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Close the Car Show Loophole!

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At car shows and swaps throughout the United States, cars are sold in private sales with no dealer being involved. Car shows at which cars are exhibited or offered for sale or exchange provide a convenient and centralized commercial location where criminals and other wrongdoers obtain cars without credit background checks and without records that enable car tracing.

We all know that cars kill and that they are one of the biggest killers in the US. Cars cause accidents and facilitate crimes. Cars even cause mass murder and mayhem (like intentionally driving into a crowd). Cars are a menace that must be tightly controlled.

LINK: Close the Car Show Loophole! | Pro-Gun New Hampshire

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Guest TargetShooter84


It's just a car show....no law against people wanting to sell cars to people without dealers involved. What's the difference between that and craigslist? I sold my Xterra on Craigslist in just 3 wks to the first buyer....saved me a hassle of dealing with a dealer and paperwork.

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It's just a car show....no law against people wanting to sell cars to people without dealers involved. What's the difference between that and craigslist? I sold my Xterra on Craigslist in just 3 wks to the first buyer....saved me a hassle of dealing with a dealer and paperwork.

I think you missed the joke here. Notice how the argument is eerily similar to the "close the gun show loophole" hysteria.

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Guest TargetShooter84
I think you missed the joke here. Notice how the argument is eerily similar to the "close the gun show loophole" hysteria.

Haha oops.

Guess my sarcasm radar isn't working too well today.

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Guest DMasterson

We should make sure that while closing the car show loophole that we make a requirement that automatic (transmission) assault vehicles be regulated by the ATCF (Alcohol, Tobacco, Cars and Firearms).

Additionally, cars with high-capacity gas tanks should be limited to law enforcement only.

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I heard the government is allowing cars to be taken over the border into Mexico illegally. I think it's called Project Car Runner. Supposedly, some of those cars have have been used to commit crimes against some of our agents.

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There was a man a while back who killed his wife with a weedeater, ate her up with a weedeater! There's no "cooling off period on a weedeater! No background check for a weedeater. Dangit! Driveway weeds can wait three days. We need to do something about that too!

... above line stolen from Tim Wilson.

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Guest RevScottie

Problem is you missed one little detail....in order to use the car I purchase it must have a title and tag thus making my purchase traceable which is exactly what many who are not pro gun want to see happen at gun shows.

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Guest m&pc9
Problem is you missed one little detail....in order to use the car I purchase it must have a title and tag thus making my purchase traceable which is exactly what many who are not pro gun want to see happen at gun shows.

Do I have to buy a little license plate to put on the back of the grip? And carry PIP/Liability insurance on my hand gun.

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If you close the car show loophole, you might experience gas rationing next.

That might be Obama's plan...maybe he figures that the pro-car lobby (AAA) is too powerful to get car-show legislation through Congress so he's planning an end-run around Congress by making gasoline all but impossible to buy. The end result will be lot's of gas-guzzling SUVs, Trucks, Muscle/Sport cars sitting in peoples garages and driveways; unusable due to no fuel.

Eventually, however, they'll allow limited amounts of gasoline to be distributed to gas stations but only after they've devised a way to micro-stamp the gasoline so that they can follow it to its end user and wherever the vehicle ti powers is driven.

It's for the children, after all! :poop:

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Problem is you missed one little detail....in order to use the car I purchase it must have a title and tag thus making my purchase traceable which is exactly what many who are not pro gun want to see happen at gun shows.

This isn't exactly the case.....I've bought and sold several cars, never having them titled or licensed in my name. You only have to do this if you wish to operate the car on a public roadway. As long as I operate it on my own property, keep it in the garage, or sell it, these aren't required. Operating the car on a public road isn't a right guaranteed by a constutional amendment.

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Guest RevScottie

Don't forget you will have to have the current owner deliver to you or have a trailer to take it home. Seems then the government would need to outlaw the sales of trailers to slow down the flow of illegal cars.

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Don't forget you will have to have the current owner deliver to you or have a trailer to take it home. Seems then the government would need to outlaw the sales of trailers to slow down the flow of illegal cars.

Well, they could just outlaw trailer hitches, problem solved.

Plus, they could then pull over anyone displaying a trailer hitch.

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Guest The Finn

I bet at least 75% of these cars are fully automatic. In many cases these full auto cars end up in the hands of 16 year old children. With gas tanks allowing travel up to least 300 miles with out refueling. unbelievable....

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Guest pfries
Don't forget you will have to have the current owner deliver to you or have a trailer to take it home. Seems then the government would need to outlaw the sales of trailers to slow down the flow of illegal cars.

I belive there is a loop hole here as well, if I am not mistaken You are allowed to drive your purchased vehicle home from the point of purchase via the most direct route with the dated title in hand.

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