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My first transfer timeline

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  • 2 months later...
Just thought I would post this for people curious about wait times.

Forms mailed: 2/18/2011

Forms received: 2/22/2011

Check Cashed: 2/24/2011

Pending: 3/25/2011

Examiner: Nicole Dudash

Approved: 6/1/2011

Stamp received:

Finally have an update.

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Its a mite. I bought it from an individual and got a FANTASTIC deal on it. I'm a 22 nut so have plenty of 22s at home. I just need to get a couple of them threaded.

I've had this since February. Its just been quietly waiting for its mate.


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Can't tell from the pic, is that the model with sights? I have a Beretta 87 Target, 10/22, and a CZ 452 if you want to try them. I have a First Freedom K baffle can that I really like, might get a second someday from Surefire, SWR, Liberty etc. Lots of great models coming out recently.

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Yes it has the sights. I like to be able to shoot without an optic.

I'd love to get together sometime. I drool over Beretta 87s and have had my eye on a 452 lately. Although, if I do pick up a 452, I doubt it will be threaded. I want the full stock version.

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1. NFA Item: Suppressor

2. Form Type: Form 1

3. Transferee Type: Individual

4. Forms Sent: 1 April 2011

5. Delivered: 5 April 2011

6. Personal Check Cashed: 12 April 2011

7. Pending Date: 9 May 2011

8. Approved Date: ???

9. Forms Received: ???

10. Examiner: Suzanne Santa Maria

11. Notes:

I am expecting mine any day now.

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