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The "Age of America" About to End?

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Interesting read and I'm sure there are strong views on both sides. However, the fact that we are even talking about this means to me that there is some validity to it. Times are changing and I often wonder how our country will handle it... and where we will end up. I still have trust in the "American Way" and hope we can overcome our own shortcomings.

On the other hand, given the current political leadership in this country - on all sides - I am losing confidence in our future economically, politically, militarily, etc.

IMF bombshell: Age of America nears end Brett Arends' ROI - MarketWatch

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Guest oldsmobile98
  Spook said:
I still have trust in the "American Way" and hope we can overcome our own shortcomings.

The "American Way" is not the problem. The problem is that the "American Way" is not practiced in America anymore by a majority of the population. Government largess is cancer on a society, period. The dole killed ancient Rome and it will, if left unchecked, kill America.

Like Ben Frankin said, "Where freedom is, there is my country."

I used to think that expatriates were unpatriotic. Staying here and fighting for freedom is still an honorable thing, but I don't blame anyone who leaves and seeks economic opportunity in the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China) or anywhere else.

These are ugly truths that hurt. It hurts me to say them. But there they are. You may commence flaming.

  oldsmobile98 said:
The "American Way" is not the problem. The problem is that the "American Way" is not practiced in America anymore by a majority of the population. Government largess is cancer on a society, period. The dole killed ancient Rome and it will, if left unchecked, kill America.

Like Ben Frankin said, "Where freedom is, there is my country."

I used to think that expatriates were unpatriotic. Staying here and fighting for freedom is still an honorable thing, but I don't blame anyone who leaves and seeks economic opportunity in the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China) or anywhere else.

These are ugly truths that hurt. It hurts me to say them. But there they are. You may commence flaming.

No flames here. The America I grew up in is gone. The hard working American has been replaced by the fat, lazy slob that won't get off the couch and votes for whoever promises them the largest check, as well as the illegal immigrant who can't speak English. We are now a third world country. My children will not have the same opportunity to make a good life for themselves that I had. I sure hope someone will come along and show me where I'm wrong. I really want to be wrong about this, but I don't believe I am.


There's no question the party is over - even if we had people in DC with the intelligence and balls to do what's right (we don't), it's too late to pull out of the nosedive. And this is why:

... the result of decades during which China has successfully pursued economic policies aimed at national expansion and power, while the U.S. has embraced either free trade or, for want of a better term, economic appeasement.

Economic appeasement = redistribution of wealth = socialism.


No argument here. This country is all kinds of whacked. If we have 4 more years of Barry we'll be in a hole we'll never get out of.


The Age of America ended about the time emission stuff was added to cars, early 70's.

Kids will never know what it is like to drive a big block Chevy and not care at all about 5 MPG. I think it was also right about the time prayer was punted from school and teachers could no longer discipline their students.

give me back my 71 Monte Carlo, Grand Funk Railroad, and the Apollo space program.

Guest tnfireman

My thoughts exactly!!!

Guest 6.8 AR

I liked those times, too, Mike.

I don't really give a damn about what Marketwatch says. Nor do I really care what the IMF thinks.

We fund the IMF like it's going out of style. The IMF is just more redistribution.

The age of America is defined by we the people and what we make of it. Here lately, we have been

letting the ship swamp and could very well let it sink, but there will still be a a way out if we as a people

rid the rats and send them to Europe before it is too late. I didn't say we would, but that's what needs

to happen, and start living by the Constitution. There are far too many that are willing to sacrifice what

little liberties we have than to fight back against all the tryanny opposing us.

Guest oldsmobile98
Posted (edited)
  6.8 AR said:

The age of America is defined by we the people and what we make of it. Here lately, we have been

letting the ship swamp and could very well let it sink, but there will still be a a way out if we as a people

rid the rats and send them to Europe before it is too late. I didn't say we would, but that's what needs

to happen, and start living by the Constitution.

Right. Just to clarify, I didn't mean we should despair or give up trying to salvage the ship. I, for one, am not planning on giving up. And I'm not considering leaving anytime soon.

Having said that, if anyone wants to lower a lifeboat and start rowing for another land, I ain't gonna blame 'em. The Pilgrims did the same thing about 400 years ago.

Our predicament kinda reminds me of the Stockdale Paradox: “You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end – which you can never afford to lose – with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.”

Edited by oldsmobile98
Guest mosinon

odd, redistribution of wealth is almost always healthy. I find it odd that people would be against redistribution of wealth. In fact, I find it down right unAmerican. The economics of this country is founded on the principle of redistribution of wealth. It is called business.

Guest HvyMtl

IMHO, Then end of the 1990's seem to be the end of us as Super Power. Look at Desert Storm vs the present Afghanistan situation. Desert Storm was a Super Power flexing its muscle. Afghanistan looks like a has been.

