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Observation on the classified section here at TGO...

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Tennessee isn't a very large state, and I live somewhere in the middle of it. However, it seems that anything for sale there that I'd be interested in is always in a different time zone/climate. I figure it works that way for all of us. Maybe I just don't want it badly enough. A person might even be able to make a living as a courier, making daily or weekly runs across the state.:D

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I have offered to transport things for members a couple of times when I was driving across the state. (Headed from west-middle TN to east TN and back)

So far nobody has taken me up on the offer. Maybe I just don't have a trustworthy face. :D

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They do.

They are called UPS :D

But for some odd reason most folks are scared to ship. Or think it is hard to do and or do not understand how and when they can ship legally. :):)

I think most of us are pretty clear on it.

UPS turned me down cold. They would not ship a shotgun to a forum member in Chattanooga. The only people I know that have pulled it off have done so without declaring what they are shipping. I won’t do that.

I wondered about forum members being couriers for guns; but figured if it was done in the open the AFT would find a way to say it is illegal.

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I think most of us are pretty clear on it.

UPS turned me down cold. They would not ship a shotgun to a forum member in Chattanooga. The only people I know that have pulled it off have done so without declaring what they are shipping. I won’t do that.

I wondered about forum members being couriers for guns; but figured if it was done in the open the AFT would find a way to say it is illegal.

UPS has no problem shipping from a individual to a business. They look at you side ways if you try person to person.

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UPS has no problem shipping from a individual to a business. They look at you side ways if you try person to person.

Well…. The clown at the Murfreesboro terminal even tried to give me grief over a handgun going to Smith & Wesson on an over night label they sent me. I couldn’t believe it. He wasn’t going to ship it until I said “You want me to call Smith & Wesson and tell them you are refusing to ship on a label they bought from you?” He said “Let me go check on something.” He came back and gave me a speech about how he can accept it because it is going to a manufacturer, but if I was just shipping to an FFL; I would have to have an FFL ship it. :D

This is a guy the counter person called out from the back saying he needed a “Security Supervisor”. :)

I called UPS corporate over the shotgun deal and they told me they wouldn’t override the decision of someone at the terminal on a “gun deal” even if they were wrong on company policy.

Point is… we can’t all walk into a UPS, Post Officer, or FedEx and find someone that knows both the law and their own companies’ policies. And I refuse to lie about what I’m shipping just because they hired an idiot.


Having said that though…. Your stuff is priced too high if you need to ship it to sell it.


Edited by DaveTN
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Well…. The clown at the Murfreesboro terminal even tried to give me grief over a handgun going to Smith & Wesson on an over night label they sent me. I couldn’t believe it. He wasn’t going to ship it until I said “You want me to call Smith & Wesson and tell them you are refusing to ship on a label they bought from you?” He said “Let me go check on something.” He came back and gave me a speech about how he can accept it because it is going to a manufacturer, but if I was just shipping to an FFL; I would have to have an FFL ship it. :D

This is a guy the counter person called out from the back saying he needed a “Security Supervisor”. :)

I called UPS corporate over the shotgun deal and they told me they wouldn’t override the decision of someone at the terminal on a “gun deal” even if they were wrong on company policy.

Point is… we can’t all walk into a UPS, Post Officer, or FedEx and find someone that knows both the law and their own companies’ policies. And I refuse to lie about what I’m shipping just because they hired an idiot.


Having said that though…. Your stuff is priced too high if you need to ship it to sell it.


I tried the local store first and they refused. I called customer service and was told to take the rifle to the main facility in Memphis making sure that I had no identifying marking on the box. They had no problems trucking the rifle to a ffl.

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Shipping problems aside, unless I'm dealing with someone I already know, I don't really want to sell a firearm or buy one from someone without a face-to-face meeting.

Gut instinct isn't perfect, not by a long shot (no pun intended) but I won't buy or sell from/to anyone I don't feel comfortable with and you can't know much about someone when dealing with them strictly over the internet/shipping, etc.

Anyway, if I'm buying something I really want, I don't really mind driving a ways to get to someplace convenient for us to meet! :D

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I recently bought a gun from someone in GA. To make matters worse, his FFL was a seedy looking pawn shop.

All the way to the post office to send my payment via registered mail with delivery confirmations, etc., I was telling myself what an idiot I am for even thinking of doing business like this.

It all worked out, but I still feel dumb for taking the risk.

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Sure the one on pawn stars!

On topic, you can only ship firearms at a main UPS location/hub. The smaller locations and the stores are not required to ship them (I am guessing it is management decision.) The only one in Knoxville that I have found that will ship guns or ammo is the one on Callahan.

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Guest mikedwood

I had to send some ammo UPS back to Speer and the guy at the Oliver Springs UPS must have been a gun nut too. I was afraid I'd catch greif but he said "Nope as long as I put this sticker on it it's fine." and shipped it. Never shipped a gun.

Seems like every deal I see that's what I want and a real good price is in West Tennessee. I have seen some of the West Tennessee crowd complain that East Tennesse has the right guns for the right price.

And it seems to me if a gun is priced 10% or more below the value that it's gone in a few hours. If it's priced around value then it hangs a few days or weeks then it's gone and if it's over priced even by $25 that sucker will hang around forever and will take a serious price cut to sell it then. I maybe wrong but that's how it seems.

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Question, if you ship a gun to a person in state how do you get them to fill out the TGO transfer form?

If you want to use the form have them print it, fill it out and send with payment. Then you send the merchandise.

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Question, if you ship a gun to a person in state how do you get them to fill out the TGO transfer form?

I assume your kidding.

I shipped just parts from UPS on Robert Jackson in Maryville. Not sure their policy on a whole gun though.

BTW, there is a UPS Store in Midlands shopping center in Maryville that would not ship the same parts.

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Question, if you ship a gun to a person in state how do you get them to fill out the TGO transfer form?

In the State of TN there is no transfer.

The transfer form is not worth the ink used to print it. ( just my thoughts until I am shown otherwise)

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They do.

They are called UPS :D

But for some odd reason most folks are scared to ship. Or think it is hard to do and or do not understand how and when they can ship legally. :):)

The real skinny is:

UPS TOS says they will ship a firearm ... "from and between persons not otherwise prohibited from shipping firearms by federal, state or local law and when such shipment complies with all applicable federal, state and local laws applicable to the shipper, recipient and package." And yes, it needs to go to the main UPS center.

However, real word experience tells that they will hardly ever do it individual to individual.

The only time under federal law you are required to notify the carrier that a firearm is involved is when you are not shipping to a license holder.

So your only option is to break federal law to ship individual to individual and not inform UPS. The overnight policy on handguns is a UPS policy, but the notification part is federal.

FedEx TOS, btw, is no shipping individual to individual period.

- OS

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....LOL....the only UPS guys I have had luck with are some eastern European mob types in north knoxville. ....

I like it!! What an observation!! Full of insight and humor!!!

Keep up the good work!


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Guest nicemac
Having said that though…. Your stuff is priced too high if you need to ship it to sell it.[/size]



You can't be serious…

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