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If I sell a Sig


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If I sell a Sig

BUT.............................. replace it with 2 others I am still OK right?

I would say you are trending in the right direction. When you start trading Sigs for carbon offsets, then you have an issue.

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Guest forte10

You have a problem if you buy something and before it gets to you, you are already trying to sell it because you found something else you want more. But for this you are good to go!

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Guest BenderBendingRodriguez

There's a caveat to all this: if the one you're getting rid of is the one in your avatar, you have to use a new picture showing something that you actually own.

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That's blasphemy! You never sell one you hold on to them all. Sell your blood, your lawn mower or even your wife's jewelry but never a Sig!!!

Unless it is one I need for my Sig collection. Then it is all good. LOL

For even thanking of selling it you need to send it to me so I can give a good deserving home. I will love and pet it and call it George.:D

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Guest 10mm4me

Depends! What are you selling and what are you getting? If it is 220 for a 238 and 250 I would say you are crazy. If it is a 226/229/228 for (2) 238's I would still disapprove. We need facts here!!

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I just got my newest Sig p226 tacops...freaking one of the sides of the rear nite sight is dead....guess who I will be calling Monday...I'm starting to think new Hampshire is lacking quality control...I'm gonna try to bitch enough to get a rear combat nite sight like on the elite. So what new treasure are you buying Jeff?

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