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Crossbows banned in Western Australia

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They're quickly going the way of the UK. I don't know if you saw it but in the UK they even tried to ban glass pint glasses (I know that's redundant) because people in bar fights were using them as weapons. They should just ban crime, DUH!


You think that is wacky? We visit Australia every year for business and are always amazed how fast that country

is becoming a "kept" society. We were on a ranch in Western Australia last December when I read an article in

the local newspaper about the police finding an "arsenal". The best I could tell from the photograph in the paper

they found a really decrepit looking lever action rifle and two boxes of shells........not large boxes either. Last

fall the state of Victoria passed a law essentially outlawing all knives. I was advised to leave my EDC small swiss

army knife and leatherman secured in my suitcase or face an instant $1000 fine if they were discovered. The

police there can do random searches and do not need probable cause.......or so I have read. Here is a link

to the PM talking about the knife ban last summer.

Years ago when we first started going to Australia it really reminded me of what the US must have been like

in the late 1800's. There's lots more going on there than just the gun and knife ban.

Give thanks for what we have here and get engaged if you want to keep what freedoms we still have. I've had

a ring side seat to what has been happening in Australia and as my dad would say "it shor ain't purty".

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