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92fs range report

Guest HogMan

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Let me tell you something.

Of all - ALL - of the guys I Know who fought in Korea (and that I frequently have coffee with), , they all call it a "clip". Every one of them call it a clip. Every one!

If it's good enough for them, It's good enough for me.

They fought with "clips". I'm very cool with that.

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I'm sure that was due to the widespread use of the Garand rifle, since it did use clips. It was proper terminology for the era.

FWIW, If they called it a "clip", it's a clip. I certainly am not going to "correct" them. I have far more respect than to do that. I'm an old guy, but not too old to show respect.

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I won't apologize for my correction. I don't bow before Mars, though he usually makes good points.

You can "tell me something" any day. Doesn't mean I have to agree with you. I too am cool with the fact that many people using Garands and other weapons that employed the use of actual clips still call the magazine that feeds into a pistol a clip. Doesn't mean I have to do it.

Oh, and BTW, it was meant tongue in cheek but if people can't take a joke......

Why did the rooster cross the basket ball court?

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I won't apologize for my correction. I don't bow before Mars, though he usually makes good points.

You can "tell me something" any day. Doesn't mean I have to agree with you.

Good grief, it wasn't a slam against you. It was meant as a comment of respect for the Korean Vets I know.

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I finally got to shoot my Beretta today (and also my Saiga, but thats for another thread) that I purchased used from the Rabbi. Well I can honestly say I didnt get J..... ;-D Absolutely love this gun. It shoots very good and is easily more accurate then me. Surprisingly my 32rd Promag Magazine/Clip fed perfectly with no hiccups and allowed me to keep up with the Glock'ers and their 33rd'ers. Definitely recommend the Beretta 92fs and the Rabbi!

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Guest ricks
Forget what you hear about the military having issues with them.

There were early iterations of 92f's that were prone to stress fractures after about 5k rounds. Beretta addressed it by adding a milled firing pin 'crack' to fix where the safety body is larger on one side. I think 92SB and F were pre milled 'crack' and need to be examined regularly to see if a hairline crack is developing, especially if you're putting +p rounds through it! 92D's don't have the safety assembly and thus don't have the milled 'crack'.

At least, this is the way i understand it.

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I think 92SB and F were pre milled 'crack' and need to be examined regularly to see if a hairline crack is developing, especially if you're putting +p rounds through it!

All I can tell you is that my 92SB has thousands of rounds through it and is just fine.

I think there was also a steel quality issue in the early 92Fs as I recall.

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