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Looking for a good Bi-pod

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I have a Savage Edge .308 win, I'm looking for a Bi-Pod that will attack to the front sling connector instead of tightening on my barrel. I have seen them on youtube videos and such but I can't seem to find one, all I am finding are the barrel ones.

Looking to get one at a decent price.

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Guest BenderBendingRodriguez

What do you consider a decent price? Harris makes some nice, solid bipods that attach by your preferred method, but they run around $70-80. Not sure if you consider that decent or not. Do keep in mind that you're going to need a bipod that's well-made enough to stand up to the stress of a .308. Cheap bipods may not hold up for too long under those conditions.

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A note on the bipods from walmart.

The Fine Gentleman here on TGO I got my newest Savage from, Had installed a walmart bipod. I noticed the legs, that are adjustable, didn't have any springs in them to automatically retract them and hold them in place. Ergo, you had to twist the locks nuts in place or the legs would slide in and out. I disassembled mine and mod'd a pair of srpings I picked up at TSC to remedy that.

Maybe it was a fluke, but if they aren't putting return springs in them anymore, I would only recommend the Walyworld version provided the return springs be installed.

Other than that, it's actually quite solid.

*Just to be clear, that's the adjustable leg springs, not the heavier springs that hold the legs up or down.

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If you want good quality that will hold up, buy Harris and don't look back.

The Wally World bipods are cheap Chinese knock offs that may or may not be dependable.

Someone on this or another forum got some from WM and found out that the legs weren't the same length.

If you get down to Chatt., check out Sportsmans Whse. They have Harris and I think another brand.

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Right there. I should have mentioned as well, that a wally world bipod should be gone through before using.

I had one a year or so ago that had legs different lengths. I had to set the longer one up in my lathe and shorten it about 140 thousandths. That's over an 1/8 inch!

I think they are all right provided you know to go through them first.

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Right there. I should have mentioned as well, that a wally world bipod should be gone through before using.

I had one a year or so ago that had legs different lengths. I had to set the longer one up in my lathe and shorten it about 140 thousandths. That's over an 1/8 inch!

I think they are all right provided you know to go through them first.

To put it another way... get a Harris.

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I suppose. That's directly dependent upon your resolve, ability and wallet though!

Just got hosed by some chinese junk today (tools). Had to go back and buy the real thing today. Not the first time I learned that lesson. Besides, i don't have a lathe.

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