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General gun show gripes


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Guest forte10

Went to the show yesterday and a co-worker was able to find a bolt action .223 by luck. I too was amazed at some of the prices and in the past I have found cash to work best for negotiating, but no such luck. Was trying to find a Marlin bolt action .22 or a lever action yesterday and couldn't find any that weren't more expensive than what the store seemed to be asking. I saw the Taurus Judge's marked way up that gave me a few laughs. The only other thing I thought about was the Chiappa(sp) 1911 .22 variants and a few Ruger 22/45 setups. Was entertaining for people watching yesterday, and the invention of cell phones with web browsing, sure made it helpful for comparing prices.

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Try carrying some guns to sell. That usually makes the show more interesting. It is a good conversation starter, and you invariably get offered some interesting trades. I'd enjoy the gun show more if more people would clean out their closets and "bring em to the show".

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I like a good gun show and you can find some deals if you work at it. I think the "Gun Show" crazy may have peaked now. When Obama got elected people went on a buying spree. The gun shows in Raleigh had lines 1/4 mile long to get in and the fire marshall was counting people leaving to know how many to let in. The prices went up becuase so many first time gun buyers were there and were paying the premium prices for their first gun. I was in my favorite small town gun store recently and a guy walked in and asked, "Can you sell me a pistol at "Gun Show" prices. The store owner smiled and said "Sure, I can raise the prices by $35 if that's what you want."

I have found two little gun stores, Fuquay Gun and Gold in Fuquay Varina NC and Drye's Gun Shop in Bahama NC that I really enjoy going to. Thier prices are competitive and the people are down home and friendly.

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I like going to the gun shows. Personally, I would prefer they keep the flea mkt. stuff

out of it. I'm sure it helps pay the bills, but with admission continually going up, not

sure they can justify that issue. I'm not into jerky or knives, but obviously some

are, or the dealers couldn't afford to keep showing up.

Best part being, lots of stuff to lay eyes & hands on, you won't find in any one


As someone else stated, the Goodman show has gone downhill since the old

days with multi bldgs. Would be interested to know why that is. Not like the fairgrounds

buildings are all full on that weekend. RK shows are nowhere near what they were

in the old Walmart bldg. in Smyrna.

In spite of all the B'ing & griping, I still enjoy going. Exception: Franklin show. Total

waste of time & admission. Won't go back there. BTW, it started out great as well.

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It’s about money.

This is 2011 we can get all the stats, specs, pictures, MSRP, and the lowest price on the net with the click of a mouse button. How is getting a bunch of vendors together to show product going to do any good if they aren’t making a bunch of sales?

At gun shows we want sale prices… and they just aren’t there. I have to assume it’s because they don’t need to lower prices. Used guns are listed here on the forum at new prices; some of them seem to be selling. They are having that show in Murfreesboro ever month. The dealers must be selling guns or they wouldn’t keep coming back.

I have to go 60 miles North or 60 miles south to decent prices. Maybe it’s a good thing I don’t live in Greenbrier or Winchester; I’d be broke all the time. :stare:

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IMHO, some aren't so good, some are...I try to look at it as a Saturday morning's entertainment. I get a chance to fondle some guns and gun stuff, and on occasion i pick up something I want, but not always. Never bought a gun at the shows, but I almost bought one from a non vender once, lol. I enjoy some of the non gun stuff some too. Yesterday in Gallatin I bought a small knife sharpener. I thought the Murfreesboro show last time was one of the best I had seen. Seemed to have a good blend of everything, something for everyone, lol.

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Guest RevScottie

It is so hard to find a good price on guns at a gun show. The vendors don't even bother to compete with each other. At the show yesterday in Chattanooga the closest thing I saw to a reasonable price was 3rd Gen Glocks for $479 and the worst thing I saw was a used Glock 23 for $690! One of the best ways to buy a used gun is to aproach someone who has just been given a lowball offer by one of the vendors. I was looking for a Ruger 22/45 magazine but most were asking $25 ea for used stuff...No Thanks

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I find paying ten bucks for the 'privilege' of looking at guns that I can buy for less $$$ at my LGS to be annoying and, frankly, a bit insulting. Therefore, as some have suggested, I have all but stopped going to the RK shows in Knoxville. The only reason I will go is if I pretty much know I will find something I want. For instance, I went to the last one at the Expo center to buy a mag for my CZ82. I might have found one a little cheaper online but I'd rather have an item in my hand when I pay for it.

Honestly, though, I think my biggest gripe about most gun shows these days would be the (generally speaking) rude, oblivious attendees. It has been my experience that most gun guys are pretty well 'with it' and fairly polite. However, the crowd at these shows will push and shove to get in front of you even when you are obviously looking at something or even talking to the vendor at the table about an item. It's just not worth the hassle of dealing with a bunch of oblivious, rude jerks to look at overpriced merchandise.

