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Shelby Farms Park

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Is it posted?

Seems to be a private foundation runs it.

But either county, city, or private, has to be posted to bar carry (except for Knoxville city parks).

If city or county, sign size and content are even mandated, but not for private property.

- OS

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Guest friesepferd

What kind of a park is it?

If it is a city park, it depends on what city it is in.

If it's anything else, you can if it isn't posted (which is probably is)

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There are no signs.

I do wonder how it being run by the Conservancy (sp?) affects things in regards to posting. Shelby county has "opted out" of carry for all county owned parks. They own but do not run Shelby Farms.

Sent from my MB511 using Tapatalk

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Guest KimberChick
Hmm if you ride a bike in from the green line I don't think there is a sign I'll look again next time I go

There is no sign prohibiting it on the greenline...let's stay quiet and keep it that way, please? Whether or not its truly a park property is unclear as it is managed by a private entity, not a municipal government. :(

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Guest db99wj

This is crazy. Was running this afternoon near the wolf river section, this dude was OPEN carrying his, what looked like a Ruger! I couldn't believe it.

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  • 13 years later...

Rise from the dead. I'll be there tomorrow evening for a High school cross country race. Concealed means concealed right? Not too pleased with the location but I didn't pick it.

Edit to add, I did search the park site and have seen nothing about carrying there. Someone can correct me. I'll check the county site as well. I thing I know the answer but I'll take my chances this go round.

Edited by jhc77
added stuff
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5 minutes ago, jhc77 said:

Rise from the dead. I'll be there tomorrow evening for a High school cross country race. Concealed means concealed right? Not too pleased with the location but I didn't pick it.

My understanding if school event is happening at the park, it is not legal to carry in the area of the event.


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Just now, TN_Jim said:

My understanding if school event is happening at the park, it is not legal to carry in the area of the event.


Yeah, I just found 39-17-1311.

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