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Glad to see Beck leaving

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This move by FOX is long over due. MSNBC got rid of Olberman(?). Beck is gone. Now get rid of that hand puppet Hannity from FOX and Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC.

The ones who aren't crazy are nothing but parrots for the Dems or GOP telling people who are too ignorant to think for themselves what to believe.

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Guest Lester Weevils

That blowhard O'Reilly would be first on the chopping block in my opinion. Been tired of him for years. Though a lot of people seem to like O'Reilly. No accounting for tastes.

I don't like O'Donnell much but its not like I ever watch him.

Beck actually has more interesting perspectives and information than most of the talking heads. Beck would fare better with a weekend hour-long show. His schtick is interesting enough, but he does not have enough "new news" to run within the parameters of his schtick for five hours per week. Most of his shows are just the same thing over and over.

I'd guess that Beck's viewership has dropped off not because fans have decided they don't like him. My guess is that most people don't like hearing the same thing over and over and have learned that they can watch about once per week and hear everything he has to say.

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....So far the courts have not bastardized the first as they have the second,,,,,,,but they're trying. ...


What a truth, brother!! Thank God that political speech is still political speech.

Keep up the good work.


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I can form my own opinion. I don't need someone to tell me what I should think.

It doesn't matter if they are from the right or left.

True; but you form your opinion through information provided by others. Even the Dead Sea Scrolls were written down by someone.

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True; but you form your opinion through information provided by others. Even the Dead Sea Scrolls were written down by someone.

Yea but I don't get my information from an "opinion news entertainment" show. It's not just Beck, I can't stand any of those talking heads.

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Yep, now you can go back to Oprah. I hear she has her own channel. :P

Beck may be doing the same thing as the O.

Whatever you think about Fox their hosts have the highest rating of all the news show, even with Becks declining ratings he beats out CNN.

This is a good thing because that means more people are listening to conservative opinions, whether that like it or not.

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I've listened to Beck on both radio and TV. On some topics, it's overkill, but I don't think you can say he doesn't use facts to back up some of his opinions. Read his book Broke. I found it very informative and he blame both parties for the debt problems.

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I've listened to Beck on both radio and TV. On some topics, it's overkill, but I don't think you can say he doesn't use facts to back up some of his opinions. Read his book Broke. I found it very informative and he blame both parties for the debt problems.

Both parties are responsible, but some people would like to think that their "team/side" is without blame. Both parties suck equally and could care less about you or the well being of this country after election day.

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Guest mosinon
Both parties are responsible, but some people would like to think that their "team/side" is without blame. Both parties suck equally and could care less about you or the well being of this country after election day.

Yes, I think the recent political theatre over the budget is example number one.

As far as Beck goes, well, I suspect it comes down to profitability. If FOX thinks they can make more money with that time slot Beck is, of course, gone. Didn't work out forMSNBC when they fired Olberman but it might work out for FOX. These channels have a secret motive behind their actions and it is called "money"

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