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Good Deal on XD?

Guest Goose931

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Guest Goose931


Oops... I meant to day XD in the title... been a long day.

I am extremely new to TGO (actually this is only my second post), and I would love everyone's input.

I am about to go into armed security here in Tennessee (I worked security in Oregon but I live here now) and, obviously, I need a firearm. I had my choices, for a variety of reasons, narrowed down to the Glock and the Springfield XD. Having shot both I didn't necessarily have a huge preference of one over the other; I love all of the aftermarket options for the Glock and was leaning that way because of all of Hickok45's "Glocks are Great" videos, but I did like the feel of the XD in my hand better. I just wish the XD's had more aftermarket stuff available.

Anyway, long story short, I mentioned all of this to the guy at the gun store and he said, "Let me make it easy for you. I just got in my new .40 cal XD's for the range. If you don't mind one used -- albeit only "used" (rented) about half a dozen times over the last 12 months -- I will let you have the new case, mags, and accessories and I'll just swap out the new gun for the range gun (fully stripped and cleaned)... and you can walk out for $415 cash."

Needless to say, I pounced on the deal. I was able to get into an XD-40 with background check, tax... the works, AND a Blackhawk SERPA holster, all for under $500; less than I was looking at for just the Glock alone.

I would love to hear what you guys have to say. Not that I'm looking for justification; I already bought the gun so that's a moot point. But as a complete novice making his first purchase I would like to know what the "experts" think.

BTW, in case anyone cares, I have put a few rounds down range with it already. Now my perception is that it is a bit "snappier" than I remember the G22 I shot a few weeks ago -- maybe because the G22 has a longer barrel (the XD is 4") -- but that might just be in my head considering my groups a WAY better with the XD. Weird... more perceived recoil/muzzle-flip but more accurate. Maybe I'm just imagining the whole thing.

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I had an XD45 Service and loved it. I never once had a failure of any kind with either FMJ or defensive HP loads. I did sell it to go Glock, but only because that's the way the wind is blowing for me right now. You have a fine weapon that you can trust your life to.

As for extras, there's not much you need with an XD. Plenty of night sights are available (try AmeriGlo Independent Light and use GLOCKTALK for a discount code), and just about everybody makes holsters for them. Can't think of much else you'd need.


ETA: Be sure to check out www.xdtalk.com for continued support.

Edited by cptdean
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You did good. It is a solid gun and will serve you for as long as you keep it. These days the M&P, Glock, and XD are the Ford, Chevy, and Dodge of the gun world...whatever fits you the best is what you will generally drive.

So what would be the Honda/Acura?

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Not a bad deal at all. The XD I had (45C) was a great weapon. I regret selling it, but I caught the 1911 bug and used the cash to deal with the 1911 addiction. I sort of miss the XD though. Why can't we all just get one of everything, eh?

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I have two service model XDs in 9 and 45. I think you'll live yours. I've notice some XDms on gunbroker for $500 NIB, and they're talking to me real bad. If it were for paying college tuition for two kids, they'd be mine!!!

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My .02 here. I own both Glock and XD pistols. Both feel good and are easy to shoot. I'd be really hard pressed to keep only one brand. But personally, I shoot just a bit better with the XD9sc than the the G19. But..I give a slight edge to the G22 in the 40 battle. JMHO and YMMV

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My XD-45 is my everyday carry gun. I fits nicely inside my pants at 3 o'clock. Never I had any failures with any ammo. I have an XDm-40 also that works the same. I carry it and leave my 1911 at the house. The price you payed was a great deal.

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Guest Goose931

Thanks guys,

I thought it was a good deal; I'm glad to see you agree. I appreciate all the input. I plan on hitting the range tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes.

Like I said, I'm new too all this so it will be fun. I know I need to work on my "technique" some more. I see videos on YouTube where people are shooting all kinds of .40 cal and it hardly recoils at all, so I'm pretty sure it's just me. As "snappy" as it is, I seem to be making decent groups (of course, I'm taking my time. Not sure how I would fare rapid fire or the infamous double-tap.) Imagine what I can do when I actually know what the heck I'm doing!

I know I'll get there. Heck, I've seen video clips where young girls my daughter's age are shooting a .40 so if an old-timer like myself (42) can't handle it I just need to hang it up. ;)

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Guest J.D. Skull

If your new to shooting buy a 22. cal. and shoot it to death. Ammo is practly free and pratice makes perfect. Worked for me.

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