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I question HIS authenticity moreso than that of his birth certificate. Only time will tell what his true agenda is, which will come about with his "changes". By the time we find out the irreversable damage would have already been done. He will most suredly go down in history as the worst president this or maybe any country has ever had and we can then thank the gullable voters who put him in office.

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Bush is the worst catastrophy this country has ever had.

BTW...I never said I wanted to be a southerner. I was perfectly happy living in Montana until I met an OaK Ridger (who can trace her southern to before the Revolution on both sides of her family) on the internet and married her. I've only been here 14 years. I'm still trying to figure out the directions.

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He should have produced the certificate prior to running for election. I say way to go Trump for getting the white house motivated to produce the legal documents necessary for someone to run for president. Now, do I really believe this new document is real.....I'm going to hold my tougne on that one.

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Bush is the worst catastrophy this country has ever had.

BTW...I never said I wanted to be a southerner. I was perfectly happy living in Montana until I met an OaK Ridger (who can trace her southern to before the Revolution on both sides of her family) on the internet and married her. I've only been here 14 years. I'm still trying to figure out the directions.

Just remember that while "over yonder" is a perfectly acceptable set of directions, the polite thing to do is to point in the general direction of "over yonder".

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Guest HvyMtl

IMHO, I thought him releasing would not end the discussion. Sadly, I am right.

Instead of attacking the fellow in a manner many use the race card on, attack him on his merits, or lack there of. Go after his policy, and lack thereof.

Claiming he is not a citizen, he is a Muslim, not Christian, etc., is a poor play. Gives the impression the one claiming is misinformed at best, and probably a lot worse.

Personally, I wish Trump had focused on something like this: "I know how to create jobs, cause I have. Obama does not have a clue." That would have been nice, even correct, but instead, Trump did come off like a "Carnival Barker," rather than a legitimate candidate...

(Side note: "Turn left by the dead tree," is legitimate guidance around here...)

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Trump got what he wanted, whatever that is. That's something we may never know, other than


It's all about that. Not the first time he's popped up around election time, and didn't actually throw his name into the hat. Just free advertising, especially when the news media's dumbass meter is on 10.

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Just remember that while "over yonder" is a perfectly acceptable set of directions, the polite thing to do is to point in the general direction of "over yonder".

In Montana it's "thataway" and "you can't miss it" You can't miss it is an absolute. You will!

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Also time is a measurement of distance. Jus' make a left and go down Old Hickory for about 10 minutes and you'll see it there on the right. I'll bet money everybody on this forum who has lived a decent amount of time in Nashville has heard those exact directions.

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Folks, does anyone really believe the "birther" fallout has made people more inclined to trust Obama? I would argue that the opposite has occurred - more distrust of Obama with only himself to blame. He could have ended it before it started by showing the documents. Anyone thinking Obama's actions were part of plan to help himself - are also slapping Unicorn decals on their Crossbreeds!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Guest Sgt. Joe

Personally I have no idea of what is true or not true anymore.

I do have to wonder why someone with nothing to hide would "seal" all of their historical records to begin with. That whole idea seems very fishy from the get-go to me and should to everyone IMO but evidently it does not.

The illustrator evidence about this latest diversion is also very hard to dispute but the real issue is what is being done to our great country these days, not the authenticity or lack thereof of that piece of paper. The energy of all of us is wasted debating that piece of paper.

When the man was elected his campaign promise was to cut the deficit in half during his first term. It was around 1.5 Trillion then and now it is over 15 Trillion and growing. Maybe they dont teach math at Harvard but I sure thought that they did.

He also said he would bring our troops out of Iraq, but at last count there were still around 100K of them there and more than there were are now in the Afgahn. and recently he has added the Libya thing. Somehow I dont see that as keeping that promise either.

He was going to have the most "transparent admistration ever", yet the then Speaker of the House said things like "we must first pass the bill in order to know what is in it". Strange stuff folks....very strange.

One thing that I do feel very strongly about is that there really are two political parties in this country and they have become the Politicians and the People. Or if you will....the Elite and then "rest of us". Of course there will be a few out of each group that are really part of the other but not many.

It is Us and Them, if I believe he is a fraud and you dont, it still isnt about that...it is about what they are doing to the both of us.

The media will never tell us what is really going on, it seems to me that their only goal anymore is to keep "the rest of us" arguing among ourselves over things that dont matter so that we dont see what really does matter and it is working. A person only has to look at forums of like minded folks like ourselves to see it working.

I believe that the media folks all consider themselves as part of the Elite group and not Of nor For the people anymore. So long as the media keeps you and I or Jack and Jill at odds the Govt can put the screws to all of us while we are arguing. Yes I do believe that it is working.

I am not saying that if in fact the man is really not eligible, that it does not matter at all but he is already in the office and what he is doing is far more important at this point in time than whether or not he should be there or not. He IS there and what he is doing is what really matters and what scares the hell out of me.

As I said, I have no idea just what is really going on in our country anymore, I dont even reconize it these days.

All I can do is hope and pray that our Great Republic survives whatever it is.

Since I am pretty certain that there are many folks who want just the opposite of that end, I certainly hope that "our" virtues, convictions and Love of our country are stronger than the wills of those who wish to destroy us.

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When the man was elected his campaign promise was to cut the deficit in half during his first term. It was around 1.5 Trillion then and now it is over 15 Trillion and growing. Maybe they dont teach math at Harvard but I sure thought that they did.