Our long term debt has caught us. Add that to our lack of taking care of screaming high healthcare costs, high commodities cost, and transfer of our wealth overseas in the name of World Trade, has cost us our Super Power standing. Until we remember we were supposed to be the manufacturing power house, we are supposed to be the innovation center of the world, we were supposed to be the place of high income and excess personal wealth (which creates better lifestyle) and not the welcome mat for the world to our wealth, our future is very dim...

And until we realize we are allowing our politicians call the shots over the voters, we will continue the death spiral...

Guest 6.8 AR
  mosinon said:
odd, redistribution of wealth is almost always healthy. I find it odd that people would be against redistribution of wealth. In fact, I find it down right unAmerican. The economics of this country is founded on the principle of redistribution of wealth. It is called business.

When the redistribution is forced by the government

it's theft and wealth can't be redistributed unless

people trade things among each other. Theft doesn't

create wealth. Man does that. Government causes

man to become a slave to another by creating

barriers preventing wealth creation and forcing him

to work for others benefit without value.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Posted (edited)

Unitil we decide as a society that work is honorable, that telling the truth is best, that being "on the dole" is laziness, that capitalism is a benign economic force, government is best that meddles least, and minding our business in world affairs is the right thing to do; we will continue this (...as HvyMtl so aptly put it....) "death spiral".

Polititians of both stripes have lead us into a full fledged class war and they have jerrymandered the population groups to about 50/50 who are "pro work and pro America" versus those somehow "on the dole" and "socialist" (...whether they profess it or not...). We've seen this back and forth pull since the 30's when the great god Roosevelt started the "people's socialist revolution" in amerika.

Socialist economic policies always lead to economic failure. No country that has embraced socialism has ever sustained itself economically. We have lasted longer than any of the other countries with this stupidity because we had far more prosperity (...read that money and commerce...) than the others had. These failed economies have rejected socialism. Look at what is happening in europe and in china. Nobama and his socialist crowd are just accelerating the inevitable.

The fact is that you cannot tax yourself into prosperity, have fifty percent of people not paying taxes (...other than SS and Medicare...), beat business up, regulate everything to death (...enviornmental, etc...), pass out more largesse (...that we have to borrow...) to buy more votes, and persecute "endless wars" sacrificing our sons and daughters for people that hate us and continue to be prosperous. The polititians are busy looting the country and killing the goose that laid the golden egg.

You younger members of this forum may well see the time when no one is risking their life to cross the border to come to Amerika. I believe we are providentially blinded. Folks need to wake up if they dont want their children (...and mabee even this generation...) to be poor.

Libertarian leroy

Edited by leroy
  monkeyhumper said:
a) Steal it all from the 2%, I don't care. They've stolen their billions, and painted their golden chariots with the lie that is 'The American Dream'

How about you actually get to know those of us who have worked our collective butts off to get into that category before you take what we earned?

Lazy thieves with attitudes like you displayed above are what are destroying our country. I've stolen NOTHING from anyone and worked twice as hard as most to earn what I've earned.

Advocating the government taking from those who are successful is un-American, comrade.

Guest monkeyhumper
  crimsonaudio said:
Advocating the government taking from those who are successful is un-American, comrade.

I'm ok with that.


Amen brother!!! You are exactly right.

...Lazy thieves with attitudes like you displayed above are what are destroying our country. I've stolen NOTHING from anyone and worked twice as hard as most to earn what I've earned.

Advocating the government taking from those who are successful is un-American, comrade. ....

Keep up the good work!!!


Guest 6.8 AR
  monkeyhumper said:
I'm ok with that.

Which is it? Cake, or eat it, too. You are contradicting

yourself. Is this intentional to just continuing to stir

a pot?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Guest monkeyhumper

How am I contradicting? I'm missing it.

a) Steal it all from the 2%, I don't care. They've stolen their billions, and painted their golden chariots with the lie that is 'The American Dream'

You honestly don't see a problem with the government confiscating money from people who produce and giving it to people who don't?

Guest monkeyhumper
  gregintenn said:
You honestly don't see a problem with the government confiscating money from people who produce and giving it to people who don't?

I do not believe that. I do believe that SOME people should carry a much larger burden than they do. I also believe that MANY people are given handouts they don't deserve. Those few that have nuzzled too long and too fervently on the welfare teat should be denied access before they ever suckle. (Assuming you mean welfare when you say 'giving it to people who don't'.)

I was exaggerating to make a point when I said "Steal it all".

I do believe that SOME people should carry a much larger burden than they do.

Here's something we can agree on. I doubt we'd agree on who should be among this group, however. Where in our constitution is power delegated to congress to pick winners and losers? to decide who deserves what? This is where we've driven off the rails.

Guest monkeyhumper
  gregintenn said:
Here's something we can agree on. I doubt we'd agree on who should be among this group, however. Where in our constitution is power delegated to congress to pick winners and losers? to decide who deserves what? This is where we've driven off the rails.

It sure would be nice to find a balance between the disparity, but the larger the coffer, the louder the voice.

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