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Glad to see Beck leaving

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When's the last decade you were in a radio studio?? :)

I build 'em dead. All of my rooms in Nashville have 1" soundsoak on every wall. I've done some in other cities that have had a mix of live and dead. I hope Glen's room doesn't have any sharp edges. I can find out. We own the studio.

EDIT: Radio is kinda tough with the heavy audio processing and a lot of open mics pointed in all directions. it was the ONLY way to make the Gerry House show work. Gerry approved too, and he's one of the pickiest guys I know.

Edited by mikegideon
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Man; I would have thought dead rooms went out in radio like they did in studios, in the early 90's. Interesting.

I suspect the goals remain the same in radio - reduce the sonic qualities of the room as much as possible - whereas studios tend to embrace the coloration of the room as part of the recording process.

Plus, 100% fake verb sucks.

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Man; I would have thought dead rooms went out in radio like they did in studios, in the early 90's. Interesting.

Gerry was actually the Guinea pig for that. When I first got to town, his mics sounded like crap. It was a small room, and you could hear exactly how small on the air. All the mics were picking up off axis crap from the other positions. So, when I did the first room for him, I made it dead. The mics sounded great. Even the artists sounded good when they would drop in and do something acoustic. It worked so well for Gerry that I did 16 more like it. It's hard to make a radio studio behave with a big console, big furniture, and relatively small rooms.

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I suspect the goals remain the same in radio - reduce the sonic qualities of the room as much as possible - whereas studios tend to embrace the coloration of the room as part of the recording process.

Plus, 100% fake verb sucks.

Bear in mind that we're processing the living crap out of the audio, so any ambience get's pulled way up with dry mics. It's especially true when you have 5 of them open, and pointed in all different directions.

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Bear in mind that we're processing the living crap out of the audio, so any ambience get's pulled way up with dry mics. It's especially true when you have 5 of them open, and pointed in all different directions.


I should grab an Optimod for my processing chain...


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Really? So what would you suggest we do...

Sir, I would not suggest that you do anything. I stated my opinion and later I stated my reason for that opinion. My views about Beck don't affect Beck or anyone in this thread. Just my opinion.

Beck is not dying. Hell, for all we know he may come out of this thing even better.

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I don't care what any of them say. The whole thing is about who gets the power, and how they can manipulate that with what they say. We are all way too far from the front of the line to actually benefit from anything they do in DC. Same old crap, no matter what gets said, or who we believe.

I agree. I must add that the pawns do fight harder than the politians for the politians and radio/t.v. guys to sow fear.

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Sir, I would not suggest that you do anything. I stated my opinion and later I stated my reason for that opinion. My views about Beck don't affect Beck or anyone in this thread. Just my opinion...

You may not have been suggesting anything but if you don't want anyone to ask questions; why post your opinion in the first place...this is a discussion forum isn't it?

I agree you have no obligation to answer any question but since you seem more than a little dissatisfied with the news outlets we have today and the personalities on them; I don't think my question was an unreasonable one. :rolleyes:

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You may not have been suggesting anything but if you don't want anyone to ask questions; why post your opinion in the first place...this is a discussion forum isn't it?

I agree you have no obligation to answer any question but since you seem more than a little dissatisfied with the news outlets we have today and the personalities on them; I don't think my question was an unreasonable one. :)

I never said that you guys could not ask me questions. I am not obligated to answer them. I made my statement because I wanted to see how other people felt about the departure. I see that he has a big fan club here. Does not change anything. I am still glad that he is leaving and he still has his fan club. Nothing changed!

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Very productive.

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Like most things on the internet. Sorry that I am not a part of the circle jerk agree with everybody good old boys club.

I don't care for Beck. It does not make me a bad guy. I am certain that because I posted this some of you don't care for me. Does not make you bad. Live and let live.

Edited by LINKS2K
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