He also said he would bring our troops out of Iraq, but at last count there were still around 100K of them there and more than there were are now in the Afgahn. and recently he has added the Libya thing. Somehow I dont see that as keeping that promise either.

Per Bloomberg quoted here:Obama Plans to Slash U.S. Budget Deficit by 2013 (Update1) - Bloomberg

February 22, 2009

The deficit Obama inherited on taking office last month was $1.3 trillion.

The Debt



Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Current Date: 04/27/2011

Debt Held by the Public: 9,648,789,481,220.81

Intragovernmental Holdings: 4,646,338,344,588.29

Total Public Debt Outstanding: 14,295,127,825,809.10

Here is an explaination of the data.

Government - Frequently Asked Questions about the Public Debt


The number of US Service members in Iraq as of January, 2009 - 142,000.

The number of US Service members in Iraq as of March, 2011 - 47,000.

Per Iraq Index - Saban Center for Middle East Policy - Brookings Institution

Specifically http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Files/Centers/Saban/Iraq%20Index/index.pdf


The Number of US Service members in Afghanistan as of January 2009 - 30,858

The Number of US Service members in Afghanistan as of March 2011 - 100,000

Per Afghanistan Index - Foreign Policy - Brookings Institution

Specifically http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Files/Programs/FP/afghanistan%20index/index.pdf

Other Foreign Troops Deployed to Afghanistan as of January 2009 - 31,880

Other Foreign Troops Deployed to Afghanistan as of March 2011 - 42,203

Figure 1.3 has a break down of what countries have supplied what numbers of troops.

A quick rundown would be (I am only including countries with over 1k troops):

Australia - 1550

Canada - 2900

France - 3979

Germany - 4909

Italy - 3815

Poland - 2527

Romania - 1726

Spain - 1499

Turkey - 1799

UK - 9500

United States - 90,000

Total: 132,203

* The total foreign troop presence also includes about 30,000 (mainly American) troops organized under Operation Enduring Freedom.

Edited by Daniel
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Personally I have no idea of what is true or not true anymore.

I do have to wonder why someone with nothing to hide would "seal" all of their historical records to begin with. That whole idea seems very fishy from the get-go to me and should to everyone IMO but evidently it does not.

The illustrator evidence about this latest diversion is also very hard to dispute but the real issue is what is being done to our great country these days, not the authenticity or lack thereof of that piece of paper. The energy of all of us is wasted debating that piece of paper.

When the man was elected his campaign promise was to cut the deficit in half during his first term. It was around 1.5 Trillion then and now it is over 15 Trillion and growing. Maybe they dont teach math at Harvard but I sure thought that they did.

He also said he would bring our troops out of Iraq, but at last count there were still around 100K of them there and more than there were are now in the Afgahn. and recently he has added the Libya thing. Somehow I dont see that as keeping that promise either.

He was going to have the most "transparent admistration ever", yet the then Speaker of the House said things like "we must first pass the bill in order to know what is in it". Strange stuff folks....very strange.

One thing that I do feel very strongly about is that there really are two political parties in this country and they have become the Politicians and the People. Or if you will....the Elite and then "rest of us". Of course there will be a few out of each group that are really part of the other but not many.

It is Us and Them, if I believe he is a fraud and you dont, it still isnt about that...it is about what they are doing to the both of us.

The media will never tell us what is really going on, it seems to me that their only goal anymore is to keep "the rest of us" arguing among ourselves over things that dont matter so that we dont see what really does matter and it is working. A person only has to look at forums of like minded folks like ourselves to see it working.

I believe that the media folks all consider themselves as part of the Elite group and not Of nor For the people anymore. So long as the media keeps you and I or Jack and Jill at odds the Govt can put the screws to all of us while we are arguing. Yes I do believe that it is working.

I am not saying that if in fact the man is really not eligible, that it does not matter at all but he is already in the office and what he is doing is far more important at this point in time than whether or not he should be there or not. He IS there and what he is doing is what really matters and what scares the hell out of me.

As I said, I have no idea just what is really going on in our country anymore, I dont even reconize it these days.

All I can do is hope and pray that our Great Republic survives whatever it is.

Since I am pretty certain that there are many folks who want just the opposite of that end, I certainly hope that "our" virtues, convictions and Love of our country are stronger than the wills of those who wish to destroy us.

They are pros at getting the people to argue over petty isses. It almost causes me to explode at election time when people are talking about petty hot button issues instead of focusing on the big picture.

I can assure you that we will be talking about gays and birth certificates instead of the economy, wars, immigration and jobs running up to the next election.

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This is so obvious a fake it is laughable. If you open in Illustrator the edit layers are still there....
..The illustrator evidence about this latest diversion is also very hard to dispute....

I don't understand. The only file I've seen to get anywhere is a JPEG. Which can't save layers.

I didn't read all the links but Glenn, did Obama release a .ai, .psd, or .tif file or something?

- OS

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They are pros at getting the people to argue over petty isses. It almost causes me to explode at election time when people are talking about petty hot button issues instead of focusing on the big picture.

I can assure you that we will be talking about gays and birth certificates instead of the economy, wars, immigration and jobs running up to the next election.

... and those that swallow the bait get exactly what they deserve. It's like some girls I've dated. They just ain't happy with the truth.

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The WH released a .pdf.

Guess I should load that PDF into illustrator, so I can see what they did to pretty it up. Illustrator was designed by communists to ruin the country ;). Sure, it helps makes things more presentable, but that's just a smokescreen.

Personally, I'm gonna believe Obama is an African until they find his foreskin.

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