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+1 for D&T Arms - great customer service!

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I just wanted to give a positive shout out for D&T Arms. Yesterday I purchased an 870 tactical shotgun from them that had the two round extention. I got it home and was loading the magazine and discovered that sometimes the last round wouldn't load in the magazine. I took it apart several times but didn't see anything obviously wrong. Again, sometimes it would fully load the sixth round sometimes not.

Took it back to D&T this evening. Dave and the guys looked it over and tracked down the problem. There was a very small area on the inside of the extention tube that was slightly flared. The shells would sometimes hang on that spot. They happened to have access to another extention tube and swapped it out and everything is now working fine.

Thanks a bunch to D&T Arms for taking care of Remington's issue! Great customer service!!! This is another example of how it pays to buy local and not the online route. :D

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That is great to hear. You must not have had Nate or Rightwinger helping you... :D

Actually, they were. Must have caught them on a good day. :D

I talked to Rightwinger several times on the phone last night while he was at the store to help me out.

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I speaka da english ver goot.

It was such a small issue you wouldn't think it could have hung up the loading process like that but it sure did. Probably a Friday gun....places to be, things to do, oh, guess I'll finish one more plus two extension then the weekend....blah.

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