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Some people just can't seem to get a grip that "one of those" is running the country. They're offended...I'm offended that they're offended.

This is why you will always be a northerner. You seem to see the South through your own racist bigotry.:)

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This is why you will always be a northerner. You seem to see the South through your own racist bigotry.:rolleyes:


*recalls recent article where the most racially segregated cities were up north out west, none in the south...*

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Well it's nice to see people glommed on to obamao's sak here also.

Why? Because they haven't joined the crazy patrol? Obama was born in the US. That's all. Has nothing to do with loving Obama. It has to do with being sane.

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*recalls recent article where the most racially segregated cities were up north out west, none in the south...*

You mean the cities that still have Greek, Italian, and German neighborhoods? The birther thing is more about tin foil poisoning. It's a good place for white racists to hang out, but it's not all of them.

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You mean the cities that still have Greek, Italian, and German neighborhoods?

Unless things have changed radically and recently, Greek, Italian and German aren't races.

The birther thing is more about tin foil poisoning. It's a good place for white racists to hang out, but it's not all of them.

Well, conspiracy theory, certainly, but the way he dragged it out didn't help even some rational folks from questioning.

It's just ludicrous that the libtards continue to push racism as the reason for disliking someone's policies. It's not just the birthers, I've heard over and over that 'the only reason people dislike Obama is because he's black...'

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Unless things have changed radically and recently, Greek, Italian and German aren't races.


That was my point. A lot of northern cities are more segregated period. It's cultural, which is also a big reason for a lot of black and white segregation. Got nothin' to do with racism.

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That was my point. A lot of northern cities are more segregated period. It's cultural, which is also a big reason for a lot of black and white segregation. Got nothin' to do with racism.

Which was why I pointed it out - the 'racist south' (as it's still often portrayed) has moved beyond that. Does racism exist in the south? Sure, it does everywhere, but those who paint with the broad brush haven't paid attention to the way the world has changed..

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Unless things have changed radically and recently, Greek, Italian and German aren't races.

Well, conspiracy theory, certainly, but the way he dragged it out didn't help even some rational folks from questioning.

It's just ludicrous that the libtards continue to push racism as the reason for disliking someone's policies. It's not just the birthers, I've heard over and over that 'the only reason people dislike Obama is because he's black...'

I believe German and Italian/Greek are seperate races.

I have no trouble with races. it is thought processes I worry about.

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Technically speaking their are only four (sometimes 5) race classifications. Arabs and a lot of Africans actually fall into the Caucasian race, but this is not the point. The validity of Obama's nationality has nothing to do with race, except for the fact Obama and his supporters keep making that claim. Nationality IS a strictly defined qualification for the office of presidency as laid out by the letter of the law in the Constitution. That in my opinion should have been a small issue cleared up early on, yet it wasn't and should have lead to a Constitutional crisis, but alas the Constitution doesn't seem to hold weight anymore. I find it amusing those that claim to want to be strict Constitutionlist are some of the same ones who (at least on this forum) claim any question of Obama's nationality is race based, conspiricy theory, propaganda, from the uninformed.

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He showed his birth certificate early on, the same kinda birth certificate they issue to everybody. It's good enough for everybody EXCEPT him. It was all BS from the start. If there was any substance at all, the Republicans in power (not the media gasbags) would have nailed his ass on it right out of the gate. But, it hasn't been the Republicans in power yuckin' it up.

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He showed his birth certificate early on, the same kinda birth certificate they issue to everybody. It's good enough for everybody EXCEPT him. It was all BS from the start. If there was any substance at all, the Republicans in power (not the media gasbags) would have nailed his ass on it right out of the gate. But, it hasn't been the Republicans in power yuckin' it up.

No he didn't. The one they posted on their website was a fake done by some commoner on his blog site. Then they did nothing until now ..... nearly 4 years later. BTW it was Hillary that pushed this ball. The Republicans didn't have the stomach for it and have publicly again and again said it was unnecessary.

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No he didn't. The one they posted on their website was a fake done by some commoner on his blog site. Then they did nothing until now ..... nearly 4 years later. BTW it was Hillary that pushed this ball. The Republicans didn't have the stomach for it and have publicly again and again said it was unnecessary.

Where do you get this stuff? Please stop by the "what are you drinking tonight thread. I gotta know :rolleyes:

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You fellas fighting over the dates should know that the differences in the "type" actually are common when using a date stamp. Ink builds up on the numbers and causes the numbers to to appear different sized.

That said i looked the PDF over in Adobe 9 and could NOT see any real problems with it except the fact that his mother signes the form as Obama and they were not married (or were they).

Look, BHO is the worst president by far that this country has ever seen and it matters not where he was born at this point in time. What does matter is he is running the great old nation into the dirt and if we don't stand up and make sure he is not reelected in 2012 then I'm not sure she will survive.

WE have to stop back biting each other and find someone who can stand up and take the lead and do what must be done to protect our nation and our rights.

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Oh and the "african" VS "negro" thing. is bull. In the early 60's if you were a black American you were "negro" if you were born in Africa you were African. Get over it.

Edited by dralarms
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Oh and the "african" VS "negro" thing. is bull. In the early 60's if you were a black American you were "negro" if you were born in Africa you were African. Get over it.

truth. People don't like truth.

As i remember the 60's you were Negroe if you claimed to be black, colored really. Now call some one colored and it is a major insult.

Gramma called the black people negras. and she had no racist bone in her body.

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