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Tax the Rich!

Guest nicemac

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I'm not going to swing this into a debate on religion*, but Jesus also only had five loaves and two fishes.

I hope you don't tell me you used to be a short order cook, and that even with additives and sauces, there's no possible way 5,000 people could eat on that.

I don't believe in that, either. That isn't scientifically verifiable. Otherwise, you can just go around believing in whatever, with no reason. The bible is mostly myth, there's no way most of that stuff is possible.

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I hope you don't tell me you used to be a short order cook, and that even with additives and sauces, there's no possible way 5,000 people could eat on that.

hahaha, this post is full of win.

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Guest 6.8 AR
He did start out socialist, and using many of Marx's ideals. It gradually became a dictatorship, and had almost nothing in common with communism. I have heard plenty of people say the USSR wasn't actually communist, many people have known this for years.

Well, the biblical flood was not worldwide, it was a local phenomenon. There isn't enough water on the earth to cover that much space, and there isn't geological evidence of a worldwide flood. I was a geology major, and studied this stuff in depth. Many cultures have flood stories, and there are histories of cultures during the same time period, so humanity could not have been wiped out. Reading the whole bible, there are many things missing and a lot that is flat out wrong. The bible does have a lot of really good stuff in it, but it is just like any other book out there.

I think that the known world, when scriptures were written, don't take into account the present day size of the world. Symbolic

Scientifically speaking apples and oranges. I've had the same argument with my brother who is a geologist, for what that's worth. If you take the bible, or any other writing, compare it to something relatively similar.

So what changed about Stalin to become this "capitalist"? I guess all I remember was that he was a brutal dictator, like most other communist leaders. I don't recall any other communist leaders other than dictators, but this is something I'm very well versed on. State controlled economies can't be capitalist, I think. The first tenet of capitalism is the society must be free from such control.

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