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Obligatory "There's An App For That" Thread


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I know there have been threads on Tapatalk and another app or two specifically but I don't think there's ever been a thread on apps in general.

Let's hear everyone's favorite apps. Include utilities, games, web browser/security, etc.

I think my most used would be: SWYPE, Opera, Guitar Hero, and Maps.


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Guest BenderBendingRodriguez

I like Atomic Lite for my web browsing. Fairly quick, tabbed browsing. Even better on the iPad. Also been using iMapMyRUN and RunKeeper a lot as I carry on with my goal of trying to get myself in shape.

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Swype, weather, Firefox, Yelp, Geocaching.com app, maps, and Google Voice are ones that I use very regularly. Oh, and solitaire for when I'm pooping. :rolleyes:

Did not know Google Voice had an app.

Gonna have to find that one! :)

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Guest rebeldrummer


Angry Birds

Fox News

Weather Channel






Baby Center

Hello Baby



4yr old daughter:

Angry Birds



Tesla Toy

Archers Lite

Guns n Ammo (true daddy's girl!)

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