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New DVD, "Lessons from the Street"

Guest Tom Givens

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Guest clownsdd
Rangemaster now offers a professionally produced DVD entitled “Lessons from the Street”. This is a lecture over an hour long by Tom Givens, giving a detailed debriefing of ten shooting incidents involving Rangemaster students. After the debriefs, there is a discussion of trends and observations.

This is an opportunity to see what actually happens in private citizen self defense shootings. Your choice of equipment and your training should reflect the realities of armed confrontations involving CCW. This DVD is only $14.95 plus $2.00 shipping. To order yours, call 901-370-5600.

No offense, but gotta side with Dan, regardless of your "stature" in the gun world. You are supposed to abide by the rules and regulations, just like you teach in your classes. Join, be a benefactor and then sell your product.

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Guest clownsdd
You appear to be the ONLY person, probably on all of TGO, who is / was clueless about who Tom Givens is.

I don't speak for him, but maybe, just maybe, Mr. Givens doesn't need marketing help from an anonymous poster he knows nothing about, who might just as well be some competitor just looking for ways to bust his balls over something stupid.

Your ignorance over who Mr. Givens is doesn't give you free reign to crap all over his thread, though you appear to believe otherwise. PM's exist for a reason.

So yah, I'm gonna stick with "you don't 'get it'"...

Don't see where Dan crapped on the thread, just made a legitimate comment.....to sell ya gotta be a benefactor...how hard is that? I took my course years ago at Rangemasters and respect Tom for what he knows. But his "stature" in the community does not preclude paying for advertisements.

Me thinks you are the one who doesn't get it.

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Guest Ugrey

Well then report it to a board moderator if it is such a big deal. Why try to take board rule enforcement into your own hands?

By the way, I picked up my copy of the video and it is very good, well worth having. I am glad I found out it is available.

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Well then report it to a board moderator if it is such a big deal. Why try to take board rule enforcement into your own hands?


By the way, I picked up my copy of the video and it is very good, well worth having. I am glad I found out it is available.

Nice, think I'll do the same.

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Guest clownsdd

Wait a minute, not a big deal like some here are trying to make it. No one here was "taking enforcement into their own hands". Just politely reminding a "newby" what the rules are. What is wrong with that?

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Guest maverick

Hey, new to the forum. Speaking of books has anyone read Kyle Lamb's Green Eyes Black Rifles. I was thinking of getting it. He just came out with another one called Stay In the Fight which is how I learned about Green Eyes. Any critiques would be useful. Thanks

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