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Allow me to be Hypothetical ......

Guest Zombie-Hunter

If the privilege of personal protection with a firearm was no longer available.  

43 members have voted

  1. 1. If the privilege of personal protection with a firearm was no longer available.

    • I would obey the law and never carry armed for the rest of my life.
    • I would remain a lawful person except for my remaining armed.

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I can honestly say that the safety of my family would be paramount to obeying any law.

In every country in which personal protection has been limited the crimes rates, especially violent ones, have risen. The reason is that bad guys aren't dumb, they know in a society where most would be unarmed that they can use it to their advantage and use weapons themselves with impunity.

If I have to loose my freedom to ensure my family is safe so be it.


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Guest JeremyD901

You just have to ask yourself, will the bad guys still carry? I mean obviously they dont mind breaking the law. So, why take a knife to a gun fight?

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follow the law.

Taking a chance at being the victim of a violet crime would be preferable than carrying anyway and ending up in prison where being the victim of something bad is about guaranteed. But thats just me. Awareness and caution can see a person through a lot. Getting beaten and butt slammed in prison, prolly not much fun.

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follow the law.

Taking a chance at being the victim of a violet crime would be preferable than carrying anyway and ending up in prison where being the victim of something bad is about guaranteed. But thats just me. Awareness and caution can see a person through a lot. Getting beaten and butt slammed in prison, prolly not much fun.

Getting butt slammed in prison does not sound fun at all. I will try caution and awareness.

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Guest 6.8 AR

A law that is a direct viollation of the Constitution has to carry no weight. It has to be challenged

and overturned or nullified, either by the Supreme Court or by the states. There are too many

laws on the books that should get this treatment immediately, yet we let so many of them remain.

Just because something has Federal Law next to it doesn't make it right.

The will of us people have to force this, one of these days, unless you like tyranny.

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My family and my family's safety takes precedence over anything else, "law" or otherwise (especially a ridiculous one such as that). And no one takes my guns from me.

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...Getting beaten and butt slammed in prison, prolly not much fun.
Agreed I know what a prostate exam feels like !

I bet there's no comparison and don't want to find out

Dunno what you look like Laktrash, but methinks Mike.357 (or me) have little worries about that in stir.

And btw, illegal carry is only a Class A 'meaner at most, even with repeated convictions. One might serve some county jail time at worst (probably not for first offense) and that would be bad, but it's not like one willl be in Riverbend or other "big house".

- OS

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Guest clownsdd
A law that is a direct viollation of the Constitution has to carry no weight. It has to be challenged

and overturned or nullified, either by the Supreme Court or by the states. There are too many

laws on the books that should get this treatment immediately, yet we let so many of them remain.

Just because something has Federal Law next to it doesn't make it right.

The will of us people have to force this, one of these days, unless you like tyranny.

Well Put.........

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Guest Maelphaedor

I would be exactly like I am now, but I'd own a lot more Hi-Points, that's for sure. Getting a $75 gun taken/ "lost" / dumped hurts a LOT less than than the idea of loosing a $1000 custom shop job or even a $400 reliable brand bargain gun.

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Dunno what you look like Laktrash, but methinks Mike.357 (or me) have little worries about that in stir.

And btw, illegal carry is only a Class A 'meaner at most, even with repeated convictions. One might serve some county jail time at worst (probably not for first offense) and that would be bad, but it's not like one willl be in Riverbend or other "big house".

- OS

I knew I shouldn't have posted this. Trust me I wouldn't be the guy they all whistle at. a couple quotes scare me

"One mans trash is anothers treasure"

"fresh Meat"

I have no desire for any kind of learning curve I'm 58 and desire no new excitment in my life

I carry legally

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Guest Drewsett
How much protection are you providing to your family if you're in County for 90 days for carrying illegally? Even a cut down ball bat in hand would be better than being several miles away in a concrete cell.


Ding Ding Ding....we have a winner!

These were my thoughts exactly.

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