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Legal Input: Would it be justifiable to pull a handgun in this situation?

Guest WyattEarp

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Guest 6.8 AR

You may be right. I don't belong to that crowd, thankfully. Just posing a question.

Our "society" seems wrapped up in that kind of stupidity. Odd, isn't it?

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Guest rebeldrummer
You may be right. I don't belong to that crowd, thankfully. Just posing a question.

Our "society" seems wrapped up in that kind of stupidity. Odd, isn't it?

it is odd. very. I do have a camera on my phone, but I mostly use to capture my 4 yr olds crazy moments!!!

i dont run around town looking for junk like that??? seems like there is better things they could be doing with their time..

Oh well, different strokes for different strokes!!!

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Also, if you are justified to pull a gun then you are justified to shoot. Now whether you choose to shoot or not is another thing. You can't go around pulling a gun to prevent confrontations unless the confrontation is life threatening in which case dealy force would be justified.

Even though it appears as though the blacks (actually a single black man) were the aggressors in the beginning the whites had an opportunity to retreat but did not. The white women even became aggressive at a point when everything seemed to be calming down. You even hear several blacks saying to just go inside which would have been the smart thing to do. And the black guy in the black shirt was even helping the white kid.

Considering the white women became the primary aggressor I would have considered the reaction the black women had to be reasonable. The white women came up to the the black women in an aggressive manner and the white women did get beat but it wasn't excessive or extended. Had they continued to beat the white women after she was obviously was incapacitated then stopping it some how would have been the right thing to do. If I had some crazy drunk person come up to me and my family acting as though they were going to attack my response would probably be similar.

Now at the end it appeared a bit over the top with 5-6 on the man and 2 on the women. That would have been the only time I personally would have interferred but only if it continued and didn't end so quickly.

I don't see myself being in a situation where I would see something similar to that happening. And as 6.8 siad anyone who is in a situation like that would be stupid to stick around especailly if you are the minority. The majority of what happened was caused by the white women and her inability to shut her mouth.

Would you be justified in pulling a gun? I would say probably so based solely on the video because of the amount of people involved in the beating. But to me no one was is immediate danger of being killed so I probably would have not got involved based on what I saw in the video. But as I said had the beatings continued then yes I would think the use of deadly force would be justified if you thought someone was going to be seriously injured or killed. Something else, had someone been shot or killed on behalf of the whites how do you think the witnesses would have sided?


Correctomundo. Sometimes the best lessons in life have to be learned the hard way. Unfortunately this was a case of stupid on stupid crime. Only one side greatly outnumbered the other but the losing side didn't know when to just take a little humiliation and call it a day.

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I just watched the video and my only thought was if you pulled a gun it better be a submachinegun because the whole bunch of idiots needed shooting. I didn't see anyone that was in the right in the whole bunch.


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I'd opine the correct course of action would to have been call 911 before the white lady exited from her apartment.

Then she should have only ushered the young white male to the safety of her apartment. If he did not respond to her command to "come inside now", then he would be an idiot (which he was) for remaining in a dangerous environment that he refused to leave.

Only if the gang did succeed in gaining entry into her apartment by force, would the use of deadly force be justified at that point, given this particular incident. IMO

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Guest Jvanhoosen

Personally if you can defuse the situation by leaving or getting away then leave. In the carry class and also in the Coast Guard anything you can do to de-escalate the situation is a good thing.

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