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They'll just say it's a fake too.
I know what the problem is...I'm from the cold and snowy north and I have been informed by some folks that no matter how long I live here or how long my kids live here, even down to 7 generations, we'll always be yankees. It's the same sort of deal with Obama. He wasn't born HERE so he can't be an American.
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Finally...the long form...take that, Mr Trump, and shove it!


It is still unfortunate that Obama had to fight these baseless claims from the birther movement. Everybody else would have to have had credible evidence against them, but I guess when it comes to Obama, he was guilty until he proved himself innocent. Truly sad.

Hopefully this will satisfy these "birther" idiots, and we can get on with the real problems facing the US.

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Has anyone else noticed that the address listed on the long-form is the grandparents', and not either one of the parents'? Also, did anyone happen to notice that, when the controversy first started, the Obama camp claimed that he was born at Queen's Medical Center, and the story only recently changed to Kapi'olani Medical Center? :stir:


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Guest HvyMtl

His mom was living with her parents at the time of his birth. Not sure about the hospital stuff, could have been from a different source? (Citation needed.)

I also note he had to have his council do a special request to get the form, as Hawaii Law gives the short form only...

President Obama's Long Form Birth Certificate | The White House

Just wondering what Orly Taitz and WND will say...

Oh, and Trump is taking credit for "forcing" Obama to release the form.

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They will NEVER get on with the real issues. That's how and why stuff like the birther crap gets started.


DC hasn't dealt with the real issues facing this country in decades, which is why we're where we are now.

Another side show will pop up soon so the people won't start focusing on how badly they're screwing us all...

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His mom was living with her parents at the time of his birth. Not sure about the hospital stuff, could have been from a different source? (Citation needed.)

I also note he had to have his council do a special request to get the form, as Hawaii Law gives the short form only...

President Obama's Long Form Birth Certificate | The White House

Just wondering what Orly Taitz and WND will say...

Oh, and Trump is taking credit for "forcing" Obama to release the form.

Here is a cached version of the UPI article claiming Queen's Medical Center. There's a notation at the bottom noting the change to Kapi'olani in 2009.

Sen. Barack Obama, Democrat of Illinois - UPI.com

Snopes and the Obama campaign's website also claimed Queen's until 2009, but both of those have since been scrubbed, so no links exist. There are some screenshots floating around out there, however, but I'm lazy.

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Maybe he made a mistake? I couldnt tell you the name of the Hospital I was born in.
I'd be willing to bet, however, that you'd go to the trouble of finding out before posting incorrect information on your website while campaigning for the most powerful position in the free world, yes?
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Most people haven't put a lot of stock into the birh cert issue, having assumed that he was properly vetted. I don't know, but I do know two things: He and his administration have certainly been aware of the growing numbers of people who wanted him to produce the long form., yet he did not. His inaction and mis-statements only added to the birther's fears and claims. Second, clearly, he finally released it because of Trump. Trump was the only one of the people pushing the birther isse to have gotten a lot of mainstream media attention. I think the administration started to realize that not only was the issue not going away, the Trump factor was causing it to be MORE talked about in the media, and they realized, albeit late in the game, that the more mainstream attention it got, the more people may jump on the wagon.

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What is sad is the fact that to obtain my HCP the Department of Safety requires more detailed information than is required to be POTUS. IMO ALL POTUS candidates should be required to present basic citizenship docs, birth information, and submit to polygraph as if applying for security clearance. NO ifs, ands, or buts. NO EXCEPTIONS. But I am sure libs think thats overkill, as its only a government job.

Edited by adamween
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Guest friesepferd

not surprised at all. i just cant help but wondering why the heck he didnt do it earlier.

why let so many people get uppity first?

I cant help but wonder if he purposfully waited until it was a big deal for so many people, just so that he could make them look bad.

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It's all a game of "chess" and I think the delay in providing the info was deliberate! Totally agree with adamween! What if I showed up with a newspaper clipping about my birth instead of a certified birth certificate ,when I went in for my HCP? I don't blame the birthers , I blame the President for not releasing the info sooner!

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Guest bkelm18
When did all the Obama apologists show up?

Sent from my Inspire 4g using Tapatalk

If by apologists you mean people who don't buy into BS conspiracy theory garbage, then yeah, they've shown up.

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Guest HvyMtl

Thanks for the cite. Interesting. They could easily blame it on a staff worker that presumed.

What I liked about this? Obama inferred Trump was a "carnival barker."

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I know what the problem is...I'm from the cold and snowy north and I have been informed by some folks that no matter how long I live here or how long my kids live here, even down to 7 generations, we'll always be yankees. It's the same sort of deal with Obama. He wasn't born HERE so he can't be an American.

Of course you would say that, damn Yankee. Since I was born...oh wait, I'm one too. :)

There's plenty of real obama stuff to bitch about without making stuff up. They just don't want us to focus on the real stuff.

This is true. Too bad there isn't a long form for the right for every time we get called racist, which is what? Every 2 minutes or so?

What is sad is the fact that to obtain my HCP the Department of Safety requires more detailed information than is required to be POTUS. IMO ALL POTUS candidates should be required to present basic citizenship docs, birth information, and submit to polygraph as if applying for security clearance. NO ifs, ands, or buts. NO EXCEPTIONS. But I am sure libs think thats overkill, as its only a government job.

This is simply not true. Without taking a side on the issue it is well known that HI gives the form that has been available for some time now, referred to as the short form I believe, when proof of birth is requested.

And polygraphs aren't reliable and that's why they aren't used in obtaining security clearances, even for Top Secret access. They are pretty good at weeding out liars. I've seen it first hand.

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