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Some jerk dumped a dog out on the road!

Guest tngw1500se

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That's how we got our oldest dog. Some POS dumped him beside the road in a plastic garbage bag as a pup. I how you can find a home for this one.


Guest TargetShooter84

Would love to keep that dog but we have two at home....really cute dog.

She'll find a home soon!

Guest tngw1500se

Found it a home today. Craigslist is great! Had 4 or 5 people interested. Anybody who'd dump one out ought to have their ass whipped! The girl that took her was about 25 and had a fenced in backyard. She said she had been looking for a dog about that size for months. Thanks for the help guys.


Man I hate when that happans. I got my beagle like that. Someone dumper her cause she is gun shy. I always had beagles, good hunters. My youngest daughter wanted her so we took her in. She was skin and bones and would cower when you went to pet her. Someone must have beat her. After a year we fattened her up, my big dog (Shepard/collie/husky/dingo/ and whatever) acted like a mother to her. Now she is my attack beagle! Any time anyone comes around she is the alarm system.

Darn thing jumps on my lap after I come home from work and just loves me. Ya, I spoil the heck out of her. I guess I'm a softee. Darn thing watches Animal planet on TV.

Go figure. :tough:

Guest Bluemax
Karma owes you one

You my friend are a good person and as a firm believer in Karma; I agree with this post and as a dog lover say God Bless You !!!!

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