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Obama says Trade it in

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...He really shouldn't have answered that whiner at all. His 1,2,3 was all wrong. His policies are

causing the problem and he knows it. Take that however you wish.

Could be that he knows and doesn't give a s**t; on the other hand, you may be giving him too much credit because he many not be smart enough to "know"!!! :D

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Well thank you! Maybe you should run for President so you can be the next to tell us what we need and what we should do.

How the hell do you know what I need? Besides, what does need have to do with it? My F350 4x4 is paid for, by me, and nobody but me has ever paid for the gas that goes in it. It's nobody's business what I drive, least of all King Obama's.

ps - moving to a farm is a choice. If you lived in an apartment in the city, you wouldn't need a vehicle at all, least of all a truck. Aren't you being selfish?

oi vey, you need to learn how to read & comprehend ... where in my last post did I tell anyone what they should do? I gave my interpretation of what I see day in and day out. Before you go off on someone, make sure you fully comprehend what is fully being brought to the table. Props for paid for vehicle, most people don't and depend on BANKS to cover their ass until they can afford it.

People LIVE above their means. Its not just the government who is upside down, God knows how many individuals are upside down and living in debt.

Its the society we live in .... and I still cringe when I see what I said above. SEEING = Oberservation/Opinion .... I ain't tellin ya how to live brother.

If you feel like driving cross country in your F350, go for it ... I'd be the first to give you a high five. After all, you'll be the one feeling the hurt at the pump, i won't.

I'm all for freedom .... I'm a fiscal conservative for the most part ....

slow down on the insults and take time to appreciate one's opinion, even though you may not agree with it.

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Guest 6.8 AR
Could be that he knows and doesn't give a s**t; on the other hand, you may be giving him too much credit because he many not be smart enough to "know"!!! :D

Well I think it's a little of both. He knows his policies are hurting most of us, but helping his contributor

like GE etc, but he doesn't really know anything else about anything economical or political, other than

that taught by his marxist friends, and there is very little depth there.

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Its too bad the man couldn't respond to Obama's retort with something like, "Trade in my gas guzzler? That is a fair enough request. Ya know, most of us don't really like all of the spending in Washington. Perhaps we should trade in our president."

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Wow what? If you're getting 8 MPG, and can't afford the gas, then it's pretty good advice.

so you are driving an old beater that gets no MPG at all. Certainly there is no cash for a newer car as your kids have somehow taken a fondness for food. And hte Big O says trade it in. Great. Trade it in on what? A car you can't make payments on as there is no money left to make payments.

And all you have to say is " good advice".

Real nice thought. Your post disappoints me.

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That statement sounds a whole lot like, "Let them eat cake," to me. It is certainly just as stupid, naive and out of touch with reality. Just goes to show that, although the years may pass, the privileged, spoiled 'aristocracy' doesn't change all that much.

Of course, he doesn't have to worry about how much the fuel for his massive, armored Prezmobile limousine and the associated motorpool costs. The poor slobs driving their 8MPG clunkers to work foot the bill for that. When he decides that all he needs for his official transportation is a Hyundai hatchback then maybe he will have room to tell everyone else to tighten their belts. Until then, maybe he should cool it with the snide comments.

Edited by JAB
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Guest Gunbunnie

Correct me if I am wrong but is it not wrong for an elected official to advertise or be a spokesman for a company while in office?


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1. There is more oil in America than any other country in the world. Trust me, I used to work in oil exploration.

2. There hasn't been a new refinery built in America for over 20 years. We need to build a few for the increased need for gasoline, but no one wants a ticking time bomb in their neighborhood.

3. Try driving around with three children in an Accord or Camry, when your smallest child is 5'10" tall. My three kids weigh almost 600 lbs total.

4. Cash for clunkers--remember that??? Did you like the tax hit?

5. Obama's wrong on so many fronts, we can't count that high.

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so you are driving an old beater that gets no MPG at all. Certainly there is no cash for a newer car as your kids have somehow taken a fondness for food. And hte Big O says trade it in. Great. Trade it in on what? A car you can't make payments on as there is no money left to make payments.

And all you have to say is " good advice".

Real nice thought. Your post disappoints me.


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so you are driving an old beater that gets no MPG at all. Certainly there is no cash for a newer car as your kids have somehow taken a fondness for food. And hte Big O says trade it in. Great. Trade it in on what? A car you can't make payments on as there is no money left to make payments.

And all you have to say is " good advice".

Real nice thought. Your post disappoints me.

Sorry to disappoint. I wasn't thinking old beater, and he probably wasn't either. I could trade my trailblazer for something that eats a lot less gas, and most likely for no money. I took the word trade literally. Besides, beaters come in all sizes too.

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Guest 6.8 AR

Well anyway, here is Obama giving advice on cars while he is chauffered around in a real

expensive limo. And may as well own a car manufacturer that no one else can afford.

Kind of akin to Gore telling everyone to decrease their carbon footprint while jetting

around the world in the latest Gulfstream.

Yeh, I'll listen to him...

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When we had the $5+ per gallon spike we bought our current truck. Because it was a gas hog we saved over $7,000 off the book value. Now the truck averages right at 17 mpg. If we were to trade it in for a car that got twice the mileage there is no way we would break even in the cars lifetime because we don't drive that much.

Even if gas prices doubled I still don;t believe it would be worth trading our current truck in. Now when it comes time to buy another I will look at something a bit more economical but it will not be any of the econoboxes, at best it will be a hybrid SUV and even that isn't a gurantee because they are generally so overpriced tht you would not break even over a regualr internal combustion engine.

You have to look at the total cost over the lifetime of the vehicle, incliding purchase price, to get an accurate idea of value. Take the Smart cars, they are expensive, they require premium gas and in all actuality their gas mileage isnt that great. For the record my wife loves them but would probably never own one.


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Well..lets see my truck gets 14mpg so it sucks mucho gas so I went out and payed 1500 for a old 750 motorcycle that gets 40mpg......the awnser is clearly that people who travel to work by themselfs need a motor scooter (250 honda rebel can be had for 3k and gets 80mpg)

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BHO wants his energy policy pushed through, he wants to squeeze US, the consumer and force us into "green" energy. If he still had pelosi and her congress he would ram it down our throats just like they did healthcare.

IF the MEDIA was screaming about gas prices like they were during GWB, things I'm sure would be different.

2012 can't come soon enough.

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1. There is more oil in America than any other country in the world. Trust me, I used to work in oil exploration.

2. There hasn't been a new refinery built in America for over 20 years. We need to build a few for the increased need for gasoline, but no one wants a ticking time bomb in their neighborhood.

3. Try driving around with three children in an Accord or Camry, when your smallest child is 5'10" tall. My three kids weigh almost 600 lbs total.

4. Cash for clunkers--remember that??? Did you like the tax hit?

5. Obama's wrong on so many fronts, we can't count that high.

I'm 5'11, and have no problem fitting into smaller cars. 200 lbs apiece is big, but not massive. We do need to decrease our dependency on gas, but it won't happen any time soon. Every time someone brings up conservation or helping the environment, people scream socialism. They think buying the car they want or having 50 flavors of Gatorade to choose from is freedom. I could care less what car I drive, as long as it runs. What amuses me is some of the guys with huge SUV's that say they might need to drive offroad in a "situation" have no survival skills. If I gotta drive off road, I abandon my car and walk.

People are overconsumers, they keep buying things hoping it will make them happy, but it never does. Welcome to the land of brainwashed sheeple.

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