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WTS: Shotgun

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If you can confirm that it is Chinese made, I'll take it. I've been programmed to only purchase Chinese made goods.

I'll also throw in a free autographed copy of my new book: An Ode to Gun Powder and Gasoline and other musings for quick and easy hair removal......

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Guest BenderBendingRodriguez

Forget everyone else who's in line for the box. I want it. Well, depending on the condition. Only interested in boxes that are 95% condition or better. And it better include any factory tape (intact, of course), and there really shouldn't be any peeling of the cardboard from where the tape was removed to open it up. And I saw one on GunBroker for only $3. Sure it was completely beat up, but I'm telling you that you're way overpriced here.

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Well the deal didnt happen with the last buyer.

This is back up for sale now.

I will add 2 more boxes of ammo but the price is now $2750.00 Firm

No Pictures. We all know what the stock box and 870 Marine looks like.

The box is in 98.6 % shape It is a NB. It was only opened one time by me to remove the gun all papers are still intact.

No Trades

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Guest BenderBendingRodriguez

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

AUGH! It's so perfect that you have that on the end... but the question is whether you added it as part of the joke or if you actually sent it from your phone.

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AUGH! It's so perfect that you have that on the end... but the question is whether you added it as part of the joke or if you actually sent it from your phone.

I think he just did it to show out.

Sent frum my DROYDEX using Tapatawk.

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Guest db99wj

Still have not heard back on my PM, the OP has not responded in 77 minutes in this thread, this might be a hoax, unless he has been on vacation for this time.

Sent from your mom's iPhone.

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Guest TnValleyBulletman
Well the deal didnt happen with the last buyer.

This is back up for sale now.

I will add 2 more boxes of ammo but the price is now $2750.00 Firm

No Pictures. We all know what the stock box and 870 Marine looks like.

The box is in 98.6 % shape It is a NB. It was only opened one time by me to remove the gun all papers are still intact.

No Trades

I guess people don't know a good deal. I'll take it. I'll go ahead and fax you the cash and I can pick it up the next time I am there or you can ship it to me and I'll fax you an extra $2750 for your trouble.

Someone had a Saiga they wanted to sell?

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Guest TnValleyBulletman

You guys went the whole thread and only got off-topic one time.

Hats OFF!!!!!!!

Yes HATS. I have so many sometimes it's hard to decide which one I want to wear.

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I have a Remington 870 Marine 12ga for sale in a ORIGINAL Saiga box.



No shipping.

Must pass my background check.

Must pass a credit check.

Must Fill out a 12 page Bill of sale.

Must be over 30 years old.

Must allow me to fingerprint you and take a photo with you holding the gun with the serial number showing.


Have a note from your mother.

PM sent

You want a note from my mother? :lol:

will this do?


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