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Glock 19 question


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Considering it only costs Glock about $67 to produce one, it is a rip-off. Not a Glock fan, and proud of it.

On a more serious note, is this a deal with someone you know? My concern would be that it is stolen or abused (yes Virginia, you can abuse a Glock). That is probably trade in value for a Gen2 or a well used Gen3 19, so it wouldn't be a bad deal.

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i'd do a transfer through a FFL just to be safe. You can afford to pay the fee and still come out waayyyyyyy ahead.

I would be willing to do a transfer for this deal, or at least ask the fella if he is at least willing to go and have it transfered. If he dont have a problem with that then I will just buy it straight out.

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Haven't you heard, Glocks have a Safe Action. Can't shoot yourself with that, can you?

Please tell me this is a joke....

Back to OP

I don't know if this is a good deal or not but I can get a brand new one for $397 + tax and $10 background check.

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Considering it only costs Glock about $67 to produce one, it is a rip-off. Not a Glock fan, and proud of it.

On a more serious note, is this a deal with someone you know? My concern would be that it is stolen or abused (yes Virginia, you can abuse a Glock). That is probably trade in value for a Gen2 or a well used Gen3 19, so it wouldn't be a bad deal.

and where did you come up with that number?

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and where did you come up with that number?

From what I can tell it is the unloaded non-overhead cost of materials, tooling, and labor....it is NOT (despite the circulation of information on the internet and lawsuit dispositions) the total cost of a glock after shipping, support, CS, administration, IT, marketing, taxes, importation, and hazmat fees are rolled into the mix.

It is a very dishonest number if given as total cost.

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and where did you come up with that number?

I was being sarcastic. I guess my lighthearted intent was not conveyed in my posts.

There are a ton of estimates for production and loaded costs floating around for years, ranging from $60 to $75 per unit (I used a middle of the road number in my post). Below is a quote from a Forbe's article in 2003 - "These days Glock GmbH has an estimated $100 million in sales, two-thirds of it from the trigger-happy United States. A gun that retails for $500 can be manufactured for $75, and the company has a pretax margin nearing 60%."

I probably got a little too pointed in my comments last night. While I am not a Glock fan, I begrudge no one who is. I have owned a couple, and just didn't like them. But I will say that they do the one thing you need a handgun to do (go bang when you pull the trigger) without fail.

Edited by quietguy
Fixed quote
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Ok, here's the scoop on todays transaction. I met with the dude looked the gun over and asked if I can tear it down. No problem there. I again asked if 250 was the price and he said yes. I let the wife check it out as she was paying for this one and she gave me the go ahead sign. Now the funny part, I asked why so cheap and he said he sells a lot of pot and was already a convicted fellon and did not want the gun. I asked if he was willing to do a transfer and he said no problem but he did not want the headache of his prior problems and I agreed. The wife suprised me and whipped out a pre typed bill of sale and asked for his ID, got all his info, signed,dated and all went well.

Now for the real clincher that will piss a lot of you off. The wife is my negotiator, and she wont pay asking price for anything, So we walked away with a nice G19 for $225. Today was a good day

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Guest monkeyhumper
Guarantee he got in trade for weed.

I'd rather have the weed. Not that... You know... I would... That's illegal.


Sent from my Etch a Sketch

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