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Corbon DPX Rounds

Guest Perseus MCMXI

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The DPX is expensive, but I have found it to be very good ammo for use in my 9mm pistols in the past. I am currently using Hornady Critical Defense in my 9mm and .45 pistols.

I currently have Powerball and Federal for my 380, but have yet to test it. I am almost certain that I will use Critical Defense .380 ammo as soon as I can locate some.

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For the average HCP holder, I think the most important question to answer is "Does it function reliably in my pistol". If it is a well placed shot, the guy won't care if it was Critical Defense, Powerball, Golden Saber, etc.

When I was trying to decide, I settled on Winchester PDX1 because it was on sale at Academy at the time. I ran 150 rounds without a hitch so that's what I carry.

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Anyone on this board familiar with these rounds?

Looking for a good .380 SD round - recommendations appreciated.

I use critical defense and the solid point buffalo bore in my 380 (sig p238). I have not tried the DPX, but I have used corbon over the years and it has always done a good job. I swapped to hornady & BB because they had 9x18, only reason.

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For the average HCP holder, I think the most important question to answer is "Does it function reliably in my pistol". If it is a well placed shot, the guy won't care if it was Critical Defense, Powerball, Golden Saber, etc.

When I was trying to decide, I settled on Winchester PDX1 because it was on sale at Academy at the time. I ran 150 rounds without a hitch so that's what I carry.


IMO, If you can't buy enough to visit the range with it once a month, and put 300 out of the pipe before you carry, it shouldn't be in your pistol. Rounds chamber, fire and recoil differently. Marksmanship is a severely perishable skill. Lower as many variables to the least common denominator.

Just say no to "caliber" and "expansion vs penetration debates."

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Guest Perseus MCMXI

IMO, If you can't buy enough to visit the range with it once a month, and put 300 out of the pipe before you carry, it shouldn't be in your pistol. Rounds chamber, fire and recoil differently. Marksmanship is a severely perishable skill. Lower as many variables to the least common denominator.

Just say no to "caliber" and "expansion vs penetration debates."


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