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The WH released a .pdf.

Where is it? I'm on dialup still for a while, can't search around or do anything quickly.

Is it a bitmap pdf?

The only way to make it actual text would be to scan it and then use OCR to convert it to text.

I'm still bemused though, as a PDF doesn't have image layers either.

- OS

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Where is it? I'm on dialup still for a while, can't search around or do anything quickly.

Is it a bitmap pdf?

The only way to make it actual text would be to scan it and then use OCR to convert it to text.

I'm still bemused though, as a PDF doesn't have image layers either.

- OS

American PDF's don't. The Africans have layers in their PDF's.

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Where is it? I'm on dialup still for a while, can't search around or do anything quickly.

Is it a bitmap pdf?

The only way to make it actual text would be to scan it and then use OCR to convert it to text.

I'm still bemused though, as a PDF doesn't have image layers either.

- OS

American PDF's don't. The Africans have layers in their PDF's.

Let me revise myself: I CAN make a PDF with Photoshop that retains image layers, if opened back in Photoshop. Mea Culpa for bad image info.

- OS

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Let me revise myself: I CAN make a PDF with Photoshop that retains image layers, if opened back in Photoshop. Mea Culpa for bad image info.

- OS

I need to drag down the PDF and open it in Illustrator. It was obvious to me from the jump that they slid a different background under it to doll it up.

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I need to drag down the PDF and open it in Illustrator. It was obvious to me from the jump that they slid a different background under it to doll it up.

Yeah, been a while since I messed with finer points of PDF. Bitmap stays bitmap but any vector text added stays as actual copy/pastable text, even when opened just in Adobe Reader or Foxit Reader, although layers don't show as such in those.

Again, though, can you gimmie a link to the PDF so I can grab it?

- OS

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Pretty sure Illustrator can open PDFs in layers.

Kinda sad that folks won't let this go. Country is going to hell and folks are wasting energy on conspiracy theories.

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Ah, thanks.

Shows no layers in PhotoShop, it's all one bitmap image. Same in Adobe Reader.

I don't know about the different font business, looks like the form all has one font and the typed in responses all one font to me.

However, the above PDF looks nothing like the JPEG I got from somewhere else, which has the color of the paper, boxes for the fields, signatures, etc. so I'm kinda lost as to what's claimed as what with what image.

I put it at:



- OS

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Very well said. ++1

Personally I have no idea of what is true or not true anymore.

I do have to wonder why someone with nothing to hide would "seal" all of their historical records to begin with. That whole idea seems very fishy from the get-go to me and should to everyone IMO but evidently it does not.

The illustrator evidence about this latest diversion is also very hard to dispute but the real issue is what is being done to our great country these days, not the authenticity or lack thereof of that piece of paper. The energy of all of us is wasted debating that piece of paper.

When the man was elected his campaign promise was to cut the deficit in half during his first term. It was around 1.5 Trillion then and now it is over 15 Trillion and growing. Maybe they dont teach math at Harvard but I sure thought that they did.

He also said he would bring our troops out of Iraq, but at last count there were still around 100K of them there and more than there were are now in the Afgahn. and recently he has added the Libya thing. Somehow I dont see that as keeping that promise either.

He was going to have the most "transparent admistration ever", yet the then Speaker of the House said things like "we must first pass the bill in order to know what is in it". Strange stuff folks....very strange.

One thing that I do feel very strongly about is that there really are two political parties in this country and they have become the Politicians and the People. Or if you will....the Elite and then "rest of us". Of course there will be a few out of each group that are really part of the other but not many.

It is Us and Them, if I believe he is a fraud and you dont, it still isnt about that...it is about what they are doing to the both of us.

The media will never tell us what is really going on, it seems to me that their only goal anymore is to keep "the rest of us" arguing among ourselves over things that dont matter so that we dont see what really does matter and it is working. A person only has to look at forums of like minded folks like ourselves to see it working.

I believe that the media folks all consider themselves as part of the Elite group and not Of nor For the people anymore. So long as the media keeps you and I or Jack and Jill at odds the Govt can put the screws to all of us while we are arguing. Yes I do believe that it is working.

I am not saying that if in fact the man is really not eligible, that it does not matter at all but he is already in the office and what he is doing is far more important at this point in time than whether or not he should be there or not. He IS there and what he is doing is what really matters and what scares the hell out of me.

As I said, I have no idea just what is really going on in our country anymore, I dont even reconize it these days.

All I can do is hope and pray that our Great Republic survives whatever it is.

Since I am pretty certain that there are many folks who want just the opposite of that end, I certainly hope that "our" virtues, convictions and Love of our country are stronger than the wills of those who wish to destroy us.

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Read the correspondence here...


The State of Hawaii called it a computer generated copy. I sure am glad Obama got Bin Laden before we sent his ass back to Africa.

Nope...the State of Hawaii said the NORMAL response was to send a computer generated copy...this time they didn't do that.

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You need to open it in Illustrator


You mean the PDF, right?

But it already doesn't look anything like the JPEG version of a birth certificate form (above image), so it's obviously manipulated, layers or not still included.

I actually don't have Illustrator on either of my main boxes anymore, never really used it much and let it lapse somewhere back around whatever version it was about Win XP release days.

- OS

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You mean the PDF, right?

But it already doesn't look anything like the JPEG version of a birth certificate form (above image), so it's obviously manipulated, layers or not still included.

I actually don't have Illustrator on either of my main boxes anymore, never really used it much and let it lapse somewhere back around whatever version it was about Win XP release days.

- OS

I have it, but can't seem to make my way to the machine it's on today

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Guest Lathe guy

Too funny. Trump forced the divider in chief to show the long form.

Question is. Why didn't he just show it from the beginning.

Where are his transcripts? Just asking.

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Too funny. Trump forced the divider in chief to show the long form.

Question is. Why didn't he just show it from the beginning.

Where are his transcripts? Just asking.

Uhh... because it wouldn't do any good? The long form didn't satisfy the true Birthers either. The Donald is an idiot.

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