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This ever happen to you ?

Guest tcampbell

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Guest tcampbell

Ever been to the range and someone points their gun at you ?

It happened to me. Guy walks over and says "Hi, I'm new here. It's my first time at the range"...with his S&W 9mm pointed right at me. I instructed him to never do that again in a polite manner. When his girlfriend came over and said something was wrong with the gun, she put her hand in front of it...at that point I "went off". The guys at the shop said is isn't uncommon. I won't mention the shop because I really like going there, but I did recommend that they put up some common etiquette signs like not pointing your gun at someone unless you want to get shot.

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Yes, it has, and no, I don't like it, either.


wow.. yah, that would worry the crap out of me and I'd take pains to make sure that if you're going to be going there often, you get them to make those signs..

I can't blame you for getting hot about it!

Guest Medic908

To bad you can't mandate a 2 mile run followed by 100 push-ups for poor muzzle discipline at a public range...don't blame you - I'd have been upset as well.

Guest Boomhower

I have seen this several times as well. You hate to be rude and make yourself appear like a total arse, but come on, this is serious business here.


I read these stories and it makes me glad I do not have to deal with these places to be able to shoot. Even if I did not have a place here to shoot I would find a better option than them indoor ranges.

I will go on a limb and speculate that all of us have covered someone with the muzzle at one time or another. I admit I accidently stuck the muzzle of a shotgun against a guy who turned away from the line right at the same time I did as I was stepping up to the firing line. No ammo in the gun though and no finger anywhere near the trigger, whew! I apologized profusely and he did not take offense. It was not from total carelessness though just Murphys law. But it sure does make a person be extra careful.

(Go ahead and take pot shots at me for this if you want to)

i have also had a kid stick his head right in front of my muzzle as I was putting percussion caps on on a pistol. I was being 110% safe and he came from out of no where and bent down on the ground to pick some casing up. Yikes.

Just goes to show things happen and we are not always in control of them.

if someone introduced themself to me by pointing their gun at me I would not be nasty to them but rather try to educate them on it all. Being a new guy I wonder if he was new to shooting and was not knowing of the four rules as well.

All ranges should have signage indicating Cooper's rules.


Sometimes newbies need help in understanding what may happen. Not a good feeling having a gun pointed at you but try to help more than getting angry may help make them safer.

Remember everyone has to learn and sometimes there are no good teachers around so if you see something wrong give a little help.

Guest jcoyle6
Posted (edited)

I love educating people when it comes to firearms, and when people ask for assistance. But when I am at the range and all people are mutually minding their our own business and some misguided fool comes up to me w/ a weapon pointed at me, I immediately inform them of their mistake. I usually try to that with a little humor,"hey buddy, would you mind not pointing that thing at me, I'd hate to have to get in a gun fight at the gun range...". But when someone shows up and is supposed to know how to act, especially if they are in the firearms biznass and do dumb things I usually pack up and go home, I am not above letting someone know that I feel that their actions on the range endanger more than themselves and that they should read up on their safety rules.

If they don't know, politely educate them. If they do know and foul up, stay the heck away from them.

Dumb actions lead to bad things, do what you can to help avoid future possible problems.

Did you ever hear the one about the guy at the range who tried to holster his cowboy gun by twirling it?

He did too, it went bang! Just before his bullet entered his leg...

Edited by jcoyle6
something about Dr. Strangelove just came to me
Guest ETS_Inc

You guys should try teaching Handgun Carry Permit classes. LOL You'd get guns pointed at you all too frequently.

Guest darkstar

Yeah well maybe they are upset at the quality of instruction they are receiving eh? :shrug:

Guest Mugster

Haha, you left yourself open for that one Frank.

I'm no safety freak, but shooting out in ashland city at the twra range used to be pretty dangerous. I always carried a .45 when I went downrange so i'd have something to throw back at them. Its waaaay better than it was 10 years ago. People used to shoot the wood target holders in half all the time.

Guest Shooting Coach

Most firearms trainers have had some knucklehead point a firearm at them, usually more than once. :shrug:

I have been told, "It's okay, the safety is on." I will then ask them if they will give me their firearm, with the safety on. I then ask them if they would mind if I point the firearm at them and pull the trigger as hard as I can. After all, the safety is on, right?:eek:

I have yet to get anyone to agree to this, not that I would do it. I am not a fool with a gun!

Guest flesheatingvirus

I've almost had the top of my head taken off by a 12 gauge while skeet shooting. The guy next to me was tracking the skeet with his muzzle as it veered left, towards me. I had to grab the barrel and yell at him, while ducking. Needless to say, I don't shoot with him anymore.


Yes I have and the pointer was an Instructor/Acolyte of a well known controversial Instructor.He was describing a scenario and whipped out a J frame and pointed it at me and quickly pocketed it.The look I gave him said more than words could.

Guest ETS_Inc
  darkstar said:
Yeah well maybe they are upset at the quality of instruction they are receiving eh? :rolleyes:

Ouch. That cut, brother. Cut real deep it did. I see how it is, though. Now see if I hook you up with any cool AR deals. :D

Guest CrazyLincoln

The worst is when they do that with their finger still on the trigger. I've seen probably a dozen NDs because people at the range never take that finger off.

Load the mag, drop the slide, and BOOM!

Or "Oops, I shot the wall/floor"

  ETS_Inc said:
You guys should try teaching Handgun Carry Permit classes. LOL You'd get guns pointed at you all too frequently.

Originally Posted by darkstar viewpost.gif

Yeah well maybe they are upset at the quality of instruction they are receiving eh? :D

:owned:Sorry,but I have not used this in a while:lol:

I've been swept by the muzzle of a hot weapon a couple of times... it didn't feel good. I'm sure that folks who work in gun-shops or as instructors are put in the line of fire quite regularly. It's simply a matter of education, some people are unfamiliar with the safe handling of any device, be it guns, cars, scissors, etc... I only get confrontational when I know for sure that the person should know better, otherwise a courteous reminder of the safety rules, or to pay attention, is the best tactic. I don't think it's possible to be too safe, but it is possible to be anal about it to the point of ruining the shooting experience.

Guest darkstar
  ETS_Inc said:
Ouch. That cut, brother. Cut real deep it did. I see how it is, though. Now see if I hook you up with any cool AR deals. :drool:

:woohoo: Couldn't help it....Y'all seriously, Frank is a great instructor ( So can I get a discount price on my next AR?)

Guest TargetShooter84

Ive had that happen to me one time, when a buddy of mine was showing me his uncle's gun and he pointed it right at me, and I told him to move it in another direction and asked if it was loaded, he said he didnt think so so he emptied the mag but while doing that, the gun went off, left a nice hole on the floor. The mag was empty but there was a bullet in the chamber that wasnt unchambered. I gave him hell over it.

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