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Palin Fans This will make you _______!

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Guest Lester Weevils

When Palin was first selected vice-pres candidate it was amusing because of Hillary Clinton fans complaining about Palin's annoying voice. When Hillary probably has the most annoying voice in all politics except perhaps Barney Frank. Limbaugh repeatedly observed that Hillary would have trouble getting elected because she would remind all the men of their worst ex-wife.

At first for up to the first year Palin's speech pattern and tone didn't bother me much. Dunno if her style and timbre has gotten more annoying lately, or I've got tired of it, but it bothers me a lot nowadays. There are quite a few people I have to change channels on to avoid hearing them speak, protect ears and avoid ruining a good mood. Palin has made it to that group.

It isn't necessarily people I disagree with or dislike. Even if I agree with somebody it is masochism to listen to annoying mannerisms too long at a stretch. It is easier and quicker to later read a report of what they said. :eek:

Dunno a witty way to characterize Palin's speech. If Hillary reminds of the bitchy ex-wife, maybe Palin reminds of that annoying teacher back in third grade, or maybe the company bookkeeper explaining how you filled out the expense report all wrong. :)

Edited by Lester Weevils
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Guest HvyMtl
Yup, that pretty much covers it. They're both cartoon characters. Unfortunately, they actually exist and are in politics.


And her present bus tour, well, screams of "look at me, look at me!" attention whoring...

Yet few remember, she quit being a Governor, so she could make $.

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Yet few remember, she quit being a Governor, so she could make $.

She quit being Governor becuase the she couldn't cope with the pressure and numerous scandals in her "administration".

She couldn't even handle a state of 700,000 and people seriously think she could be President. What a joke.

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