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The National Anthem

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Yes, it disappoints me. The best thing that you could do is be an example. Overtly and properly respect the flag. I and my son went to the Nashville Super speedway for the NASCAR races this weekend. When it came time for the anthem, I turned to my son, who is a cub scout, you know what to do. We both removed our hats and placed our right hand over our hearts. All of the people around us saw what we did and followed suit. lead by example. . . .

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I sang it in HighSchool...solo...Sang it in The Blue Jackets Choir...solo...Sang it in the Lansing Michigan Men's Choir...solo...Sang it at the Race Track for 7 years...solo. My Country is NOT dead...Don't sing the Anthem like a dirge! It's a MARCH, people. You should be able to step out...not creep! This is my favorite peeve about the USA/ We're not dead...don't sing it like we are!

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In a previous life, I was part of a NASCAR Winston Cup/Grand National/Late Model Sportsman race team. Things could get a bit hairy right before race time, depending on what all was going on...but by and large, the folks down on pit road were very respectful, standing attentive with hand over heart. This was long before the NASCAR-mandated "everybody line up on the pit box lines and play good for the camera" days...we meant it. Those who were intent of doing otherwise often found themselves uncomfortably isolated, and usually figured out the error of their ways rather quickly. I contrast that to recent years, where the student section at the local high school football games sometimes stays fairly rowdy, while the rest of the stadium stands respectfully...presumably hoping that, someday, those kids will figure it out.

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Guest Oaklands
Does that make it less of a right? Some would say carrying a firearm is dangerous and disrespectful of others' safety...

That is more of an apples and oranges comparison. I did not say it was not their right, I said it was disrespectful. If I come to your church, house or business, I might not agree with they way you pray, the way you run your house, or how you treat your employees. I would respect the fact of how everyone acts in each of those particular places and would not disrupt you during prayer, scolding your children, or talking to your employees. It is called respect and I always do my best to be that way. If I don't feel comfortable, then I can always leave.

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Kinda scary in a way that someone would think that your rights may or may not apply depending on which piece of land you are currently standing on. If I won't allow the government to infringe on my rights, I sure wouldn't allow a private citizen to either. I am not commenting on the lack of standing for the anthem, or someone being loud and obnoxious. I have the same issue for not being able to carry in restaurants for the same reason.

The reason I have for this is if all land ever became private, your rights would in effect vanish.

Private property owners can ask you to leave for any reason or no reason at all. If they said you have to stand during the anthem and you choose not to then the property owner can ask you to leave. It is his right to ask you to leave his property, it is not your right to stay on his private property. It doesn't matter the reason they can ask you to leave. If a property owner made a rule that you must hop on one foot while on his property it is his right to do so. He can ask you to leave when you refuse to hop on one foot and he is well within his rights to ask you to leave, again for any reason or no reason at all. Now he can't break any laws enforcing his "rules" but he can ask you to leave and you must leave or face criminal trespassing charges,

Think of it this way, you invite me to your house. But part of "your" rules while on your property is that I can't disrespect you or your family. I begin cussing and calling every member of your family every name in the book. You have the right to ask me to leave because you are the property owner. Just because I want to stay and continue my actions doesn't mean I can.

On private property a person does not have the right to free speech or anything else that might fall under the first amendment.


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Soon, it won't be 'The Star Spangled Banner', it will be 'The Frito Lay Star Spangled Bannerâ„¢' and they will hand out chips to everyone, and ask them all to open the bags at the finale, as cannons rain cheese dip into the grandstands.

:D Unfortunately, you may be right.

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I think a ball game is an inappropriate place anyway. It just further trivializes the national anthem by playing it in a stadium full of drunk sports fans. It should only be played for serious business. The national anthem is very special, a ball game is not.

just my grouchy old .02

I'm never drunk until the 5th inning :D

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Guest monkeyhumper
:lol: Unfortunately, you may be right.

"Be sure to be in your seats during the 7th inning stretch, our QUESO CANNON® will blast your taste buds into oblivion!"

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