If I go to a gun show it is to look for 'knock around' guns, not a showpiece and there is something odd in me that prefers old, well used guns to high end, tactical ones. There is one vendor at one of the smaller shows (the one that is usually at the Maryville National Guard armory) who sells such guns at good prices. His stuff often looks well worn and is sold 'as is'. I buy things from him knowing that I might have to replace something in order for them to work right but when I am buying a rifle or shotgun for less than $100 - and can pick it up and look it over, first - I can accept that and deal with it. Thing is, however, so far I have bought two shotguns, one rifle and one revolver from him and the only thing I have had to replace was the inner mag tube assembly on a Winchester 190. I like buying from that vendor - and if he isn't there, those shows suck, too.

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Well, I did go, and I am glad I did. This one was 100% better than the last 10 or so I have gone to. There were some decent 1911s, there were some new and used guns in great condition, and I spent some money and got some good stuff.

I got to hold and examine a chippia rhino (spelling?) revolver, been wanting a close look at that thing. If I had the cash that would have been mine, but at least I got to see one.

I got my wife a pretty nice set of target grips (beautiful too) for her buckmark; they needed minor fitting when I got home but for $40 I am not gonna complain, similar online were $75 or so. Soon as I get the fit 100% I will make a pic.

I also found 500 223 slugs for $40, thats less than $5 per 50 since I scavenged brass after the last 3 gun.

Also found a new mag for one gun (no deal, but he HAD it at least), another new holster for the wife (this makes 5 for the same gun, gonna have to tap the pay it forward box and put the rejects in..!), and some other stuff.

No guns today, but its not for lack of them (for once). At least 5 other guns would have walked out with me if I had more cash to blow, and while many were overpriced, some were as good as LGS prices.

As for the earlier comments, its not that I dont like a battle rifle, or AR/taticool stuff, etc, its that I like a wide variety. The last few have ONLY had antiques and beaters, this one had a good mix of stuff from brand new to falling apart.

Anyway, better than average, and hopefully a trend in the right direction. About time too, my wife wanted to go or I would have skipped it and now am glad we went.

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"Gun shows suck"

I've seen it here time and time again. Bich, moan, and complain somewhere else. If you didn't have acess to one, you'd complain about that. Open market situations aren't perfect...BUT neither are retail outlets all the time.

If you don't like'm...simple solution. Don't go.

I go to look at guns...old, new, whatever. If I find something I want, I ask if it's worth that price to me. If it is, I'll try to buy; and the key word here is try. If I can't come to a compromise with either the seller or myself...I don't get the gun and walk away. And that's true for a storefront or a gun show.

I've been to great shows, to some not so great; but it was my choice to go. No one held a gun to my head and forced me to go. (Subtle attempt at humor here.)

And prices are what they are. Fair market value. Whose value? That's up to two people to decide. Buyer and Seller.

And as for those outrageous prices you don't like...You pack up a load of your own precious guns and rifles...put a price that you want out of them, and offer them to the walk-in public for sale at that ridiculous price you set on it. Put up with average joe who goes to a gun show, not just we wonderfully understanding people that would never ask more than what someone else says is the "right" price on a firearm types, spend two days and pack up after being told your crap aint worth that, and go home.

Yeah, I'm raving. But having been on both sides here..buying and selling...some of you are just freakin whiners!

Get a clue and a life.

And if you are honest about the whole situation, some of you will admit to griping just as much about almost any and every gun shop at one time or another.

Edited by hipower
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Guest RevScottie

"Yeah, I'm raving. But having been on both sides here..buying and selling...some of you are just freakin whiners!"

As are many of the gun show vendors who sit there and complain that people are just to tight because they won't buy a $600 Glock from someone they will likely never see again when they can purchase the same gun anywhere locally for $529. Like it or not the pricing at gun shows is set up to take advantage of uninformed buyers. Dealers know it and are sitting waiting for a sucker. Buyer beware.

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"Gun shows suck"

I've seen it here time and time again. Bich, moan, and complain somewhere else. If you didn't have acess to one, you'd complain about that. Open market situations aren't perfect...BUT neither are retail outlets all the time.

If you don't like'm...simple solution. Don't go.

I go to look at guns...old, new, whatever. If I find something I want, I ask if it's worth that price to me. If it is, I'll try to buy; and the key word here is try. If I can't come to a compromise with either the seller or myself...I don't get the gun and walk away. And that's true for a storefront or a gun show.

I've been to great shows, to some not so great; but it was my choice to go. No one held a gun to my head and forced me to go. (Subtle attempt at humor here.)

And prices are what they are. Fair market value. Whose value? That's up to two people to decide. Buyer and Seller.

