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Big News These Days

Guest nicemac

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Guest nicemac

What's going on these days?

  • Democrats and Republicans in Washington are refusing to launch any serious attack on our spending deficit and our national debt. The proposed cuts for the ANNUAL budget is only 1/4 of the deficit the country ran just for last MONTH.
  • A New York Congressman (Peter King) is under fire because he dares to hold hearings on the radicalization of Islamic youth in the United States.
  • NPR executive Ron Shiller is caught on tape saying that the Republican Party believes basically in a white, Christian, gun-toting America ... all the while being paid by taxpayer dollars.
  • Teacher's unions are fighting back at any public official who dares to question their power.
  • Gas is already costing $4.00 a gallon in many parts of the country (headed to $5.00) while The Community Organizer rejects any attempts to increase exploration for oil in our country and off our shores.
  • The quality of American education continues to decline while we continue to spend more and more on the useless Department of Education.
  • We're told to believe (by Dear Leader) that his ObamaCare scheme would reduce our deficit. Anyone who even casually paid attention in math class can see that it can't possibly do that.
  • On March 2, two U.S. airmen, Nicholas Alden and Zachary Cuddeback, were gunned down at the airport in Frankfurt, Germany. Shock! It was carried out by a radical Muslim.

What's the biggest news story lately?

Charlie Sheen.

We are in serious trouble.

More Americans know more about what is happening in a stoned playboy's life that what is about to happen in theirs.

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It's definitely a sad state of affairs. I we could just split the country down the middle and let the libs have half of it. We could then build a wall to keep them out of our half when they run out of other peoples' money to spend and people willing to work for a living. Then when they're all dead and gone we could reclaim their land and rebuild the country our founders envisioned and the libs destroyed.

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On March 2, two U.S. airmen, Nicholas Alden and Zachary Cuddeback, were gunned down at the airport in Frankfurt, Germany. Shock! It was carried out by a radical Muslim.

Shhh...didn't you hear it's not fashionable to point this out anymore? It was probably a Palin/Tea Party supporter.

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Guest 6.8 AR

Since you have put together a thread that could have been broken down into eight threads:D, all I can say

is the liberal progressives should be rounded up and sent to Europe, since they love it so much. And,

screw the teacher's unions. Well, Christie and Walker are showing the public who those idiots really

are. Obamacare is over two thousand waivers. For one year, to boot.

For all you relativists out there, 60 billion ain't much, I guess, but it is better than the lib alternative, 2 or 4

with an increase overall, which is really nothing, but Rome wasn't built in one day. Cut the new Republicans

some slack. The Tea Party members are having an effect. Not all is lost.

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...For all you relativists out there, 60 billion ain't much, I guess, but it is better than the lib alternative, 2 or 4

with an increase overall, which is really nothing, but Rome wasn't built in one day. Cut the new Republicans

some slack. The Tea Party members are having an effect. Not all is lost.

And remember, this is still only for 2011 budget, which should have been enacted in October of 2010, before any of these new GOP guys were even elected.

We are now 4.5 months into the fiscal year, with no budget passed.

Not that that's any real defense of the GOP, which I still claim will dissolve most all of the truly conservative members before they can have any lasting effect. The GOP and the Democrat Party are both The Borg.

- OS

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Guest 6.8 AR

That may be true, and adding the fact that the libs didn't even bother with the budget process

in the previous year. They may also be the Borg, but I am still holding on to the Tea Partiers. I don't

like the country clubbing Republicans either. They are as much the problem as any lib.

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..., but I am still holding on to the Tea Partiers. I don't

like the country clubbing Republicans either. They are as much the problem as any lib.

Prob is, not one of them was elected as an independent. All have GOP hooks in now.

We'll never have what the Tea Party is striving for with the existing two party system, and their electees won't change it by becoming part of it.

- OS

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there is NO difference between Democrats and Republican's. If you think there is then you are kidding yourself.

Nothing will ever change until this place goes belly up, I don't mean eyebrow deep in debt. I mean no more money at all, no public services whatsoever. No food, no gasoline, no safe tapwater, grocery stores with bare shelves. Armed bands of scavengers in the streets taking whatver they can. Thats what it will take for anything to change.

Of course once this all happens we will have civil war or China will be supplying rice for the masses to have a meal.

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Nothing will ever change until this place goes belly up, I don't mean eyebrow deep in debt. I mean no more money at all, no public services whatsoever. No food, no gasoline, no safe tapwater, grocery stores with bare shelves. Armed bands of scavengers in the streets taking whatver they can. Thats what it will take for anything to change.

Of course once this all happens we will have civil war ...

Takes two sides for a civil war. What are the opposing factions at that point?

- OS

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Guest 6.8 AR

Mike, there's a huge difference in Republicans and Democrats, until you realize the

progressive movement that has roots in both. That has to be routed out before

you can tell much difference, unfortunately. I doubt people like Rand Paul, Allen West,

Michelle Bachmann and several others would aspire to be a country clubber, at least

from their words and most actions. OS called me a polyanna once, and I guess he was

right, but that movement that got those Republicans elected last time had a lot of

momentum and is building a base that threatens the country clubbers in the Republican

Party. So I think there is a difference between the two. It needs a lot of tweaking, but

that means involvement in the voters. Unless you would rather have those union and wimpy

biotches crying and bitching on every capitol building about their "rights", some things need

to be pushed back against. I'd rather do it with votes than guns, wouldn't you?

But, no, I'm not holding my breath. With everything happening like it is, we might not have

a choice. So I'm still loading bullets:D

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Guest 6.8 AR
Hardly a civil war.

Just anarchy and desperation in all directions.

- OS

From the middle East to Wisconsin, we seem to be getting there.

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From the middle East to Wisconsin, we seem to be getting there.

Environmental economic determinism, I maintain.

Only question in my mind is whether our generation sees the population crash. Maybe will, since the US has sped up the demise as much as it possibly can with inane policies.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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It's definitely a sad state of affairs. I we could just split the country down the middle and let the libs have half of it. We could then build a wall to keep them out of our half when they run out of other peoples' money to spend and people willing to work for a living. Then when they're all dead and gone we could reclaim their land and rebuild the country our founders envisioned and the libs destroyed.

How about this?:shhh:


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