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So what would happen if...

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The Republicans decided not to put anybody up against Obama in 2012?

I mean we are at a point now where there should be someone stepping up and saying "I'm running" or at least establishing and exploratory committee but everyone asked is saying they are not going to be running.

If they don't get into the media soon the Republicans are going to be behind the eight ball.

Not saying I am Republican but they seem to be the lesser of the two evils here.


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The move towards earlier entry and longer campaigns of the previous few elections (going back to around 2000) has shifted back somewhat toward the traditional time frames. Thought now is that several of the front runners in the last couple of elections entered too early and ran too long and peaked too early. There will be plenty of people in the race and a few decent candidates in the mix.

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Guest Lester Weevils

It is sad that USA only has two viable natl parties and likely will remain that way.

Canada has four parties viable enough to elect representatives to natl positions, though two dominate most of the action.

If the USA had fringe parties viable enough to just put a few reps in washington it could be an improvement. Fringe parties "wrap around the edges" of conventional left-right paradigm. If washington had a few Greens and Libertarians, then on selected issues different combinations of parties ally with each other. Sometimes Republicans would get assistance from Libertarians and even Greens. Other times Democrats would get assistance from Greens and even Libertarians.

"Mavericks" (word made foul by such as McCain) are discouraged in a two party system. If a politician crosses over on selected issues, he runs the risk of being shunned by his party. Encourages too much "go along to get along". We may already be seeing this with the newly-elected tea party candidates.

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Won't happen, never has before.

The media is not going to shine the light on any republican until one is picked at the convention. Currently the media is digging trash up on all the potentials, the ones they are scared of they have already tried to discredit.

It's still early.

The Republicans decided not to put anybody up against Obama in 2012?

I mean we are at a point now where there should be someone stepping up and saying "I'm running" or at least establishing and exploratory committee but everyone asked is saying they are not going to be running.

If they don't get into the media soon the Republicans are going to be behind the eight ball.

Not saying I am Republican but they seem to be the lesser of the two evils here.


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Guest Oaklands

Just got done sending an email to the info email address on his site. My concern was looking at revamping the IRS as we know it and giving serious consideration to the "Fair Tax." He has sat in for Neal Boortz on several occasions and I hope he would make a push for some changes. My vote goes to someone who supports our 2nd amendment rights and will change our tax system as we know it. It is too damn complicated and outdated.

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The welfare class isn't quite as big as people give it credit for. Obama has a lot stacked against him, especially now that corporations can get behind candidates. All the Republicans need is a truly good one. Herman could be the guy. If they put up somebody like Palin, they're gonna get their asses kicked again.

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Guest J.D. Skull

Don't matter who the Repubs run. The Dims have there man. They will all vote in Rep primary for the biggest RINO loser on the ballot.

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Don't matter who the Repubs run. The Dims have there man. They will all vote in Rep primary for the biggest RINO loser on the ballot.

As they did with McCain...although with Barry unopposed this time, there will be even more crossovers.

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I'd vote for Herman.

Not that it matters anyway. The Big O will roll to a second term if the welfare class and stupid youngsters get out and vote.

age does not always represent intelligence....

but, i know what your getting at. The "Big O" hit social media and universities in a big way during the last campaign. I know SOME of the students in this area have seen the light........i don't think that is the case in more liberal areas of the country.

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I'd vote for Herman.

Not that it matters anyway. The Big O will roll to a second term if the welfare class and stupid youngsters get out and vote.

I think that the shine has worn off of Obama. They won't vote this time around.

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Guest Lester Weevils

The primary crossover scenario is interesting

In years past I occasionally primary voted for the least appealing candidate on the other side hoping to have a candidate on the other side that would be easiest to beat. That would minimize the odds of the other side winning, but maximize the damage in case the other side wins anyway.

Another strategy would be to "hedge your bets" by voting the "best" candidate the other side has to offer. That would limit the damage if the other side wins but possibly maximize the odds that the other side MIGHT win.

Maybe that is what they did last time with McCain-- The dems honestly thought that McCain would be the most liberal republican president they could get, in case democrats lose?

Or maybe they just couldn't imagine anyone voting for an old fossil like McCain, and were following a strategy of voting the worst the other side has to offer?


The same question arises with republican crossovers to vote for Hillary last time. Did they vote Hillary because she would be the easiest to beat or because she would cause the least damage if elected?


If dem crossovers go with the "worst candidate" strategy, perhaps they would turn out for Ron Paul. From the point of view of a young liberal, Ron Paul may appear the least appealing and least electable?

If they were to back Ron Paul, then old Ron might surprise em in the final election. Might give em a run for their money if Paul and Obama ended up the only two in the end game.

It just seems vanishingly unlikely to see Ron Paul and Obama side-by-side in final presidential debates. If democrat crossovers went heavy for Ron, it just seems one of the few ways that a Paul-vs-Obama race could ever happen?

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At this point I'm liking Herman Cain. Best thing is, he's not politician.

Herman Cain - Presidential Exploratory Committee

Cain supported the Bank Bailouts, and from what I can tell, is opposed to Auditing the FED, and, is a former chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.

These facts are troublesome to me with respect to him being a candidate for President.

Someone can correct me if I am wrong in this.

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