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128 in a 45 zone?

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128 in a 45 Zone, only 83 over the limit.

Even if this was in a 70 MPH it would still be 58 over the limit.

Kyle Busch to officer: 'It's just a toy' | www.thatsracin.com

I wonder what would happen at the scene if this happened in TN, would he be arrested for reckless? I thought 20 over was considered reckless driving but certainly 83 over should be. Seems he might only lose his driving license for up to 60 days at the most with his fine.

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Lots of money + expensive lawyer + celebrity = slap on the wrist. Now if it was you or me, jail time.

This is how I think the legal system/justice system should work. If it fair for one, it should be fair for the next person.

Assuming he only gets a slap on the wrist.

When this case is finished, it becomes case law.

The next person that get stopped Less then 128 in a 45 should get equal treatment, slap on the wrist, equal fine, lose license for 60 days.

It should fall under fair and equal treatment. Any public defender should be able to stand up and cite case law and use said case to get equal treatment.

Same should go for when a celebrity beats a drug charge with rehab.

It could even speed up the court system if the defend was willing to plea deals of a similar case law of a celebrity. Some judges have opened this door I think it should be allowable under fair and equal.

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Guest Dukebb23

Seriously. I thought Kyle had some sense, but after the harvick thing and reading this makes me think even less of mr busch.

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This is how I think the legal system/justice system should work. If it fair for one, it should be fair for the next person.

Assuming he only gets a slap on the wrist.

When this case is finished, it becomes case law.

The next person that get stopped Less then 128 in a 45 should get equal treatment, slap on the wrist, equal fine, lose license for 60 days.

It should fall under fair and equal treatment. Any public defender should be able to stand up and cite case law and use said case to get equal treatment.

Same should go for when a celebrity beats a drug charge with rehab.

It could even speed up the court system if the defend was willing to plea deals of a similar case law of a celebrity. Some judges have opened this door I think it should be allowable under fair and equal.

Should is the key word above. In the real world it doesn't work that way unfortunately.

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A couple three years ago I was in my favorite store and the owner was talking about "It's who you know" He said..."I can't remember the last time I paid a speeding ticket." I said, "Well, Duh. When's the last time you got one?" "Ah...that's not the same thing...What's the sense in contributing to a election campaign if you can't expect favors."

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Guest J.D. Skull

Hold on there people! You have to remember Kyle is just following N-ASS-KAR orders. The SCRIPT said for him to turn into a Heel. Yes he will be the BADGUY for a while. But the SCRIPT will have him a GOODGUY again soon. N-ASS-KAR is getting better then rasslin.

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N-ASS-KAR is getting better then rasslin.

ITs been better than rasslin for some time. Money has gotten into it. No small tracks. "Huh- Oh we got debris on the track with only 2 laps left" "His car seems to be coming to the track" yada yada yada Body slam from top rope

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Guilty... We used to have an old ford with a 7 liter engine and Ive seen it push past the 120 mark a time or 3... sometimes, if you have the car, you gotta wind it up now and then. Once made the chatt to atlanta run in just over an hour, my friend and his new sports car... good times =)

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I know everyone hopes he gets jail time, but be realistic. Money buys privilege. Everywhere on earth, but nowhere more so than here. He has money, he walks. I hear it all the time in cases like these and some people don't seem to get it. I hear "He's not above the law, he's no better than any one of us" Ummmm, yes he is. He has a lot of money. You know you don't have to like the truth to accept it. Justice will be served.......how much justice can he afford? Plenty. Money is power and money doesn't care if it's fair. All that's left is for little folks like me to be upset by the hypocrisy and either accept it and move on, swell up like an old woman and pout or do something stupid.

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I know everyone hopes he gets jail time, but be realistic. Money buys privilege. Everywhere on earth, but nowhere more so than here. He has money, he walks. I hear it all the time in cases like these and some people don't seem to get it. I hear "He's not above the law, he's no better than any one of us" Ummmm, yes he is. He has a lot of money. You know you don't have to like the truth to accept it. Justice will be served.......how much justice can he afford? Plenty. Money is power and money doesn't care if it's fair. All that's left is for little folks like me to be upset by the hypocrisy and either accept it and move on, swell up like an old woman and pout or do something stupid.

I would have a real hard time with anyone going to jail for speeding, no matter how fast, if they pulled over when caught at it and otherwise did no harm. Fine the crap out of him, ok, take his liscence for a while, ok, fine, but jail time for speeding? Too harsh for me.

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I would have a real hard time with anyone going to jail for speeding, no matter how fast, if they pulled over when caught at it and otherwise did no harm. Fine the crap out of him, ok, take his liscence for a while, ok, fine, but jail time for speeding? Too harsh for me.

Well it happens. After a certain amount it isn't speeding anymore, it's reckless endangerment. That [as I understand it] means he's a threat to public safety.

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Well it happens. After a certain amount it isn't speeding anymore, it's reckless endangerment. That [as I understand it] means he's a threat to public safety.

You are correct. Reckless driving is a big upgrade from speeding. He was in NC. No idea

what their law reads there.

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It's the thug culture taking over Nascar. What are we gonna do?:D:panic: When I was much younger I would have said so what, but now fully understanding the potential for injury or death the penalty needs to be more than a slap on the wrist.

Edited by LINKS2K
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North Carolina Traffic Laws - Learn About the Law

Reckless Driving 20‑140. Reckless driving.

Speeding 20‑141. Speed restrictions

is also found at the same link

under speeding you can find

A driver charged with speeding in excess of 25 miles per hour over the posted speed limit shall be ineligible for a disposition of prayer for judgment continued.

When you read the Reckless, I think he should have been changed with reckless, but I get the filling he was not charged with reckless but the news story does not say one way or the other.

Edited by vontar
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I got pulled over doing 136 in a 70 and the cop gave me a ticket for 10 over. It even said reducing from over 100mph. I could not believe he let me go with 10 over. It was the last time I drove over 100, it made me think about what could have been.

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reason, he wrote it that way was so you could pay it and get on with life but if you decided to fight it, the judge would see the guy gave you a break and the judge would have no mercy on you. Consider yourself very lucky,

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Guest mikedwood

That's to fast. I don't know what the punishment should be but when those guys race they have people watching every inch of the track and radioing them and they pretty much know what the other is going to do. They only turn left, are in finely tuned multi million dollar machines, everyone else is speeding and they still manage to wreck.

It's stupid to think that you can drive that fast on the open road and not have something happen eventually. And when that something happens can be very bad.

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I was living in Montana when they abolished the speed limit. What they went to was "reasonable and prudent." Problem is...you go off the road in a violent snowstorm driving 5 miles an hour and you were going too fast to be prudent. 5mph might be reasonable but you ran off the road and that's not prudent. Then there's the multi millionare who had a corvette built to be safe at 200...and proved it in court. He flew in experts from all over the country and completely blindsided the prosecution. Jury trial."Not Guilty" The state reinstituted the limit law soon after.

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