it best when he said he has this global warming thing figured out.... in the summer it's hot and in the winter it's cold. ;)

Wasn't it a couple years ago when Bill Clinton said it's summer which means it global warming for Al Gore. :)

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Guest friesepferd

Ah yes, the enviromental fads. They always make me laugh.

I love how 10 years ago, enviromentallists insisted everyone use plastic bags, because paper bags kill trees.

Now they all insist everyone use paper bags, because petrolium is bad.

Personally, I always thought paper was the more eviromentally friendly one, but honestly.. they both are from recycled material.

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Guest Lester Weevils

A new and dangerous climate forcing factor was recently discovered--

Cats Leave Biggest Carbon Paw-Print Among House Pets, Study Finds

Catfood, cat litter, waste… every cat leads to 2.2 tons of CO2 emissions annually. No other house pet leaves such a terrible ecological paw-print. Just the manufacture of cat food and its packing leads to about one ton of CO2 per cat. The waste disposal of food cans and cat litter burdens the climate with an additional 1250 kg of carbon dioxide. Then you have to include the water consumption for cleaning the cat potty.

If that were not bad enough, it gets worse--

Adoption Group: Cat Invasion Due to Global Warming | LiveScience

Several shelters operated by a national adoption organization called Pets Across America reported a 30 percent increase in intakes of cats and kittens from 2005 to 2006, and other shelters across the nation have reported similar spikes of stray, owned, and feral cats. The cause of this feline flood is an extended cat breeding season thanks to the world’s warming temperatures, according to the group, which is one of the country’s oldest and largest animal welfare organizations.


This alarming discovery could become a more significant runaway feedback mechanism than permafrost methane release!

Yikes!!! Cats cause global warming and global warming causes even more cats!!!

Following the standard Fibonacci series growth rate-- Soon the entire surface of the Earth will be stacked miles deep in cats!

My coon hounds have valiantly volunteered to combat this menace, "Not in our backyard!" They added that cats taste like chicken though not quite so tasty as fresh rabbit or vintage road possum served in maggot sauce.

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I have two cats and one wild animal, also a cat, all fixed. In past times, rumors about "evil" cats have led to "cat" hunts which have led to Bubonic plague. Cats kill rats...rats carry the plague..kill off the cats....not good

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don't go throwing hypothesis into things Buc, We will have an Ice Age when Al Gore says we will. And if you don't believe that just check the internet, after all he invented it too.

Back in the 70's I know I read and saw on TV that an Ice Age was fixing to come upon us. If you had not been fixing up bewlitt holes and fetching rubber arms off the sides of the road you would know that. :D:up:[/quote

I love the "fixin". My Yankee brethren don't get it

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Guest WyattEarp

the Earth's cooling and warming cycles are no different than the weather, always moving in troughs and ridges and cycling through. the arrogance of mankind to think we can/have affected those cycles on a large scale is ridiculous. small scale? perhaps, but not likely.

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the Earth's cooling and warming cycles are no different than the weather, always moving in troughs and ridges and cycling through. the arrogance of mankind to think we can/have affected those cycles on a large scale is ridiculous. small scale? perhaps, but not likely.

THAT is completely ridiculous, Wyatt. Like I said before....it's Cthulhu farts.


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In the beginning it was global warming then later it was changed to climate change when we had some cold spells. The liberals blame any weather event that isn't "California like" on climate change. I do not believe the climate is changing any more than it has in the past.

What does worry me is the amount of pollution that has permeated every aspect of our lives. There is mercury in most things we consume anymore. We are going to see increases in radiation levels in a lot of the same things as well after the major release in Japan. Industrial waste as well as nuclear waste.

Water is contaminated in most places to a point that well water is not recommended that it be drank without filtering.

Clean, uncontaminated water is going to be like the oil boom except people can't live without water. The government has already started condemning wells and forcing the residents to hook up to city water.


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What's to believe...core ice from the glaciers...what's left of 'em...show a constant cycle of hot to cold...cold to hot. (maybe that should read "warm to cool"...hot is venus cold is mars) It's been doing it ever since Gondolin (or what ever the name of the supercontinent was) Unless you're a fundamentalist christian...in that case the world is some 6000 years old. and nothing has changed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest mahahn
Mike...for the next iceage to happen there needs to be a massive melt of polar ice. The fresh water will change the salinity of the ocean and move the Gulf Stream south. That will cool England and the Baltic.

Finally! Someone that knows the truth. I been sayin that for years. The ice cap melts and acts like a closed gate on the gulf stream. Stop all the warm water from circulating = ice age.

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