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Is anyone happy with the "NEW" Comcast cable guide?


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I think that the new guide is horrible. It is like going from Windows Vista to Windows 98.

If anyone has Dish, U-Verse or DirectTV please tell me how you like the service, dvr and guide. Right now I am leaning towards U-Verse because they are starving for new customers, you can record four programs at one time on one dvr, and have really low introductory rates for 12 months to stick it to Comcast while customers are unhappy.



Edited by LINKS2K
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Guest BenderBendingRodriguez

Ugh, it's terrible. Worst UI I've seen in quite some time. The wife and I were already talking about ditching cable, and this is making that look more and more likely.

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I am also considering giving up cable. I will switch if I find lower rates and a good product, but it is nothing that I have to have. ATT gives a 30 day trial period so I may look at them before I give up on cable.

I went to the comcast forums and found that basically 20% of us were down graded to the service that the other 80% of their customers have. From what I found this crap with Xfinity has been going on since 2007.

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Guest Lester Weevils

I don't see any change in appearance or functionality when I click the guide button on my comcast remote. How did it change to for you? Maybe they haven't "rolled it out" yet in Chattanooga.

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It's been a slow roll out. I was told to expect it in january and it finally happened this past weekend. The new guide looks like someone programmed it with a Commodore 64.

They took away the ability to program repeat series at odd hours, pip, date, it stops recording if you turn off the dvr, stops recording if you change the channel , if you set up the dvr to record all new programs for a certain show it will record that program and repeats everytime that it comes on on any station, and more. It's like having cable in the 1970s. All I need is a cord running from my remote to my box.

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Guest BenderBendingRodriguez

You will definitely know when they switch you over. You will wake up one morning and suddenly your cable will suck more than normal.

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Guest Lester Weevils

OK, thought it was the guide feature itself. I'm too cheap to pay comcast for a DVR feature.

The Guide feature always looked like a Commodore 64 screen to me, though it has useful information. The guide is useful to verify that, yes, as unbelievable as it might be, once again there are 150 channels with nothing worth watching for the entire evening. :P

Maybe on a hi-res TV there are more graphical options, but I'm too cheap to buy a hi-res TV til my CRT TV finally dies, which may be years yet. On a CRT TV, about 40 characters per line is the most crowded screen that remains readable. So if you are limited to the same graphical resolution as a C64, it isn't surprising the screens would look similar...

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Guest db99wj

Two local stations did FB polls and NO one liked it. Had a couple of a hundred replies each. I thought the technology was behind before, now I am so happy I switched to Uverse. Absolutely love it!

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you all place tooooooooo much importance on television. DVR's, hi def. Take me back to three networks and no remotes.

I actually remember being a little kid and all we had was 2, 4, 5, 8 and if the sky was clear we could get fox 17. Channel 8 was public (gag) and if the president was on, the night was ruined. Wizard of Oz only came on ONCE a year and it was border line to being a holiday. Rabbit ears, betamax Episodes of MASH..........better times. Everything on TV was halfway interesting. Now I have (in the hundreds) channels and there is absolutely NOTHING I want to watch. I swear I wish sometimes Radio would make a comeback and old timey radio shows would come back. I don't want to sound like Ted Kizinsky [this was actually the premise of his manifesto] But the modern industrial/technological society has cheated man out of the reality of life.

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Comcast is the reason I no longer watch TV unless there's absolutely nothing else on or I'm watching a sports game. Even though the old one sucked, it was still usable. The new guide is a complete piece of trash and I can't even begin to come up with reason as to why they would force such an "update" upon it's customers.

The shows I watch I will torrent them and stream them to the TV through my 360. No commercials, I watch them when I want in less time than when watching on TV, and I can rewind or pause them if I need to for whatever reason.

Before y'all decide to switch companies, try giving Comcast a call and when you're going through the options on the phone there's one selection that is like "Cancel or Downgrade My Services" and it puts you through to a group that will try and keep your business. My mom did that and ended up getting almost all the movie channels, a sports package, and something else (ended up being like 300 more channels with HD channels) for a cheaper price than what we were previously paying. The guide's will still suck but you might be able to get more for less. Worse thing that will happen is you will still end up switching companies so why not give it a shot?

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Hate it, especially with the DVR.

Oh, and when the hell am I gonna see all the new HD channels that were supposed to be here in February? Talked to Comcast 3 times about it and am tired of it.

When you switch to DirecTV or U-verse. :-D

you all place tooooooooo much importance on television. DVR's, hi def. Take me back to three networks and no remotes.

Not me. I love sports in hi def. And getting up to change the channel sucked before I ever heard of a remote. Besides with just the big 3 you'd now be stuck with Courick and Stephasnuffalupogus and those hags on The View. No thanks.

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Guest drv2fst

We got rid of TV. When we wish to watch a show we download it from Apple TV/iTunes. We have looked at Hulu, NetFlix, and Amazon but like the Apple TV the best. All we use the TV for now is the Wii, AppleTv, and the occasional DVD from RedBox.

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direct tv here. had comcast years ago, just had a guy from comcast door knocking last week. I told him "not trying to be a smart alec and appreciated the fact he was trying to drum up business but Due to past experience with comcast I'd never have it again"

I love my direct with tivo and just waiting for this tv to die before we up grade. Although you do lose it some during this storms but have plenty stored up in tivo

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