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Apparently I'm the Grim Reaper

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Let me set up the scenario; Years ago when I was still coon hunting I was hunting on some property in Wears Valley and lost a dog, so I called surrounding property owners to check with them to see if they had seen my dog running around anywhere. The first number I call a little old lady answered in a very frail voice and I asked for whom I assume was her husband. Well it turns out I've just asked a widow if I could speak to her late husband. Fast foward several years. I had worked for a plumbing company in Farragut for a short time but had since started working at a new job closer to home. I was in the Knoxville area picking up some parts and thought it would nice to drop in and see my old employer and/or co-workers. I called to see if they would be around and it just so happens I did all this on the very morning the company secretary had found my former employer had committed suicide the night before. Well now on to present time. I've been looking for property to hunt wild hogs on and I found 4000+ acres nearby. I searched the Tennessee Property Data page online for the owner of record and got a number for him in Newport, well I called this morning to try and work up permission to hunt on his property and talked to an employee of the family………lo and behold, the owner of the property is dead!

Who wants to give me their number so I can randomly call one day to check up on you :)

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No thanks Vontar. Slayer sucks. It's Tony Araya's fault I missed my opportunity to see Megadeth. I had tickets in hand, and he starts crying about his back and cancels. HELLO! It's nashville, there's plenty of musicians to fill in for you! Get him a chair to sing from.

Anyway. I know what you meant vontar. Christians with a spine do sound scary in this age of feel good hippies. I'd love to see the reaction the left would give if a Washington or Jefferson could be resurrected and placed in power. They were God fearing men too. They also had no qualms about taking care of lazy degenerates.

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When I worked for Bellsouth DSL Tech support, I had to call some people at home. Sometimes I would call and be advised the person I ask for had recently died. Not a good feeling.

Dont take that to heart, when ever I dont feel like talking to some cold caller, tele-marketer, etc, I sometimes claim the person they are looking for has died. Thats if I dont have time to do my usual "talk". I have been known to talk all sorts of stupid and crazy crap to people that call MY number just to entertain myself. :)

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I have been known to enjoy getting telemarketer calls when I am in a good mood. I have been known to drag those calls out as long as possible.

1. I figure the longer I hold them on the phone, the less people they are going to bother.

2. Have fun doing it.

use your imagination.

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Guest db99wj
Dont take that to heart, when ever I dont feel like talking to some cold caller, tele-marketer, etc, I sometimes claim the person they are looking for has died. Thats if I dont have time to do my usual "talk". I have been known to talk all sorts of stupid and crazy crap to people that call MY number just to entertain myself. :tough:
I have been known to enjoy getting telemarketer calls when I am in a good mood. I have been known to drag those calls out as long as possible.

1. I figure the longer I hold them on the phone, the less people they are going to bother.

2. Have fun doing it.

use your imagination.

Aliens and probes. You can go on for hours about that kind of stuff! Muah!

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I had a buddy whose father died when we were in the seventh grade. When he graduated high school and got ready to go to college, he and his mother moved to a condo in Knoxville. I was there visiting one day and someone (a telemarketer, it sounded like) called asking for his dad. Now, keep in mind that this was something like six or seven years after his dad died, his dad had never lived at that address and they got a completely different phone number when they moved. The best part was my buddy's response to the caller (I guess we were buddies because we were equally smartass.) What I heard on my buddy's end of the conversation:

"Uh...no. He isn't here. No, I really don't expect him back any time soon."

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My cell phone # got attached to the wrong name I got bombarded with calls for this "Dustin" I got one call and told them that dustin had just passed "as in now" away.and his reply was " Is there anybody else in his family that I could help with their finances?" I was getting 10-15 calls a day for Dustin on a company phone. Finally had to get some in corparate to help get it resolved.

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