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1911 in 9mm questions


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Im looking to pick up my first 1911 but im leaning towards one in 9mm. I go to the range just about every weekend and so the cost of 45 ammo plays apart in my decision. The springfield emp, kimber and STI seem to be the only ones people are talking about when i research them. What are your guys thoughts about them? Any suggestions outside of thoses 3? Any know if there is a range around knoxville where i could rent any of them?

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Guest Lester Weevils

If I wasn't so lazy I would have ordered a 9mm STI. But I had never owned a 1911 and didn't know for sure I would even like a 1911 without some experience.

I don't mail-order much. But had been keeping an eye out at local dealers for a 9mm 1911.

So I finally saw a 9mm Taurus PT1911 at a local store for not a bad price and bought it. Have been happy enough with the 9mm PT1911 and have no plans to upgrade to an STI because for a range toy the Taurus seems to get the job done good enough.

But I would have rather seen a 9mm STI at a local store, and would have bought it as readily if it had been one of the sub-$1000 STI's. It is difficult to find many folks complaining about STI's.

Someone on TGO posted a pic and favorable review of their S&W stainless 9mm 1911. I'd love to have an S&W like that one, but IIRC that one was purty expensive. Having never owned a 1911 I wouldn't have had the guts to spend that much money on a first 1911 toy.

Guest dubaholic2

i would look at a .22 conversion


I have had "3" 9mm 1911s. 1) Dan Wesson Pointman 9; 2) Armscor .38 Super with 9mm barrel 3) Rock Island 9mm. The RIA was the best of the bunch in my opinion. The DW worked well but didn't justify the price point over the RIA. The .38 Super worked well also with the 9mm barrel. For my money I would go RIA in 9mm and not look back.

Guest Oaklands

I handled a Colt Defender in 9mm at the range the other day. It is an aluminum frame, was light, had good balance and a pretty darn good looking gun. You might give it a look. It was about 200-300 cheaper than a couple of emp's they had there. The guys working there seemed to like it as well.

I only own one 1911 in 9mm and the rest are .45's. I have the Dan Wesson Pointman 9 and it is by far the best shooting gun I own.

Guest rockytop

Have you considered a Browning Hi-power?

  rockytop said:
Have you considered a Browning Hi-power?

It is most definitely worth consideration, the pistol was designed by John Moses Browning for the 9mm the 1911 was designed for the .45

Hi powers are excellent pistols :)

  rockytop said:
Have you considered a Browning Hi-power?

No i havnt, Thats probly another option i need to look into. Ive heard nothing but good things about them, but have yet to get my hands on one to check it out.

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A Hi-Power is definitely worth a look. They're great pistols without the price premium that a 1911 in 9mm attracts.


I really like the Hi-Power. Great trigger. But they constantly bit me. My only real complaint about them.


The Hi-Power would be a fine choice. I've had one and it was great. I also have a 1950 model Colt LW Combat Commander in 9mm. It shoots great and is a real looker. It has a finish on it that you don't see on most guns now a days. Recoil is decent and is right on the money out to 25 yrds with fixed sights. If it wasn't so pretty it would be my EDC.

Any of the 1911's mentioned would probably be fine. I prefer a commander size pistol (4" bbl) in 9mm.


I have a Springfield EMP and an STI Trojan, and I did own a Kimber CDP Compact. The Kimber sucked and I know many others whose Kimbers sucked. I'll never own another one. I can highly recommend the EMP or the Trojan, although neither one is cheap. Many EMPs run flawlessly with FMJs, but hang hollow points on the feed ramp. Mine was one of these. Springfield sent me a FedEx label and worked on the chamber and feed ramp and shipped it back, all on their dime. Now it runs like a Glock. Others have had this same experience. If you are looking for something cheaper, I would look at a Rock Island. Lots of folks speak highly of these. I would spend the extra $30-50 and get the tactical model. If you want to spend more than $450, I would go ahead and get an EMP or a Trojan, depending on whether you want a full-size gun or a smaller gun. If you see a good deal on a Kimber, run!

  Bubbas said:
Im looking to pick up my first 1911 but im leaning towards one in 9mm. I go to the range just about every weekend and so the cost of 45 ammo plays apart in my decision. The springfield emp, kimber and STI seem to be the only ones people are talking about when i research them. What are your guys thoughts about them? Any suggestions outside of thoses 3? Any know if there is a range around knoxville where i could rent any of them?

Sig makes one in 9mm but it costs like $1200 retail so you might find it for $1k :)

But I agree with the earlier poster...just get one in .22LR for cheap shooting. I know Sig makes a fullsize 1911 in 22LR for $450 MSRP so you should be able to find it cheaper than that.


Anyone know of any gun shops around knox that sells them any of them? i do not wanna buy something without picking it up


I have a Series 70 Colt 1911 that was a 9mm when I bought it and worked flawlessly, than like an idjet I had it converted to a 45acp. Needless to say I wish I'd left it as is and just bought another 1911 instead.

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  Bubbas said:
Anyone know of any gun shops around knox that sells them any of them? i do not wanna buy something without picking it up

You might call first, but any shop worth their salt ought to have at least one of the type. If I had my pick, I'd go for a Belgian made Browning. My dad's carried one for the last 30 years or so. He ran 1000 rounds through it last year in a defensive pistol class with me and didn't experience a single issue.

Guest friesepferd

I have carried the Kimber Ultra Aegis for many years. It is a wonderful gun and I have nothing bad to say about it.

The Springfield EMP is also very good. I would highly suggest either.


+1 for Belgian Hipower. Also take a look at the Browning BDM. Real good shooting pistols. Just hard to get magazines for.


I would look at one of the STI 2011 in 9mm. I have a 9mm Nighthawk Custom Talon w/FLX upgrade, which is basically a suped-up STI (made on a STI frame). It is my favorite handgun. The reason I recommend the 2011 over the 1911 in 9mm is capacity. I can hold just as many rounds (17) as the typical SD handguns, but I also get all the advantages of a 1911. The downside to STI 2011s is the price; they aren't cheap. My ideal carry gun would be a STI Eclipse 2011. STI International - The STI The only reason I haven't bought one is because I am not ready to dump another $1600 down on a handgun.


I have a Defender in 9mm, and for the 14 rounds I put through it to function test, it worked great. All my other 1911/2011's are 40. The Hi-Power is a great machine, I just don't have one because they aren't as easy to tinker with as a 1911, CZ, Beretta or Glock. (I tend to tinker with my weapons.)


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