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Makarov questions?

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That appears to be a Russian Mak made in 1972 and that is also the extent of my knowledge on the matter.

I'm thinking $400 may be a bit high but am no expert. What kind of ammo?

that i do not know i will post as soon as he replies to my email

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Did not see the part about holsters. Maybe as a package not an overall bad deal, if that's what you really want.

Makarovs are somewhat of a niche gun. You either like the caliber/gun or you don't. I really like the CZ 82, it is the best gun in that caliber IMO. The Polish P-64's are excellent as well. I like the cheap ammo but you will not find $10-11 Silver Bear at any local gun store. Anywhere. Something to think about.

I've never shot a Makarov pistol (as in design, not caliber) but the round itself is very snappy.

Never get a FEG P-63. It will tear your hand up quickly.

Edited by Garufa
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Did not see the part about holsters. Maybe as a package not an overall bad deal, if that's what you really want.

Makarovs are somewhat of a niche gun. You either like the caliber/gun or you don't. I really like the CZ 82, it is the best gun in that caliber IMO. The Polish P-64's are excellent as well. I like the cheap ammo but you will not find $10-11 Silver Bear at any local gun store. Anywhere. Something to think about.

I've never shot a Makarov pistol (as in design, not caliber) but the round itself is very snappy.

Never get a FEG P-63. It will tear your hand up quickly.

Someday you should try a mak, I think you might like the original. Cz is a better carry gun but the maks really feel good, at least in my hands.

Thats a little high, but depends a lot on the ammo type. Excellent exterior condition, possibly/probably unfired. I would pay it, probably try to sneak $50 or so off his offer, but I would buy that with no regrets if I were looking for such.

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what i heard about the cz 82 is that it is a whole lot harder to disassemble and reassemble than the Makarov and that the Makarov is way more reliable that is just what i have read on the internet

If you're talking about field stripping for cleaning, it doesn't get much easier than the CZ82. I think the Maks and CZs actually come apart almost the same way. Pull down on the trigger guard then pull back and up on the slide. Done.

Completely disassembling a CZ82 down to the pins/springs? Now, that's fun! I recently took mine apart so I could duracoat it. Now that I've done it once it's no big deal, but that first time was interesting.

I like the 82 better, myself. I shot a Bulgarian Mak and a CZ, then bought a CZ. They both seem to be very reliable designs, but the 82 just fit my hand better.

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ok i got a call from a new friend who was telling me he sold the cz and he had had got a call from the guy who was going to sell me the Makarov the guy is crazy if any of you guys are on Gunowners club check out what this guy said to another member the post should say another Willis Victim...

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