And as for those outrageous prices you don't like...You pack up a load of your own precious guns and rifles...put a price that you want out of them, and offer them to the walk-in public for sale at that ridiculous price you set on it. Put up with average joe who goes to a gun show, not just we wonderfully understanding people that would never ask more than what someone else says is the "right" price on a firearm types, spend two days and pack up after being told your crap aint worth that, and go home.

Yeah, I'm raving. But having been on both sides here..buying and selling...some of you are just freakin whiners!

Get a clue and a life.

And if you are honest about the whole situation, some of you will admit to griping just as much about almost any and every gun shop at one time or another.

^^^^^^^^^ THIS

And it's not just about gunshows. There are people who gripe about everything.

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Gun shows would be even more awesome if they sold candied apples, funnel cakes, and airbrushed T-Shirts. Have to know the crowds to make money and catering to the trailer trash customers that line up like ducks.

Cheap crap scopes, mall ninja ware, overpriced crap that individuals would be too embarrassed to sell to their friends, and snake oil products do well there because people are stupid enough to buy them.

There is, in defense of the shows, an ever smaller population of collectors and C&R folks. Only problem is that they are just there meeting their shooting buddies rather than buying and selling stuff at the tables.

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Guest nicemac
Worse, you cannot carry your gun to them, either you have to let some cop manhandle it or leave it at home or in the car. There needs to be a third option... it stays in its holster, and no one touches it unless the owner gets attacked -- the same rule used at good gun shops (your carry gun is welcome but unload any firearms that are to be inspected/handled/etc by the store clerks).

This is the shocking part about going to a gun show. They are not gun-friendly. I have a carry permit. I can't carry in to a show. However, I can walk into the show unarmed, buy a gun and in the adjacent booth buy ammo and load up and start shooting. Instead, "security" offers to keep my $35 magazine loaded with $15 of high-end ammo but not willing to give me a receipt for it.

"It will be here when you come out."

"What if it isn't?"

Crickets chirping.

"It will be."

"Give me a receipt for it."

"We don't do that."

I took it to the car (that's really safe). I put my gun back in in my holster with no mag and they still had to put a tie-wrap through the mag well. Umm, I have a pocket knife and again, access to both magazines and ammo once in the show…

This little charade is about as silly as anything I have ever seen…

There were really no deals–most things I found were above list price. The internet is the new "gun show" when it comes to getting a great deal on stuff.

I just do not see a reason (for me) to go back to a gun show.

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I hate gun shows. With a passion. Two years ago Joe @ Hero Gear and I tried to start something new in the area... gun shows that weren't your typical gun shows. Maybe it was poor location or just the wrong time of the year to start something like that, but the turnout wasn't all that hot from either the vendors OR the patrons.

I guess I've still got a bad taste in my mouth about the whole thing, but every time I hear someone else complain about how gun shows suck I can't help but think about how bad the turnout was when we tried to do something better. I think most people are content with what they see at these local shows, honestly. ;)

I was at that show that you had (December of 2009 wasn't it?) and enjoyed it but it was clear that it wasn't well attended by either patrons or vendors (although the vendors and factory guys who were there were really good)!

It’s about money.

This is 2011 we can get all the stats, specs, pictures, MSRP, and the lowest price on the net with the click of a mouse button. How is getting a bunch of vendors together to show product going to do any good if they aren’t making a bunch of sales?

At gun shows we want sale prices… and they just aren’t there. I have to assume it’s because they don’t need to lower prices. Used guns are listed here on the forum at new prices; some of them seem to be selling. They are having that show in Murfreesboro ever month. The dealers must be selling guns or they wouldn’t keep coming back.

I have to go 60 miles North or 60 miles south to decent prices. Maybe it’s a good thing I don’t live in Greenbrier or Winchester; I’d be broke all the time. :D

Well of course it's about the money...it has to be. :D At the end of the day both the vendors and the show owners have to make money or it can't last.

I think you are absolutely right - the internet is a MAJOR component of what we've seen happening with gun shows.

It gives us data that was, at best, difficult to come by in years past plus, products are available and often less expensive.

I buy almost everything online today; the only significant exceptions are shoes (because I simply have to try them on to know if they fit properly); groceries (although even that is changing a bit) and actual firearms...most everything, including most of my "firearm related" gear I buy online. Actual firearms I buy from my local dealer and/or private party...but for most other things, including ammo, while I'll usually go to my local dealer first, if they don't have what I'm looking for or if their price is out of line then I buy online.

I do go to local shows (Nashville, Murfreesboro, etc) at least once in a while - it's usually at least mildly entertaining.

Here is a show I'm planning on going to (probably in November this year or maybe next spring): Tulsa Arms Show Not only is it huge but I've read that they have extremely rare antique arms that you are unlikely to see even in a museum.

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